Student Conduct

Supporting a Campus Culture of Respect and Responsibility

Quotation Mark

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill
  • Mission

    The mission of the student conduct program is to develop students and support a campus culture of respect and responsibility through the application of a fair and equitable educational process aimed at preparing students to meet lifelong ethical, social and professional challenges.

  • Program Goals

    • Provide campus leadership and support for the administration of an equitable and developmentally based student conduct program. 
    • Establish and implement comprehensive procedures and protocols to address student conduct.  
    • Develop and deploy a learning outcomes-based sanction program to provide meaningful educational and restorative opportunities for students.
    • Educate the campus community about student rights and responsibilities and support those adversely impacted by student conduct.   
    • Facilitate training opportunities for hearing officers, boards, and officials involved in the student conduct process.
  • Learning Outcomes
    1. Students who have engaged in the student conduct process will be able to describe community expectations for behavior.
    2. Students who have engaged in the student conduct process will be able to identify a congruence between personal values, actions, and community expectations.
    3. Students who have engaged in the student conduct process will be able to identify and apply risk reduction skills or strategies.
    4. Students who have engaged in the student conduct process will be able to describe the impact of their behavior on the community and to themselves.
    5. Students who have engaged in the student conduct process will be able to articulate personal and community expectations for future behavior and life decisions.
  • Reporting Incidents

    Members of the campus community who wish to file a complaint about a student's (or a student organization's) conduct, which they believe violated University rules and regulations, may do so by going to the Report an Incident page to find the most appropriate reporting form.     

    For more information about filing a student conduct incident report and what the complainant's role may be during the student conduct process, please refer to the following guide: Filing A Student Conduct Incident

  • Reporting Forms

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