Report an Incident

Information About How to Report a Student Conduct Concern

Reporting forms for various types of incidents are available to the campus community. Please choose the form that most closely aligns with your situation. When reporting a concern please keep in mind that depending on the circumstances involved as well as applicable laws or policy, the university may not be able to guarantee complete confidentiality of the reporting party.  If reporting an emergency or crime requiring an immediate response, please first immediately call Public Safety at 610-683-4001 or dial 911. 

  • Report a Student Conduct Incident

    This form should be used to report student conduct violations that may be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct (e.g. alcohol, drugs, harassment, vandalism, disorderly conduct, etc.) AND that is not related to hazing, academic dishonesty or Title IX (e.g. sexual assault, sexual harassment dating violence, stalking, etc.).  Reporting forms for those categories of violations are found on this page. 

    >> To report an alleged student conduct violation, please use the online reporting form available here.

  • Report a Sexual Misconduct Incident

    If you have questions about whether a behavior falls under Title IX or KU's Sexual Misconduct Policy, please contact the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Social Equity. If you are a Responsible Employee, you have an obligation to report relationship violence, sexual misconduct, or stalking to the university.

    >> To report alleged sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking, involving students please use the online reporting form available here.

    >> Please consult with the Office of Social Equity () for reporting requirements and additional information.   

  • Report a Hazing Incident

    Kutztown University of Pennsylvania takes any allegation of hazing very seriously. In order to help effectively respond to hazing, please complete this form with as much detail as possible. The university will respond to all reports of hazing to the fullest extent possible and encourages all members of the community to promptly report hazing.

    >> To report an incident of alleged hazing involving a university organization, group or individual, please use the online reporting form available here.

  • Report a Bias-Related Incident

    Members of the campus community who have been the targets of, or who witnessed, hate or bias-related incidents may use this online form to make the University aware of these incidents. When reporting hate or bias incidents through this form, please also note the university will make every effort to respect your privacy. However, please be aware that in certain circumstances involving safety or criminal action, the university may not be able to guarantee complete anonymity. 

    >> To report a bias-related incident please use the online reporting form available here.

  • Report a Student of Concern (Student Assistance)

    For information on what is meant by concerning behavior, please visit the university's Dean of Students & Student Assistance pages. Specifically, you may find it helpful to review information on When should I contact the Office of the Dean of Students? Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to use the online referral form to report behavior that they perceive as concerning, worrisome, or threatening.

    >> To report, please use the online reporting form available here.

  • Report an Academic Dishonesty Incident

    Academic Honesty Policy violations include but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating on an exam or course assignment, and falsifying information. 

    >> To report alleged academic dishonesty involving undergraduate students, please refer to the Academic Honesty - Undergraduate Students Policy (ACA-027). Contact the Registrar's Office for more information. A reporting form is available at the Registrar's website here.  

    >> To report alleged academic dishonesty involving graduate students, please refer to the Academic Honesty - Graduate Students Policy (ACA-087).  Contact Graduate Studies for more information. A reporting form is available at the Registrar's website here.