Budget Transfers

Budget Transfer Process

Send an email to the Budget Office providing the following information:

    1. Amount of the transfer

    2. 10-digit Fund Center account numbers and names of both Sending and Receiving accounts (ex. from Budget Office 4511041600 to Procurement Services 4511041200)

    3. Description/Reason for transfer

    4. Cc: Sending Department Head/Chair to indicate approval

    5. Cc: Receiving department

The Budget Office will confirm by email when the transfer has been completed. No forms/signatures are needed. It is the same process whether covering a shortage, sharing in the cost of something, or just moving budget funds. Please view the budget transfer policy

Budget Availability Check

The department's operating budget should be reviewed prior to requesting transfers, sending expense reimbursements and check requisitions to Accounts Payable, or creating purchase requisitions. Budget funds must be available to cover the amount. If there are not enough funds in the Other Expenses line to cover a requested budget transfer, the Budget Office may contact the department before initiating the transfer.

Note: If a budget issue is encountered, including a Budget Exceeded error message, while entering a purchase requisition, please save the preliminary requisition in SAP until the necessary budget transfer is complete. This will prevent re-entering all the information previously completed. If there are not enough funds in the Other Expenses line when creating a new requisition, please email the Budget Office to request a budget transfer.