Kutztown University’s Commission on the Status of Women and Gender Issues
Elder Care Workshop
Ann Barlet, Berks County Area Agency on Aging and Robert R. Kreitz, Attorney at Law
Thursday, April 18, 2024
11 – 11:50 a.m. in Academic Forum 102
also available via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 931 8410 7622
Passcode: 742349
contact pytleski@kutztown.edu to RSVP
Open to ALL students, faculty, and staff.
cOMMITTEE Description
The Commission on the Status of Women addresses equity issues of concern to all women at the university. The commission will make recommendations to the Commission on Human Diversity concerning the conditions necessary for women students, faculty, staff and administrators to assert their expectations of respect, recognition and reward with special attention to minority women and the under-utilization of the talents and perspectives of women throughout the university. Meetings: third Thursday of the month during the semester. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 10 of the 27 members.
Reports to Administrative Council.
For more information please contact:
University Senate
Email: senate@kutztown.edu
Phone: 610.683.4856
Students are invited to participate in the Kutztown University Governance and Advisory Committees. This is a great way to get to know others at the university, become a part of the decision-making process and have your voice heard. No prior experience necessary, just a genuine interest in being an active part of the community!
Student Government Board reviews online applications on a rolling basis and makes student placements in early September. Questions? Please contact Leah in Student Involvement at casselli@kutztown.edu.
Union Committee Representative: To be considered for a committee union position please contact a union representative.