- Personal and Ethical Foundations: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, awareness and understanding of one's values and beliefs as related to professional codes of ethics and principles of personal wellness.
- Values, Philosophy, and History: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, a basic understanding of the values, philosophy and history of the student affairs profession as relevant to professional practice in the field.
- Assessment, Evaluation, and Research: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, an understanding and ability to design, conduct, critique, and utilize various AER methodologies and the results from them to inform professional practice.
- Law, Policy, and Governance: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, an understanding of policy development processes used in various contexts; the application of legal constructs, compliance/policy issues; and governance structures and their impact upon professional practice.
- Organizational and Human Resources: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, an understanding of the scale, scope, and interactivity of the human and organizational resources involved in the professional practice of student affairs within the context of higher education.
- Leadership: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, a basic understanding of concepts, principles, and dynamics of leadership, leadership processes, and leadership development, both generally and in the context of higher education. This includes understanding processes of student leadership and development.
- Social Justice and Inclusion: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, awareness, and understanding of issues of oppression, privilege, and power and their manifestations, along with the impact they have upon our personal and professional interactions with those with whom we work, especially college students. Additional focus is placed upon understanding social justice and advocacy-oriented practices and skills.
- Student Learning and Development: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, a critical understanding of learning and development theories and their use in constructing learning outcomes. This includes the ability to apply theory to improve and inform student affairs and teaching practice.
- Technology: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ASPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, understanding of the use of digital tools, resources, and technologies for the advancement of student learning, development, and success as well as digital literacy necessary for improved professional practice.
- Advising and Supporting: Students will demonstrate, consistent with ACPA, NASPA, and CAS objectives, development of capacities for individual interventions that entail listening, direction, feedback, critique, referral, and guidance; understanding of group dynamics; management of conflict and crisis situations; and collaboration with others on and off-campus.
Note: The American College Personnel Association (ASPA), the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) have endorsed the above ten areas as competencies and learning outcomes for graduate preparation programs in student affairs in higher education. Each area has a list of foundational level knowledge, dispositions, and skills that should be addressed in graduate training programs and that students should be prepared to meet by graduation. The curriculum for the Kutztown University Student Affairs in Higher Education Graduate Program includes a course(s) that addresses each competency area.