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Database Certificate Program

Become the ultimate data master with our database certificate.

Quick Look


Undergraduate Certificate





Kutztown University’s Database Design and Implementation Certificate is a three-course database certificate that teaches you how to speak, breathe and dream in the database language.

The database certificate offers a solid foundation in the design, development and utilization of real-life database systems without the commitment to a full degree.

So, are you ready to become a data master?

Why Choose KU for a Database Certificate

Whether you’re a software developer or a computer science or information technology major, our database design certificate is a powerful addition to your career and education.

You will learn how to build and manage database projects from scratch while working with real-world case studies and database tools. These are the database skills that companies are looking for.

So, why should you choose Kutztown University specifically for a database certificate?

  1. Our tuition is attractive and affordable
  2. We ensure a high-quality education
  3. Our professors care about your success
  4. Our beautiful campus is located between two urban cities

What Skills Will I Gain with a Database Certificate

Our database design certificate provides core training in the language of coding, database structure and application programming.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what you’ll learn in your three database classes:


What You’ll Learn


CSC 256: SQL Programming

  • Create relational databases
  • Modify relational databases
  • Query relational databases
  • Understand the SQL language


CSC 356: Introduction to Database Management Systems

  • Understand relational database concepts
  • Create, modify, and access databases, such as Sequel Server, MySQL or Oracle (depending on the instructor)
  • Dive into advanced database topics


CSC 456: Database Management Systems I

  • Understand essential database concepts
  • Learn data models
  • Practice database design principles
  • Design and implement database applications to real-world problems


Student Learning Outcomes

Quotation Mark

The database certificate program allows students to unlock the power of databases in the world of decision-making. This comprehensive program is designed for undergraduate students and covers the essentials—from conceptual modeling to hands-on SQL skills to design and implement databases for real-world problems.

Tauqueer Hussain, Professor, Computer Science

Database Certification FAQ