Information about GEC & GEAC

The General Education Committee (GEC) and the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) were standing committees that met regularly from 2010 until December 2023. As of January 2024, their responsibilities have been overseen by a combined committee: the General Education Program & Assessment Committee (GEPAC).

General Education Committee (GEC)

The General Education Committee (GEC) was a standing committee reporting to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC). According to the UCC bylaws, the primary purpose of the GEC was to make recommendations about both new and existing courses to be included in the General Education curriculum. Any changes to the General Education Program were recommended by the GEC to the UCC, which retained final approval. The GEC established its own set of bylaws and operating procedures.

The membership of the GEC consisted of eight faculty members (one from each of the four undergraduate colleges and another four elected at large), the Provost or their designee, and one student.

Bylaws - Updated 2018
GEC Minutes

General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC)

The purpose of the General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) was to collect and analyze assessment data from Kutztown University's General Education Program, which consists of eight Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Each year, the GEAC was responsible for submitting data-informed recommendations to the Division of Academic Affairs, the University Curriculum Committee, and the General Education Committee on ways to improve the structure and content of the General Education Program at Kutztown University.

The membership of the GEAC consisted of eight faculty members (one from each of the four undergraduate colleges and another four elected at large), one academic dean, a representative from the Office of Assessment, the chair of the GEC, the Provost or their designee, and one student.

GEAC Minutes
GEAC Annual Reports

The General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC) was formed in December 2010. Since that time, the GEAC met regularly.