Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Composition Courses for Students

Can I use Advanced Placement exam credit for COMP 100-level or COMP 200-level courses? 

If you report a score of 3, you may receive credit for a COMP 100-level course. You can choose to take a COMP 100-level course even if you scored high enough on the AP exam.  

KU does not substitute AP credit for a COMP 200-level course. These courses provide students with practice in information literacy which cannot be easily tested via timed exams.  

Can I use dual-enrollment or transfer credit for COMP 100-level and COMP 200-level courses?  

Often, yes, you may. Once you officially report these course credits to the Registrar, you may be granted credit if they are determined to be equivalent to our COMP courses. You can learn more about transfer credits on the Registrar’s page.  

How do I sign up for COMP courses?  

If you are a first-semester freshman or a transfer student, your schedule will be built for you by KU staff or faculty. This may include a COMP course.  

Otherwise, you can register for COMP courses during the advising period each semester. You should meet with your faculty advisor to plan your schedule for each semester; at that time, the advisor can assist you in choosing a COMP course.  

Do I have to take a COMP 100-level before a 200-level? 

Yes, you need to complete a 100-level course before taking a 200-level course. 

Can I take more than one COMP 100-level or 200-level course?  

COMP 100-level courses count only in the General Education A-1 category.   

Currently, the General Education program does allow you use differently numbered COMP 200-level courses in General Education categories A-2 and A-4. For instance, COMP 200 might be used in A-2, and COMP 201 used in A-4. However, we encourage students to explore the variety of courses, beyond COMP, that can satisfy A-4.  

Is COMP 200 the only course that will satisfy the General Education A-2 requirement?  

No, you can take 200, 201, or 202. Be sure to read the course descriptions and syllabi to know what the thematic and reading focus of each course is.  

What do writing-focused A-4 courses do?  

Many courses across our departments can satisfy the General Education A-4 requirement for Communicating with and about the World. These courses do not have the COMP-prefix, but use the prefix of the department in which they are taught, e.g.: ENGL 248, or COMM 201. 

Writing is, no surprise, central to these courses, but that writing may look very different depending on the department offering the course. Professors will ask you to practice forms of writing typical of their discipline and may focus on using writing to develop and increase content knowledge in that area. As in the COMP courses, process is key—you will receive feedback on your writing and have opportunities to revise your work. 

Do writing-focused A-4 courses have any prerequisites? 

Writing-focused A4 courses have a prerequisite of a COMP 100-level course. That is, you must take and pass a COMP 100-level course before enrolling in an A-4 course. 

All of the COMP sections are filled! What can I do?  

Most sections of COMP do not have waiting lists, and professors cannot add you to their filled sections. If the section of COMP you desire is filled, you can look for openings in it during the Drop/Add period, the first eight days of the semester. If no openings occur, you will need to wait until the next class semester to take the course. Sometimes, COMP is offered during Winter and Summer sessions, too.   

Can I get help with my writing assignments?  

Yes, you can! The Kutztown University Writing Center is a free resource on campus dedicated to providing students with assistance at any point in their process—from finding a topic to polishing a final draft. The Center offers in-person and online appointments. Visit the Writing Center's webpage for more information and to schedule an appointment.