Academic Exceptions Committee


Academic Exceptions Committee: Provides an appeal process for students to request a waiver of specific academic policies. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 6 of the 12 members.

  • Membership

    Position and Term Length



    Registrar; ex-offico

    Ben Trout, Chairperson


    Staff member from Registrar's office serves as Secretary; ex-offico

    Jill McClincey


    Dean of Graduate Studies; ex-offico

    Carl J. Sheperis


    Financial Aid Office Representative

    Nicole Weising


    Student Assistance Coordinator in the Dean of Students Office

    Nadia Daher, Student Advocate


    College of Business Representative** (3 years)

    Bradley Congelio


    College of Education Representative** (3 years)

    Krista Varano


    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Representative** (3 years)

    Yoon Mi Kim


    College of Visual & Performing Arts Representative** (3 years)

    Russell Rober


    Graduate Faculty Representative** (3 years)

    Joanne Cohen


    Graduate Faculty Representative** (3 years)

    Michael Covello


    Counseling Center Faculty Representative (2 years)

    Cara Sanfilippo


    Student Representative

    Brett Yagiello


    * Indefinite Term of Office
    ** Appointed by Committee on Committees

  • Mission & Bylaws
  • Meeting Times

    Meetings are scheduled as needed.

  • Agenda & Minutes

    Minutes are confidential.

  • Petition Process

    Academic Exceptions Committee Petition

    The Academic Exceptions Committee (AEC) meets once per month during the academic year. Students are encouraged to meet with Nadia Daher in Student Assistance for help in understanding the process and preparing their petition. Ms. Daher is located in 109 Stratton Administration Center and can be reached at or 610-683-4169. Please meet with Nadia before submitting your petition.

    Petitions are submitted electronically through this link: Academic Exceptions Committee Petition and must include:

    • The form, indicating your request
    • Your statement
    • Documentation to support your request
    • Support from a KU faculty or staff member
    • If you receive financial aid in grants or loans, a statement from Financial Aid Services to ensure that the exception - if granted - will not result in financial repercussions whose severity might outweigh the positive effect of having your semester backdated

    Request: Examples of requests include, but are not limited to:

    • An additional semester of academic probation following academic dismissal
    • A backdated withdrawal to W grading from (year/semester)
    • A backdated withdrawal to remove courses from (year/semester)

    Statement: Address your statement to the "Academic Exceptions Committee" and explain:

    1. Why you wish to receive this exception;
    2. what was going on at the time that caused the need for the exception; and
    3. what you have done in the meantime or are doing now that will help you do better in the future.

    Documentation: Must support/backup any claims you list in your statement as a reason why you are asking for an exception.

    Support: You must get support from a KU faculty or staff member for your petition to move forward to the AEC. Support should be emailed to Nadia Daher in Student Assistance at and include "AEC Petition Support" in the subject line.

    Petition Deadlines: Petitions must be submitted at least one week before the next AEC meeting. Petitions submitted after the deadline will be deferred until the next meeting. Petition submission deadlines for the Fall meetings:

    • September 18, 2024 for the September AEC meeting
    • October 16, 2024 for October AEC meeting
    • November 13, 2024 for November AEC meeting

For more information regarding committee membership please contact:

University Senate


Phone: 610.683.4856

Students are invited to participate in the Kutztown University Governance and Advisory Committees. This is a great way to get to know others at the university,  become a part of the decision-making process and have your voice heard.  No prior experience necessary, just a genuine interest in being an active part of the community!

Student Government Board will review online applications on a rolling basis and makes student placements in early September.  Questions?  Please contact Leah in Student Involvement at   

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