Policy Register

The Policy Register is a compendium of all the rules and regulations that have been formally approved through the Shared Governance System at KU. They are organized by administrative division at KU.

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Academic & Student Affairs

Policy NumberTitle
ACA-001 Class Coverage
ACA-002 Class Times and Locations
ACA-005 Field Trips
ACA-006 Weather Cancellations of Classes
ACA-007 Course Numbering
ACA-008 Repeating Courses - Undergraduate Students
ACA-009 Auditing Graduate Courses
ACA-010 Auditing Undergraduate Courses
ACA-011 Course Withdrawals
ACA-012 University Withdrawals
ACA-013 Pass/Fail Grading - Undergraduate Students
ACA-015 Making Up Canceled Evening Classes
ACA-016 Class Attendance
ACA-017 400-Level Courses
ACA-018 Advanced Placement
ACA-019 Transfer Credits
ACA-020 Dean's List
ACA-021 Minor Programs
ACA-022 Ten Year Rule
ACA-025 Final Assessments
ACA-026 Leave of Absence for Undergraduate Students
ACA-027 Academic Honesty
ACA-029 Change of Major, Minor, or Academic Advisor
ACA-030 BS In Education Without Certification
ACA-031 Admission Guidelines for Undergraduate International Students
ACA-032 Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
ACA-033 Visiting Student Program - Undergraduate Students
ACA-034 Individualized Instruction
ACA-036 Course Guides
ACA-037 Graduate Admissions
ACA-038 Graduate Course Repeats, Grades, and CGPA
ACA-039 Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs
ACA-040 Human Subjects Research
ACA-041 Tenure for Faculty
ACA-042 Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal of Undergraduate Students
ACA-043 Classification of Students
ACA-044 College Level Boards
ACA-045 Criminal Record Check of Students in Teaching and School Counseling
ACA-046 Curriculum Routing Procedures
ACA-047 Grade Appeal
ACA-048 Course Grading - Undergraduate Students
ACA-049 Graduate Faculty
ACA-050 Graduation with Honors
ACA-051 Independent Study
ACA-052 Permission to Study at another College or University
ACA-055 Undergraduate Academic Forgiveness
ACA-057 GPA Calculations and Transfer Grades
ACA-059 Promotion for Faculty
ACA-060 Personal Response Devices
ACA-061 Granting Posthumous Degrees/ Diplomas/ Certificates
ACA-065 Career Development Center Guidelines and Statement of Eligibility
ACA-066 Sponsored Project Payroll Certification
ACA-067 Policy for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct
ACA-068 Conflict of Interest Policy
ACA-069 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
ACA-070 Declaring a Major
ACA-071 Multiple Majors/Degrees - Undergraduate Students
ACA-072 Simultaneous Degrees - Graduate Students
ACA-073 Second Degree - Undergraduate Students
ACA-074 Second Degree - Graduate Students
ACA-075 Graduate Transfer Credit
ACA-076 Graduation Requirements – Graduate Students
ACA-077 Graduation Requirements – Undergraduate Students
ACA-078 Residency Requirements – Graduate Students
ACA-079 Residency Requirements – Undergraduate Students
ACA-080 Final Examination Conflict Policy – Undergraduate Students
ACA-081 Tuition Waiver for Retired Persons
ACA-082 Veteran and Active Duty Military - Course Scheduling
ACA-083 Visiting Student Program – Graduate Students
ACA-084 University Diplomas
ACA-085 Academic Probation and Dismissal of Graduate Students
ACA-086 Commencement Ceremony Regalia
ACA-087 Academic Honesty - Graduate Students
ACA-088 Pass/Fail Grading – Graduate Students
ACA-089 Time Limitations – Graduate Degree Completion
ACA-090 Attendance Compliance for Reporting to Federal Government
ACA-091 Course Grading – Graduate Students
ACA-092 Automatic Archiving of Courses
ADV-002 College Level Examination Program
STU-001 Alcohol Policy
STU-007 Crisis Management for Health Related Issues
STU-008 Eligibility for University Counseling Services
STU-009 Evaluation and Management of Students with Psychological Emergencies
STU-012 Health & Wellness Center Services to Employees
STU-018 Posting and Chalking Policy
STU-031 On Campus Sales and Fundraising Policy (UNDER REVIEW)
STU-032 Good Samaritan Policy for Alcohol & Other Drug Incidents
STU-035 Admissions Review Process for Applicants with Prior Felony Convictions and/or Disciplinary Separations
STU-036 Student Preferred Name
STU-037 Housing Review Process for Applicants with Prior Criminal Convictions and/or Disciplinary Separations

Administration & Finance

Policy NumberTitle
A&F-001 Budget Transfer Policy
A&F-002 Collection of Funds
A&F-003 Compressed Gas Cylinders
A&F-004 Emergency Evacuation And Fire Drills Non-Residence Buildings
A&F-005 Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal
A&F-006 Infectious Waste Management and Disposal
A&F-007 Key & Lock Policy
A&F-008 Kutztown University ID Card
A&F-010 Membership Policy
A&F-011 Off Campus Involvement by University Personnel
A&F-012 Procurement of Goods, Services, Supplies, & Construction
A&F-013 Right to Know Policy
A&F-014 Refunds of Tuition and Fees
A&F-015 Sealing Student Records
A&F-017 Meal Plan Exemptions
A&F-018 Travel Expense Regulations
A&F-020 Tuition Waiver for Non-Instructional Personnel Taking Professional Development Work at Kutztown University
A&F-021 University Asset Responsibility
A&F-023 Use of University Vehicles
A&F-024 Fireworks, Open Fires and Charcoal Grills
A&F-025 Criminal Background Investigations
A&F-026 Records Retention Policy
A&F-027 Facility Naming Policy
A&F-028 Stairway and Corridor Fire Safety Policy
A&F-029 Employee Recognition
A&F-030 Possession of Deadly or Offensive Weapons on Kutztown University Campus
A&F-031 Drones, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles
A&F-032 Moving Expenses Regulations Policy
A&F-033 Employee Preferred Name
STU-010 Fall Sports Camps
STU-011 Gates and Barriers
STU-013 Housing Fees - Charges and Refunds
STU-014 Housing Application Process
STU-016 Motor Vehicle Regulations
STU-019 Personal Protective Services
STU-020 Possession, Carrying, Storage and Use of Personal Firearms
STU-021 PRIDE Program
STU-023 Residence Hall Student Damage Billing
STU-024 Skate Boards, Scooters, Hoverboards, Roller Skates, and Roller Blades
STU-025 Special Parking Permits
STU-027 Use of Multi-Purpose Facilities
STU-028 Visiting Bus Plans (Discharging/Parking/Pick-Up)
STU-030 Winter/Spring Break Housing For Athletes
STU-034 Missing Student Notification Policy


Policy NumberTitle
ADV-001 Camps & Conferences

Council of Trustees

Policy NumberTitle
COT-001 Firearms for Public Safety & Police Services Officers
COT-002 Non-Sponsored Demonstrations, Presentations, and Non-Commercial Literature Distribution
COT-003 Selection Process of Student Trustee
COT-004 Retirement Recognition
COT-005 Miscellaneous Fee Authority Delegation
COT-006 Presidential Authority to Waive Locally Established Fees
COT-007 Identity Theft Prevention Policy
COT-008 No Trespass Order Policy
COT-009 Medical Marijuana Policy

Enrollment Management

Policy NumberTitle
ACA-063 Financial Aid Services
ACA-064 Admissions Guidelines

Equity & Compliance

Policy NumberTitle
DIV-001 Accessible Meetings, Events, Programs
DIV-002 Reasonable Accommodations for Employees
DIV-003 Animals on Campus – Policies and Procedure
DIV-004 Accommodations and Services for Students with Disabilities
DIV-007 Sexual Misconduct Policy
DIV-008 Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedures
DIV-009 Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures
DIV-010 Title IX Exemptions Policy
DIV-011 Amorous Relationships Policy

General Policies

Policy NumberTitle
GEN-001 Campus Smoking Policy
GEN-003 Weather-Related Schedules
GEN-004 Protection-Supervision of Minors
GEN-005 Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
GEN-006 Audio and Video Recording
GEN-007 Third-Party Providers