Cover Sheet for UCC Proposals

UCC Proposal Cover Sheet Revised Fall 2023 Revision

Effective March 24, 2024, all proposals, even those already in process, must use the new Banner Codes for major and minor programs and the new 4-digit course prefixes.

Frequently Asked Questions on Completing the Curriculum Proposal Cover Sheet:

Name/Title Field:

  • If the proposal is for new course, policy, or program, put the NEW NAME in this field.
  • If the proposal is for a change in name, use the NEW NAME.
  • If the proposal is for a change to an existing course, policy, or program, use the CURRENT NAME.

Contact Person/Phone:

  • This is the person to be contacted if any of the approving bodies have any questions.

Identification Number:

  • This is a 3-letter, 5-number designation assigned by the chair of the College Curriculum Committee or the chair of the Interdisciplinary Program Committee for tracking purposes (e.g., LAS 08013). The three letters are the abbreviation for the College.  The first three numbers indicate the sequential or accession number of the proposal.  For example, the fifth proposal from VPA would be VPA005.  The last two digits are the academic year.  The 19th proposal from the College of Business for the 2024 academic year would be COB 01924.

Table 1, Action Items:

  • Check as many boxes as are appropriate for the proposal.

Table 2, Approval Sequence: 

This list is an abbreviated version of the “Routing Procedures” for curriculum proposals, as fully detailed in the UCC’s Bylaws.

    • A. Initiating Department: required of all course and program proposals.
    • B. Interdisciplinary Program Committee: required only if the proposal impacts an interdisciplinary program (e.g., Women’s Studies).
    • C. Honors Committee: required only if the proposal impacts the Honors Program (e.g., the course has an HON prefix).
    • D. College Curriculum Committee: required of all course and program proposals, both undergraduate and graduate.
    • E. General Education Committee: required only if the proposal impacts General Education.
    • F. University Curriculum Committee: required for all proposals.
    • G. University President: required for all proposals.

If you are not sure exactly which approvals are necessary, contact your representative to the UCC. It is generally the responsibility of the contact person to obtain the approvals of all appropriate bodies.

Routing notes:

  • Selected Topics courses and One-Time Only courses are sent directly to UCC after approval at the department level. If this proposal impacts other courses/programs, then consult with other departments prior to submission of the proposal to your College Curriculum Committee. Course with more than one prefix must be approved by all involved colleges.

Table 3, Documents:

  • The 3rd column of Table 1, list supporting documents required for a proposal. If these documents are missing, the proposal may be tabled. Four of the categories require a short explanation:
  • #3. Summary of request: A statement that provides specific details to justify the proposal beyond the information on the cover sheet. For example, if the proposal is for a change in course title, then the summary of request would include both the old and new titles.
  • #6. Assessment Memo:
    • a) List the data that informed the decision-making for the proposal;
    • b) Include a copy of the program-level curriculum map highlighting where the course fits;
    • c) Explain how the course fits into the program’s assessment plan.
  • #8. If the proposal impacts other courses/programs, then consult with affected department and attach e-mail communication prior to submission of the proposal to your College Curriculum Committee.Courses with more than one prefix must be approved by all involved colleges.

Table 4, Effective Date:

  • Check the appropriate box, and fill in the year.
  • In order to guarantee that a course proposal is included on the Spring schedule the President must approve the proposal by October 1. In order to guarantee a course proposal is included on the Fall schedule, the President must approve the proposal by March 1.
  • New program and program versions are effective the corresponding semester of the following academic year after they have been passed by the UCC. The UCC reserves the right to grant exceptions in unique circumstances.