Graduate Student Research

The Graduate Student Conference Presentation Grant provides funding for graduate students to present their scholarly work at professional meetings and conferences.

Graduate Student Grant Guidelines & Application

Grant Recipients

  • 2023-2024

    Kealsey Beecham (Doctor of Social Work)

    Domestic Violence Service Adequacy in Urban vs. Rural Pennsylvania

     Amelia Coates (MA Arts Administration)

    The Responsibility of Museum Educators to Address Provenance: A Review of The Brutish Museums by Dan Hicks

     Mallie Culpepper-Yablonsky (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    Culturally Integrating Nuestra Juventud: Understanding Spanish-speaking Multilingual Learners through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

     Elliot Elbaum (MA Marriage, Couple, & Family Counseling)

    College Counseling in a Post-Covid Era

     Alice Fischer (Doctor of Social Work)

    Developing an Academic School Social Work Research Center: A Partnership with the Practice Community

     ElisaBeth Hutchinson (MA Marriage, Couple, & Family Counseling)

    Practice Across State Lines: Ethics in the Context of the Compact

     Beth Lattanzi (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    Exploring the Representation of Diversity Within a Professor’s Personal Classroom Book Collection: How a Professor and Students Experienced the Effects of DEI Instruction and an Equity Audit

     Melissa Moxley (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    More Than Just Checking a Box: Teachers' Experiences of Equity-focused Professional Learning

     Giovanni Negron-Garcia (M.Ed. Student Affairs / Higher Education)

    Intergroup Dialogue and Advancing DEI in Higher Education (and Beyond)

     Tessa Palmer (Doctor of Social Work)

    The Benefits of Nature-Based Education

    Jaclyn Rodick (M.Ed. Student Affairs / Higher Education)
    Aaron Springer (M.Ed. Student Affairs / Higher Education)

    Fostering a Culture of Collaboration in the Widening Skills Gap

    Rachel Rubright (MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling)

    Outside In: An Indoor Model for Ecotherapy in the Treatment of Trauma

    Jessica Smith (M.Ed. Student Affairs / Higher Education)
    Erica Nemitz (M.Ed. Student Affairs / Higher Education)

    Restructuring the Path of Return: Post-Pandemic Effects on Students' Mental Health in Higher Education and Its Impact on Student Affairs

    Christopher Thomas (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    Equity in Focus: Empowering Teachers for Transformational Change

    Mara Thompson (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    Hidden Meanings in Elementary Instrumental Music Method Books: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis

    Rachael Van Doren (MS School Counseling Licensure)

    Practice Across State Lines: Ethics in the Context of the Compact

    Marissa Wallace (Education Doctorate in Transformational Teaching and Learning)

    Equity in Focus: Empowering Teachers for Transformational Change

    Enock Yeboah (MED SEU/CURR & INSTR)

    Standardized Test as a Form of Gatekeeping in Ghana

  • 2022-2023

    Jay Boyer (MA English)

    Player or Pawn? Culpability within Found Footage Inspired Video Games

    Adam Christian (MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling)

    A Neuroscience-Informed Guiding Metaphor for Graduate Counseling Students

    Bailey Higgins (DSW Social Work)

    Without a Village: Motherhood, Child Care, and COVID-19

    Lakshmi Nair Kanangottu (MA Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling)

    Radical Engagement of Refugee Families within a Collaborative, Community-Base Clinical Trauma Counseling Program: Three Case Illustrations

    Heather Miller (DSW Social Work)

    Connections is Key! Supporting Older Youth Transitioning from Foster Care

    Jordan Pettit (MS School Counseling Licensure)

    Motivating Factors for Kindness in High School Youth; Does Observation of Kind Acts Increase Subjective Happiness and Optimism?

    Victoria Smurthwaite (MA English)

    Dead at the Mountain’s Feet: Blame and Vengeance in Dwarven and Human Ruins

    Melissa Stough (Student Affairs in Higher Education)

    From Private to Public: The Transfer Student Experience

  • 2021-2022

    Brian Fritz (Clinical Mental Health Counseling)

    Money Scripts in Counseling: Empowering Clients to be Financially Well

    Emonie Reviere (Clinical Mental Health Counseling)

    Money Scripts in Counseling: Empowering Clients to be Financially Well

    Mike Turrell (School Counseling Licensure)

    Money Scripts in Counseling: Empowering Clients to be Financially Well

2024 NASPA Annual Conference

Graduate student Giovanni Negron-Garcia presented his research, Intergroup Dialogue and Advancing DEI in Higher Education (and Beyond), at the conference in Seattle, WA.

2024 NASPA Annual Conference

Graduate student Giovanni Negron-Garcia presenting his research, Intergroup Dialogue and Advancing DEI in Higher Education (and Beyond), at the conference in Seattle. Attendees learned how to contribute to group dialogue in ways that will positively impact their community of higher learning (and beyond).

Attendees at the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference

Graduate student Giovanni Negron-Garcia presented his research, Intergroup Dialogue and Advancing DEI in Higher Education (and Beyond).

man standing in front of glass wall with a sign above him that reads Seattle Convention Center Summit
man standing behind podium speaking next to large screen
people sitting in chairs white and tan background