URL redirects
Redirect URLs for pages on Kutztown University's website.
Current Kutztown University Short URLs (as of 8/24) | |
www.kutztown.edu/ |
150 | |
2StepAuth | |
AcademicAchievementAawards | |
AcademicEnrichment | |
academics-cs-highlights | |
accepted | |
accounting | |
act48 | |
actuarial | |
adpca | |
Advantage | |
AIMS | |
anthropology | |
AnthropologySociology | |
AppliedDigitalArts | |
apply | |
art | |
ArtDesign | |
ArtEducation | |
ArtEducationConference | |
ArtHistory | |
ArtsAdmin | |
asd | |
assessment | |
aup | |
AutismEndorsement | |
avalanche | |
BearEssentials | |
bearfest | |
BiasResponse | |
BigInterview | |
biochemistry | |
biology | |
BookstoreAccount | |
BrandGuidelines | |
business | |
BusinessAdministration | |
business-idea-competition | |
calendar | |
CampusMap | |
candidcareer | |
CareerCenter | |
CareerLibrary | |
CareerTests | |
casa | |
catalog | |
cdccertificate | |
CET | |
CEL | |
chemistry | |
choices | |
clery | |
cmpr | |
colors | |
commencement | |
CommittedToDiversity | |
CommunicationDesign | |
CommunicationStudies | |
CommunityResponse | |
CommuterServices | |
ComputerScience | |
ConferenceServices | |
connections | |
CoronavirusInfo | |
CounselingAddiction | |
CounselingAndPsychologicalServices | |
CounselingStudentAffairs | |
COVIDQueertet | |
CriminalJustice | |
csit | |
csit/grad | |
ctm | |
current-safety-alerts | |
CurrentStudents | |
danzer | |
DataAnalytics | |
DBAInternships | |
DeanOfStudents | |
DeansScholars | |
Deposited | |
DigitalImages | |
dining | |
directions | |
DisabilityServices | |
Diversity | |
dso | |
dso/accommodations | |
dso/attendance | |
dso/etexts | |
dso/forms | |
dso/myplace | |
dso/notetaking | |
dso/tests | |
dso/wrp | |
dsw | |
economics | |
education | |
EducationDoctorate | |
ElementaryEducation | |
emacs | |
employers | |
employment | |
English | |
EntrepreneurshipMinor | |
EntrepreneurshipWeek | |
EnvironmentalScience | |
exchange | |
ExploreCareers | |
ExploreMajors | |
ExpressDocumentShipping | |
ExtendedLearning | |
fairs | |
FamilyBulletin | |
FamilyDay | |
Family-Orientation | |
finaid/progressrequirements | |
finance | |
FinancialAid | |
FireSafety | |
FirstGen | |
FirstGeneration | |
FirstTimeStudents | |
FoodPantry | |
Freshmen-Orientation | |
galleries | |
gbwelcome | |
gened | |
geography | |
geography/alumni | |
geography/careers | |
geography/geographicalsociety | |
geography/geographyclub | |
geography/gitcertificate | |
geography/gtu | |
geography/internships | |
geography/programinfo | |
geography/scholarships | |
geography/studentnews | |
geography/studentresearch | |
geology | |
German | |
GLBTQCenter | |
goe | |
GoinGlobal | |
golden | |
good | |
gradevents | |
gradfinaid | |
graduate | |
GraduateAdmissions | |
GraduateApply | |
GraduateAssistantships | |
graduaterec | |
GraduateStudies | |
handshake | |
hcl | |
HealthAndWellness | |
HealthPromotion | |
history | |
homecoming | |
honors | |
housing | |
HousingStudentEmployment | |
hr | |
InformationTechnology | |
international | |
internships | |
intladmissions | |
intlcounselor | |
intlfinancialaid | |
intlpayments | |
involvement | |
juniors | |
kualert | |
kubit | |
kubnet | |
kucard | |
kucares | |
kucn | |
kudos | |
kuic | |
kupresents | |
kur | |
kusbi | |
kuscholarships | |
kussi | |
LanguagePlacement | |
las | |
LeadershipMinor | |
LGBTQCenter | |
library | |
LibraryAndLearningTechnologies | |
LibraryScience | |
LivingLearningCommunities | |
llt | |
logo | |
logos | |
MAEnglish | |
MakingPayments | |
management | |
map | |
MarineScience | |
marketing | |
MathAtKU | |
mathematics | |
mathematics/mathplacement | |
MathPlacement | |
mba | |
mds | |
MEDSecondaryEducation | |
MentalHealthResources | |
MeritBadge | |
MFACommDesign | |
MicroInternships | |
MiddleStates | |
MilitaryVeteranServices | |
MillerArtGallery | |
MockInterviews | |
ModernLanguages | |
more | |
MPA | |
msu | |
msumovies | |
msw | |
multicultural | |
MulticulturalEducation | |
music | |
Music/WWBrassDay | |
MusicEducation | |
MusicMED | |
mykuinfo | |
new-pr | |
news | |
news/brief | |
NewStudentHousing | |
NewStudentRegistration | |
observatory | |
online | |
Online/365 | |
online/proctor | |
OpenHouse | |
orientation | |
OutOfState | |
pagminor | |
ParkerDewey | |
parking | |
paws | |
pgchc | |
philosophy | |
PhotographyGuidelines | |
PhysicalSciences | |
physics | |
planetarium | |
PointsOfPride | |
PoliticalScience | |
postbaccspecialeducation | |
president | |
ProfessionalWriting | |
profsprogram | |
psychology | |
publicadministration | |
PublicityGuidelines | |
PublicRelations | |
PublicSafety | |
ReadingSpecialist | |
recreation | |
redesign | |
registrar | |
research | |
ResidencyRequirement | |
ResidencyRequirementExceptionform | |
resnet | |
RespiratoryIllnesses | |
resumes | |
rotc | |
safety | |
sasc | |
sbdc | |
scholarship | |
SchoolSocialWork | |
ScienceOlympiad | |
sciopenhouse | |
SecondaryEducation | |
SexualMisconduct | |
shuttle | |
SiblingsDay | |
SibsDay | |
SocialEquity | |
SocialMedia | |
SocialMediaTheoryStrategy | |
socialwork | |
sociology | |
spanish | |
SpecialEducation | |
SportManagement | |
Sport-Management-Internships | |
Standout | |
stars | |
StrategicPlan | |
StrengthsFinder | |
StudentAccounts | |
StudentAssistance | |
StudentConduct | |
StudentConduct/appeals | |
StudentConsumer | |
StudentSuccess | |
StudentVisa | |
StudioArt | |
StudyAbroad | |
summer | |
SummerArtCamps | |
SummerInstitutes | |
TestingServices | |
TheCollage | |
TheKey | |
tour | |
tower | |
transfer | |
Transfer-Orientation | |
trio | |
ugrc | |
UnityDay | |
UniversityChecklist | |
UpperClassMoveIn | |
vehicles | |
veterans | |
VirtualCommencement | |
VisionProgram | |
visit | |
vpa | |
vpaopenhouse | |
weather | |
WellnessDays | |
WinterOnline | |
WomensCenter | |
WomensStudies | |
Zoom |
links are not case sensitive. Those shown in camel case are to clarify the words represented.