Information about LSAC
LSAC stands for the Law School Admission Council. It is a nonprofit organization composed of all American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law schools in the United States. Students use the LSAC website to register to take the LSAT and for applying to law schools. The LSAC website.
Register for a free user account. You can access a lot of information without registering, but an account makes even more available. Look around the website to find a lot of useful information. A good place to start - click on FOR FUTURE JD STUDENTS. Here you find links to information about the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), as well as suggestions for choosing a law school. Look around the page - on the right there are links under PURSUING YOUR JD that should be of interest, for example.
Once you are ready to apply to law schools, click on applying to law school overview. Here you will find a list of things to do, along with recommendations as to how soon you should do them. Pay attention to the time it takes for LSAC to process things, such as your transcript. And most especially, pay attention to deadlines!! At the bottom of the page is a section Questions You May Have - do look at these! More information about the LSAC website is contained in other sections on this KU prelaw site.