KU Alert System

Emergency Alert Information for the KU Campus Community

In the event of an emergency, timely and accurate communication of information is critical.

Kutztown University has developed a plan for emergency communication that utilizes multiple and redundant methods of communication and notification in order to maximize the effectiveness and reach of the emergency information.

This page details the methods of emergency communication that KU may employ, on a case-by-case basis, in the event of an emergency.

KU Alert Methods

  • KU Alert Text Messages

    The mass text message warning system powered by Omnilert.

    Each student's primary mobile phone number and KU email is automatically registered (unless you opted out of receiving texts from KU).  Students who wish to add a secondary cell phone and/or email address can do so by logging into the system (you must create an account if it is the first time you've logged in, but your primary phone and email will be synced with your account).

    Faculty/staff can opt-in to receive alerts, and all registrants can customize their accounts to register two cell phone numbers to receive emergency text messages

    Register for Omnilert text alerts/Returning User Login.

  • KU Alert E-mail Messages

    Faculty, staff and students will be alerted by broadcast email messages from Kutztown University. Additionally, when registering for Omnilert text messages above, users can register up to five email addresses to receive emergency messages.

  • Website Alerts

    Emergency messages will be posted on the Kutztown University website. Ongoing information updates during an emergency will be posted on the Current Safety Alert Information page.

  • Mass Notification System

    Notification via a pre-alert signal and voice alerts in select buildings and in select outdoor locations will be activated in appropriate emergency situations.

    • GENERAL SEVERE WEATHER ALERT - Ten Second High-Low "Alert" tone followed by announcement; "Attention, Attention - a severe weather warning has been issued for our area, including the campus.  Be alert, identify a safe location, seek shelter and await further instructions."
    • ROUTINE TEST - "Your attention please.  This is a test of the Kutztown University Emergency Communication system.  This is only a test." Five second steady/two second stutter "Alert" tone followed by announcement; "Your attention please.  This is a test of the Kutztown University Emergency Communication system.  This is only a test."