Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee


Responsible for (1.) hearing testimony and/or reviewing evidence relevant to an allegation of undergraduate academic dishonesty; (2.) making a finding based on testimony and evidence presented; and, (3.) recommending a sanction, based on Policy ACA-027 Academic Honesty- Undergraduate Students. Meetings: As needed.  Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 5 of the 6 members.

Reports to University Senate

  • Membership

    Position and Term Length



    College of Visual & Performing Arts Representative** (3 years)

    Elizabeth Schneider


    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Representative** (3 years)

    Sandra Leonard, Chair


    College of Education Representative** (3 years)

    Christopher Bloh


    College of Business Representative** (3 years)

    Gregory Kaufinger


    At-Large Faculty Representative** (3 years)

    Keith Massie


    Registrar Representative, ex-officio

    Ben Trout


    * Indefinite Term of Office
    ** Appointed by Committee on Committees

  • Mission & Bylaws
  • Meeting Times

    Meetings are confidential and scheduled on an as needed basis.

  • Agenda & Minutes

    None submitted at this time.

Kutztown University is committed to the personal and intellectual growth of its students.  The principal context in which this growth occurs is through its academics, which is dependent upon an open and honest atmosphere of positive cooperation between faculty and students.  In order to maintain this atmosphere, professors must evaluate the academic performance of students fairly and students must demonstrate their mastery of subject matter honorably.  Any acts of academic dishonesty by students, such as plagiarism on written papers or cheating on exams undermine the educational and ethical goals of the University for its students.  Such violations are of the utmost seriousness.  It is the responsibility of all students to be aware of this policy and abide by it at all times.

Academic Honesty Policy 

Academic Dishonesty Report Form

To file an Academic Dishonesty Report or discuss the appeal process, please contact the Registrar's office at regoffice@kutztown.edu

University Senate

Email: senate@kutztown.edu

Phone: 610.683.4856

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