University Senate Constitution

Adopted March 1, 1990 (Revised 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2008, 2017, 2020, and 2024)

  • Article I. The University Senate Authority & Purpose

    Section A. Authority and Name of the University Senate

    The Council of Trustees of Kutztown University approved the establishment of this forum to be known as The University Senate of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. 


    Section B. Purpose of the University Senate 

    The University Senate works to promote the mission of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. The mission of Kutztown University is to provide affordable high-quality undergraduate, graduate, and lifelong learning opportunities that empower students of all ages for their intellectual, social, civic, and career endeavors. 


    Section C. Objectives of the University Senate

    The University Senate functions as a deliberative body to express the collective views of faculty, staff, students and administrators. 

    1. The University Senate does not purport to speak for the faculty, students, staff, or administration as individual units.  
    2. The University Senate may express by formal resolution its opinions on any questions relating to the policy or administration of the University or of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. 
    3. The University Senate may review and propose policies, hold university discussions, and make recommendations pursuant to the responsibilities and restrictions contained within this Constitution. 
    4. The University Senate’s proposals are advisory in nature and are not meant to supersede or replace the authority of the University President or the Council of Trustees. 
    5. Senate recommendations to the President are advisory; however, it is incumbent upon the University President to give full consideration to the University Senate’s actions.  
    6. The University President shall, in a timely fashion, communicate to the University Senate the rationale for accepting, rejecting or modifying University Senate proposals.
  • Article II. The University Senate Membership & Eligibility

    Section A. Composition of the University Senate

    1. ELECTED Members: are elected by the following non-student constituencies of the University:
      1. Faculty Department Senators: One (1) Senator elected by each academic department. If two or more academic departments so choose, they may elect from among themselves one Senator to represent them.
      2. Faculty/Coach At-Large Senators: Six (6) Senators shall be elected At-Large from among full-time faculty status (teaching or non-teaching) and full-time coaches.
      3. Professional Staff At-Large Senators: Four (4) Senators shall be elected At-Large from administrative offices. Professional Staff is defined as SCUPA members and managers below the Cabinet level.
      4. Staff At-Large Senator: One (1) Senator shall be elected At-Large from the full-time staff members.
      5. Chairnet: One (1) Senator shall be elected to represent the department chairs.
      6. Graduate Council: One (1) Senator shall be elected to represent the Graduate Council.
    2. SELECTED Members: are selected by the following bodies or constituencies of the university:
      1. Students: Three (3) Student Senators shall be selected by the SGB Executive Board to represent the student body.
      2. APSCUF, AFSCME, SCUPA, OPEIU and SPFPA: One (1) Senator each to represent their constituencies.
      3. Management: One (1) Senator: the Provost shall serve as the management 
    3. Executive Board Members:The Senate Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:
      1. President
      2. Vice-President
      3. Secretary
      4. President-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)
      5. Vice-President-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)
      6. Secretary-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)

    Section B. Eligibility to Serve as an ELECTED University Senate Member

    To be eligible to serve as a Senator under the designation ELECTED Members a person must:

    1. have rendered a minimum of three (3) years full-time service to Kutztown University by the start of the term of office as Senator would begin.
    2. be full-time professional staff, staff member or tenured or tenure track faculty employees of the University.

    Section C. Eligibility to Serve as a SELECTED University Senate Member

    To be eligible to serve as a Senator under the designation SELECTED Members a person must:

    1. satisfy the requirements established by the bodies or constituents listed therein.

    Section D. Eligibility to Serve as a University Senate President or Vice-President

    To be eligible to serve as a University Senate President or Vice-President a person must:

    1. be a tenured faculty member from the Senate membership.
    2. no longer represent a constituency upon assumption of the office as the University Senate President and Vice-President. The constituency of University Senate President and Vice-President will elect a new Senator to complete the remainder of their vacated terms.

    Section E. Eligibility to Serve as a University Senate Secretary

    To be eligible to serve as the University Senate Secretary a person must:

    1. be a tenure track or tenured faculty member from the Senate membership.
    2. no longer represent a constituency upon assumption of the office as the University Senate Secretary. The constituency of the Senate Secretary will elect a new Senator to complete the remainder of the vacated terms.
  • Article III. Election of the University Senate Members

    Section A: Eligibility to vote for University Senators

    1. Election of Faculty Senators from academic departments:
      1. Faculty eligible to vote for Faculty Senators are all full-time temporary, full-time tenured and full-time tenure track members of that department.
    2. Election of Professional Staff Senators At-Large:
      1. Professional staff eligible to vote for Professional Staff Senators are all full-time SCUPA members and managers below the Cabinet level following the procedures in Addendum 1: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Members.
    3. Election of Faculty Senators At-Large:
      1. The faculty and staff eligible to vote for Faculty Senators At-Large are all faculty and staff of the University following the procedures in Addendum 1: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Members.
    4. Election of Staff Senator At-Large:
      1. The staff eligible to vote for Staff Senators At-Large are all regular full-time staff employees of the University following the procedures in Addendum 1: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Members.
    5. Election of Senate Executive Board Members:
      1. All University Senate members are eligible to vote for the Executive Board Members following the procedures in Addendum 2: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Executive Board Members.
  • Article IV. Terms of University Senate Members

    Section A. Terms of Office for University Senate Membership

    1. ELECTED Members

    Senators designated as ELECTED Members or Faculty/Coach At-Large Members are elected for three-year terms. Elections are conducted at times specified in the Election Procedures & Timeline Addendum 1.

    1. To provide continuity of membership, one-third of the ELECTED Members (including At-Large) of the University Senate will be elected each year.
      1. Terms commence on the first day of the fall semester of the academic year following the election.
      2. Terms end on the first day of the fall semester of the fourth academic year following the election.
    2. Term Limitations: Any ELECTED Member may not serve more than nine years of continuous service on the Senate,
      1. unless there is not another qualified member willing to serve.
      2. Having reached the limit for continuous service as a Senator, a person must take a hiatus for a period of one year.
      3. A person cannot run for Senator or Senate Executive Board if serving the full term of the position being sought would exceed the person's nine-year limit.
      4. Vacancies in ELECTED membership shall be filled by the procedures stated in the Addendum 1: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Members.

    2. SELECTED Members

    Senators designated as SELECTED Members shall serve three-year terms.

    1. Term Limitations: Any SELECTED Member may not serve more than nine years of continuous service on the Senate,
      1. unless there is not another qualified member willing to serve.

    Section B. Terms of Office for University Senate Executive Board Members

    1. Senators elected as President and Vice-President will serve three-year terms: 
      1. Starting from August 1st of the first year through August 1st of the fourth year after election.
      2. The President and Vice-President may serve only two consecutive terms in the same position.
      3. The President and Vice-President will be elected following the procedures and timeline outlined in Addendum 2: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Executive Board Members.
    2. Senator elected as Secretary shall serve two-year terms:
      1. Starting from August 1st of the first year through August 1st of the third year after
      2. The Secretary may serve two or more consecutive terms in this position.
      3. The Secretary shall be elected biennially by a majority vote of the membership of the University Senate following the procedures and timeline outlined in Addendum 2: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Executive Board Members.
  • Article V. Responsibilities of the University Senate Executive Board Officers
    1. The Senate Executive Board shall consist of the following non-voting (ex-officio) officers:
      1. President
      2. Vice-President
      3. Secretary
      4. President-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)
      5. Vice-President-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)
      6. Secretary-Elect (may be held concurrently by the first three officers listed)
    2. The University Senate President shall be the principal executive officer and shall have such powers as are appropriate to the office and shall:
      1. preside at meetings, call special meetings, set the agenda for meetings, appoint necessary nominating committees or ad hoc committees to investigate matters under Senate jurisdiction.
        1. The special meetings include, but are not limited to, meetings with the Senate Executive Board, meetings with Senate Executive Board and the university President and Provost, 1:1 meetings with the university President, and 1:1 meetings with the university Provost.
      2. make any other special appointments as needed.
      3. be an ex officio member of all Senate Reporting Committees.
      4. Chair the Executive Board meetings of the University Senate.
      5. select a person from the Senate membership to act as Parliamentarian at Senate meetings.
      6. have the discretionary right to call emergency meetings of the University Senate.
    3. The Vice-President in the absence of or at the request of the Senate President shall substitute for the Senate President, and
      1. act as the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees.
      2. in the event that the President cannot fulfill their duties in the short term, then the Vice-President shall take on those responsibilities.
      3. in the event that the President must vacate the office
        1. If there is a President-Elect, then the President-Elect shall become the President of the Senate.
        2. If there is not a President-Elect, then the Vice-President shall become President of the Senate and the Secretary will become Vice-President.
          1. An election shall be held to fill the remainder of the term for the vacated Secretary’s term.
    4. The Secretary shall perform the usual functions of such office and
      1. shall be responsible for recording the proceedings and decisions of the University Senate in the minutes.
      2. shall be responsible for making the minutes from the University Senate meetings available to the University community.
      3. shall be Secretary of the Executive Board meetings.
      4. in the event that the Vice-President must vacate the office
        1. If there is a Vice-President-Elect, then the Vice-President-Elect shall become the Vice-President of the Senate.
        2. If there is not a Vice-President-Elect, then the Secretary will become Vice-President.
          1. An election shall be held to fill the remainder of the term for the vacated Secretary’s term.
    5. The President-Elect, Vice-President-Elect and Secretary-Elect of the Senate shall
      1. have the responsibility of staying informed on all Senate matters in preparation for taking over their respective positions the following year and
      2. shall remain voting members of the Executive Board of the University Senate.
  • Article VI. University Senate Meetings
    1. Regular University Senate meetings shall be held on a monthly schedule 
      1. First meeting of the academic year shall be held within the first three weeks of the semester.
      2. Meeting schedule will be prepared annually and announced at the first meeting of each academic year with a minimum of one week's notification to Senate members.
      3. Meeting notification will set forth the time, place and agenda for the University Senate meeting with a minimum of one week's notification to Senate members.
      4. University Senate meetings shall have a quorum (majority of membership) to proceed.
    2. Special Meetings of the University Senate Membership. Special Meetings shall be held at the call of the University Senate President.
      1. Notice of Special Meetings shall be given to members of the University Senate a minimum of one week in advance.
      2. Meeting notification shall set forth the time, place and agenda for the Special Meeting.
    3. Special Meetings of the entire Faculty and Staff. Special Meetings of the entire faculty and staff shall be held at the request of the University Senate whenever deemed necessary and verified by a majority vote of the members.
      1. Notice of Special Meetings of the entire faculty and staff shall be given a minimum of one week in advance.
      2. Meeting notification shall set forth the time, place and agenda for the meeting.
    4. Quorum of the University Senate Membership. A quorum for any meeting of the University Senate shall consist of a majority of the full voting membership.
      1. A quorum is necessary to take any votes in the University Senate.
  • Article VII. Responsibilities of the University Senate
    1. Rights and Duties of the University Senate:
      1. approves the slate of undergraduate and graduate candidates for their respective degrees from the University each semester; (traditionally these motions are made by the student members).
      2. gathers information about and deliberates upon any academic matter that may arise within the University.
      3. reviews any present or proposed academic policy, procedure or issue as it deems fit.
      4. makes policy recommendations to the University President on any matter in relation to the academic life of the University.
      5. determines the function and responsibilities of all Reporting Committees within its purview.
      6. encourage participation on the part of the faculty, staff and students in all facets of university governance.
      7. considers any academic matter brought to its attention by any member of the University community or refer it to one of its Reporting Committees.
    2. Consideration of Issues brought to the University Senate. It shall be the right of the University Senate President, Executive Board, or the entire University Senate to refuse to consider any matter which, in the opinion of the groups, is  
      1. either outside the scope of its authority or unworthy of its consideration.
      2. If a matter is rejected for consideration by the University Senate President or Executive Board, the University Senate may reconsider in concordance with the most current version of Robert’s Rules of Order.
      3. It shall be the duty of the University Senate to report in writing any decisions made or final action taken to groups or individuals who originated the issues for consideration.
    3. Reporting of the University Senate
      1. Proceedings and decisions of the University Senate shall be recorded electronically.
      2. Minutes of the University Senate shall be made available to the University
    4. Rights and Duties of the University Senate Executive Board
      1. There shall be an Executive Board of the University Senate composed of the elected officers of the Senate.
      2. The Executive Board shall exercise whatever interim powers are delegated to it by the University Senate.
      3. The Executive Board shall exercise the full power of the University Senate in emergency situations as identified by the University President when a full University Senate cannot be convened.
      4. Every action taken by the Executive Board shall be reported to all members of the University Senate at its next meeting.
    5. Rights and Duties of the University Senate Members
      1. Senators should attend monthly University Senate meetings or designate an alternate when needed.
      2. Senators should report back to their respective constituencies to keep them updated on the issues and policies before the University Senate that were debated and voted on.
      3. Bring up issues specific to their constituencies in regard to items and policies before the University Senate.
      4. Vote on academic policies and review any procedure or issues based on the opinions of their constituencies.
      5. Inform their constituencies of new academic policies, accrediting body reports, University financial statements, student enrollment reports, management budget reports, KUSSI funding reports, KU Foundation reports and retention and graduation reports or other information presented to the body.
      6. Senators can attend any Reporting Committee meetings as privilege of their office.
  • Article VIII. Rules of Order for the University Senate

    The rules contained in the most current version of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the University Senate in all cases where applicable.

    1. Routine Resolutions, except as otherwise specified,
      1. may be passed by a majority vote of members present provided there is a quorum.
      2. voting in the University Senate is by verbal acknowledgement of the body.
        1. When the majority is not clear through verbal vote, a counting of raised hands shall be taken.
        2. Voting in the University Senate can be by paper ballot when requested by a member.
        3. Voting in the University Senate can be a roll call vote when requested by a member.
      3. election of members to the Executive Board is done by paper ballot unless there is only one candidate on the ballot; then a verbal vote is taken.
    2. Agenda Items and Committee Reports must be:
      1. Received by the Senate President two weeks before a meeting.
      2. The Executive Board, in consultation with the University President and the Provost, shall prepare the agenda for regular meetings
        1. The agenda shall include any matter requested in writing by three or more members of the University Senate two weeks prior to a meeting.
        2. The agenda, committee reports and resolutions shall be made available to each Senate member at least one week prior to a meeting.
        3. Items of business not on the published agenda may be considered only if accepted for discussion and action by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.
      3. Process for adding Agenda Items for consideration by the University Senate:

          When submitting a proposal or item for inclusion on the Senate Agenda, include the following:

          • Date
          • Recommending body
          • Proposed change or recommendation.
          • Rationale for change; Any approval or routing process.
          • Pertinent background information or history.
          • Other persons or bodies having input.
          • Current policy or procedure, or past practice.
          • List of attachments.
          • Signatures of three Senators requesting placement of proposal on the agenda.
    3. Article IX. Amending the University Senate Constitution
      1. The Constitution of the University Senate may be amended in either of the following two (2) ways:
        1. An amendment may originate within the University Senate and be adopted providing
          1. the proposed amendment is announced at a University Senate meeting and
          2. the proposed amendment has a two-thirds majority vote of the full Senate voting membership at the regular meeting following the initial presentation.
        2. An amendment may originate within any Senate constituency by a petition signed by twenty percent (20%) of that entire constituency and can be adopted providing
          1. the proposed amendment is announced at a University Senate meeting and
          2. the proposed amendment has a two-thirds majority vote of the full Senate voting membership at the regular meeting following initial presentation.
      2. The University Senate Constitution shall be reviewed every five years by a Task Force of three members.
    4. Article X. Reporting Committees of the University Senate
      1. The Committee on Committees addresses the Senate’s role in University Governance.
        1. The Vice-President of the University Senate chairs the Committee on Committees.
          1. requests the updated Bylaws biannually from the Reporting Committees
        2. The Committee on Committees determines:
          1. the responsibilities of each Reporting Committee
          2. the constituencies represented on each Reporting Committee
            1. runs elections for vacancies on the Reporting Committees
            2. appoints members to fill vacancies when there is no candidate
        3. The Committee on Committees recommends the establishment or dissolution of Reporting Committees
          1. these recommendations must be passed by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the University Senate.
      2. Rules governing appointees to Reporting Committees
        1. Members appointed by the Committee on Committees serve two- or three-year terms based on the committee’s bylaws.
        2. Each Reporting Committee shall elect its own Chairperson.
        3. Members unable to serve will be replaced by the Committee on Committees.
          1. The members granted a leave may suggest a replacement to the committee(s) from their constituency.
          2. Appointment to committees remains the responsibility of the Committee on Committees.
          3. If there are no qualified volunteers to serve on Reporting Committees from designated constituencies, then full-time (long-term) temporary faculty may fill the vacancies.
            1. These full-time (long-term) temporary faculty members must be able to serve the two- or three-year term and be approved by the Committee on Committees with final approval from the University Senate.
        4. Meetings of the Reporting Committees are open to all Senators by virtue of their office and to others by invitation of the committee chairperson.
      3. Responsibilities of Reporting Committees of the University Senate
        1. gather information, deliberate, and recommend in matters appropriate to its charge.
        2. consider proposals referred to them by action of the University Senate or its Executive Board.
        3. transmit in writing any reports and recommendations to the University Senate for its consideration.
    5. Article XI. Substitutions for Members of the University Senate
      1. Temporary Substitutions of University Senate Members. When a representative to the University Senate is unable to attend a meeting that person will 
        1. designate a member of their constituency to act with the full rights and responsibilities of the originally elected representative.
        2. It is the responsibility of the substitute to inform the University Senate President of the change.
      2. Full Semester Substitutions of University Senate Members. When a representative to the University Senate is unable to fulfill their duties for one semester that person will 
        1. designate a member of their constituency to act with the full rights and responsibilities of the originally elected representative for the time period in question.
        2. It is the responsibility of the substitute Senator to inform the University Senate President of the change.
      3. Longer than One Semester Substitutions of University Senate Members. When a representative to the University Senate is unable to fulfill their duties for longer than one semester then
        1. the constituency will appoint a substitute Senator or until they can hold an election.
        2. It is the responsibility of the substitute Senator to inform the University Senate President of the change.
      4. Long Term Substitutions of At-Large Elected Members.When a representative to the University Senate, elected At-Large cannot fulfill their duties for longer than one semester, then
        1. a special election shall be held to fill the remainder of their term.
    6. Addendum 1: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Members
      1. Process and schedule for electing University Senators:
        1. The University Senate Office will notify those Senators whose terms expire in the fall.
        2. By the second week in March, constituencies will select Senators to replace those whose terms expire in the Fall semester.
      2. Process and schedule for electing the University Staff Senators At-Large:
        1. By February 1st, willingness-to-serve forms for Professional Staff Senators are created and distributed.
        2. By February 15th, willingness-to-serve forms for Professional Staff Senators are submitted (deadline).
        3. By February 21st, the Primary Ballot of nominees is created for the professional staff eligible to vote.
          1. Each voter selects the number of Professional Staff Senators to fill vacancies.
          2. Professional staff eligible to vote for Professional Staff Senators are all full-time professional staff employees of the University below the cabinet level.
          3. If there is only one candidate for each position needed, the election is finished.
          4. If the nominees on the Primary Ballot are not more than twice the number of Professional Staff Senators needed, the election is finished, and the Senators will be those with the greatest number of votes.
          5. If the nominees on the Primary Ballot are more than twice the number of Professional Staff Senators needed, the Final Ballot will list the highest ranked nominees.
        4. By the end of February, the Final Ballot will be distributed to the professional staff and staff eligible to vote.
          1. Each voter will select the exact the number of Professional Staff Senators to be elected that year.
          2. The Professional Staff Senators will be the candidates who receive the greatest number of votes on the Final Ballot.
        5. By the end of March, the Senate shall complete the election of Professional Staff Senators to replace those whose terms expire in the Fall semester.
      3. Schedule of Implementation for electing the University Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large:
        1. By February 1st, willingness-to-serve forms for Faculty/Coach At-Large Senators are created and distributed.
        2. By February 15th, willingness-to-serve forms for Faculty/Coach At-Large Senators are submitted (deadline).
        3. By February 21st, the Primary Ballot of nominees is created for the Faculty/Coach At-Large eligible to vote.
          1. Those eligible to vote for Faculty/Coach Senator At-Large are all faculty and staff employees of the University.
          2. Each voter selects the number of Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large to fill vacancies.
          3. If the number of nominees on the Primary Ballot is not twice the number of Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large needed, the election is finished, and the Senators will be those with the greatest number of votes.
          4. If the number of nominees on the Primary Ballot is more than twice the number of Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large needed, the Final Ballot will list the highest ranked nominees.
        4. By the end of February, the Final Ballot will be distributed to the faculty and staff eligible to vote. Each voter will select the exact the number of Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large to be elected that year.
        5. The Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large will be those candidates receiving the greatest number of votes on the Final ballot.
        6. By the end of the second week in March, the Senate will complete the election of Faculty/Coach At-Large Senators to replace those whose terms expire in the Fall semester.
        7. If there is a tie in a Senate-run election, a run-off election will be held among the candidates tied.
        8. Instructions on all the ballots used to elect Senators shall indicate that one should "vote for no more than" the number of vacancies to be filled.
          1. Ballots will be configured to ensure voting for the indicated number.
          2. By the end of the March, the Senate will complete the election for Faculty/Coach Senators At-Large.
    7. Addendum 2: Election Procedures & Timeline for University Senate Executive Board Members
      1. Schedule to elect the University Senate President and Vice-President:
        1. A three-person task force is appointed by the Senate President by October 1st from Senate members.
          1. The task force will seek nominations for the Senate President and Vice-President before the November meeting.
        2. At the November meeting the nominating task force will:
          1. Announce which incumbents will run for reelection and solicit nominations.
          2. The deadline for nominations and statements is November 15th.
          3. The list of candidates may be obtained by contacting the Senate Office.
          4. The list of candidates and their statements will be distributed by the December meeting.
        3. The nominating task force will conduct the election at the December meeting every third year.
          1. Elections proceed in the following order: President, then Vice-President.
          2. Nominations from the floor will be taken as each position comes up for election.
          3. The nominating task force prepares, distributes, counts the ballots and announces the results.
          4. Winners will be determined by a simple majority vote of members present.
          5. If no candidate receives a simple majority, the top two will have a runoff election.
          6. In the event of a tie, it is broken by a coin toss by the nominating task force.
      2. Schedule to elect the University Senate Secretary:
        1. The three-person nominating task force is appointed by the Senate President by October 1st from Senate members.
          1. The nominating task force distributes nomination forms before the November meeting.
        2. At the November meeting the nominating task force will:
          1. Announce if the incumbent plans to run for reelection and solicit nominations.
        3. The deadline for nominations and statements is November 15th.
          1. Anyone may obtain the list of candidates by contacting the Senate Office.
          2. The list of candidates and their statements will be distributed before the December meeting.
        4. The nominating task force will conduct the election at the December meeting.
          1. Nominations from the floor will be taken before the election.
          2. The nominating task force prepares, distributes, counts the ballots and announces the results.
          3. Winner is determined by a simple majority vote.
          4. If no candidate receives a simple majority, the top two will have a runoff election.
          5. In the event of a tie, it is broken by a coin toss by the nominating task force.
        5. In the event of a Senate Secretary unplanned vacancy, the Senate President will appoint an interim secretary until a special election is held.
    8. Addendum 3: List of Reporting Committees of the University Senate

      The complete list of the Reporting Committees of the University Senate is current on the Senate’s website at: