Governance Committee Descriptions
Below is a list of the university governance committees. Although not all governance committees report to the University Senate, the University Senate appoints or conducts elections to fill membership positions.
If you have any questions about the membership on a particular committee, call the University Senate Office at extension 3-4856 or email The Senate Office has access to all the current information about committee structures, chairs, meeting times, etc.
Student Participation in Governance Committees
Students are invited to participate in the Kutztown University Governance and Advisory Committees. This is a great way to get to know others at the university, become a part of the decision-making process and have your voice heard. No prior experience necessary, just a genuine interest in being an active part of the community!
The Student Government Board will review online applications on a rolling basis and makes student placements in early September. Questions? Please contact Leah in Student Involvement at
Union Participation in Governance Committees
Union Committee Representative: To be considered for a committee union position please contact a union representative.
Academic Exceptions Committee:
Provides an appeal process for students to request a waiver of specific academic policies. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 6 of the 12 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Academic Standards & Policies Committee:
Recommends to the University Senate policies regarding academic standards and admissions standards for all students and programs, undergraduate and graduate. Meetings: monthly and as needed. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 6 of the 13 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Academic Technology Committee:
Acts as a clearinghouse for all other technology related committees on campus for the purpose of keeping all parties informed of activities and needs. Meetings: monthly. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 5 of the 24 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Athletic Policies & Programs Committee:
Makes recommendations concerning all matters, including financial management that affect the operation of the athletic, intramural and recreational programs at the university. Meetings: monthly. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 4 of the 10 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Makes recommendations to the Administrative Council with regard to an academic calendar for the University. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 7 of the 16 members. – Reports to Administrative Council.
Campus Beautification & Preservation Committee:
Makes recommendations as to ways the campus can be beautified both internally and externally. It also solicits the cooperation of all members of the university community in keeping the campus beautiful. Meetings: monthly. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 6 of the 10 members. – Reports to Administrative Council.
Commission on Human Diversity:
Pursues the goal of having a university community where all members honor each other's differences. It sets priorities, monitors changes and educates the community in order to create an environment in which all members will receive proper recognition, encouragement and support. Meetings: monthly Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 11 of the 27 members. – Reports to Administrative Council.
Commission on the Status of Minorities:
Focuses on the monitoring of the recruitment and retention of students, faculty,
staff, and administrators of color at Kutztown University. The responsibilities of the CSM
include making recommendations regarding new policies, as well as changes to existing
Kutztown University policies, programs, and/or procedures to support the creation of a culturally and psychologically “safe” environment in which the cultural, educational, and intellectual needs of students, staff, faculty, and administrators of color can be met and their experience at Kutztown enhanced. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 5 of 18 members – Reports to Administrative Council.
Commission on the Status of Women:
Addresses equity issues of concern to all women at the university. The commission will make recommendations to the Commission on Human Diversity concerning the conditions necessary for women students, faculty, staff and administrators to assert their expectations of respect, recognition and reward with special attention to minority women and the under-utilization of the talents and perspectives of women throughout the university. Meetings: monthly Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 10 of the 27 members. –Reports to Administrative Council.
Makes faculty and professional staff appointments to university-wide committees as needed. It also makes recommendations on the structure of the committees to which it makes appointments. Meetings: monthly and as needed. Terms: 3 years. Electees: 8 elected members. - Reports to University Senate.
Enrollment Management Committee:
Identifies, supports and facilitates effective enrollment management programs and strategies. Meetings: TBD Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 4 of the 17 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Determines guidelines for the scheduling of all activities except for those scheduled by the Dean of Academic Services and the Director of Athletics. Each spring the committee reviews applications for and oversees the preparation of the Schedule of Events for the following year. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 2 of the 12 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Reviews and acts on petitions from students who believe that their final course grade reflects unsubstantiated academic evaluation and who wish to pursue a grade change appeal in accordance with the Grade Appeal Petition. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 3 years. Electees: 5 of the 7 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Implements policy and procedures to invite outstanding individuals to serve as visiting professors. It also implements policy and procedures by which the university confers honorary degrees. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 2 years. - Reports to University Senate.
Institutional Climate Committee:
The purpose of the ICC is to heighten awareness of campus community members' perceptions and attitudes about KU; open up communication concerning perceptions and attitudes about KU; recommend university policies, procedures, and practices that promote more positive stakeholder perceptions and attitudes about KU; encourage teaching, research, and programs that enhance KU's climate of engagement, and transform KU into a more welcoming and inclusive place to live, work and learn. The ICC shall serve as a consulting team for stakeholder concerns about climate that arise from the survey and from other sources, and they shall present the results of their inquiry in open forums and in campus community reports and updates. Meetings: monthly Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 8 of the 17 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects:
Reviews research, both student and faculty, which involves human subjects in order to assure that no research at Kutztown University exposes persons who participate as subjects or respondents to unreasonable risks to health, general well-being, or privacy. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 7 of the 8 members. - Reports to University Senate.
International Initiatives Committee:
Seeks to provide education and awareness to the Kutztown University community regarding broader campus internationalization initiatives. Meetings: twice a semester. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 6 of the 9 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Considers library needs and makes recommendations concerning library policies. It serves as a liaison between the library and university community. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 6 of the 8 members. – Reports to Library Director.
Professional Development Committee:
Facilitates the professional growth of the faculty at the University. It considers and funds individual and group proposals from faculty that satisfy the guidelines of the committee. Meetings: twice monthly. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 4 of the 6 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Supports research projects of faculty and administrators by providing seed money under guidelines distributed by the committee to allow a person to pursue, on a limited basis, a new topic or idea. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 2 years. Appointees: 8 of the 9 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Strategic Planning & Resources Committee:
Makes recommendations concerning strategic planning, budget, and development and allocation procedures for the university. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the committee develops and reviews all pertinent planning and budget materials. Meetings: monthly Terms: 3 years. Electees: 13 of the 29 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Undergraduate Academic Honesty Committee
Responsible for (1.) hearing testimony and/or reviewing evidence relevant to an allegation of undergraduate academic dishonesty; (2.) making a finding based on testimony and evidence presented; and, (3.) recommending a sanction, based on Policy ACA-027 Academic Honesty- Undergraduate Students. Meetings: As needed. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 5 of the 6 members. - Reports to University Senate.
Hears cases involving students accused of violating a university regulation. Meetings: as needed. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 10 of the 20 members. - Reports to Dean of Students.
Advises the Administrative Council on proposals, policies and regulations pertaining to parking and traffic control on the campus. It serves as an appellate body to hear and adjudicate violations of campus parking and traffic regulations. Meetings: twice monthly. Terms: 3 years. Appointees: 2 of the 10 members. – Reports to Administrative Council.