
Intersectionalism recognizes that all forms of oppression are interlinked and often coexist; a black woman, for example, experiences both misogyny from men and racism. In the context of the LGBT community, it is important to recognize the many, overlapping identities we have both in terms of oppression (as members of the LGBT and other minority communities) and in terms of privilege (as whites, men, or other privileged class). By recognizing and welcoming other minority groups, we can all make longer strides toward liberation.

Below are some of the resources involving intersectionality. 

Ethnic Diversity


HONOR PAC is a leading organization for political action in the Latino/Latina LGBT community.


Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD)
The MASGD sponsors a weekend-long retreat for LGBTQ Muslims and their partners and allies, seeks outside donations, as it is run independent of other organizations, and offers testimonials of past attendees.  

A La Familia
A La Familia is a Latino-Catholic resource in Spanish and English aimed at facilitating dialogue. Here is some information on A La Familia from HRC.

Un recurso latino-católico en Español y en Inglés para conversación entre las comunidadesreligiosas y la comunidad LGBT.

Out in Scripture
Out in Scripture places comments about the Bible alongside the real-life experiences and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people of faith and our allies, Out in Scripture can be explored alone or in a group setting. Here is detailed information from the HRC about the scriptures and pastors behind Out in Scripture.

Trembling Before G-d
Trembling Before G-d is a documentary which explores the experiences of Jewish lesbian and gay individuals, especially those in Israel. Available online here.


National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is the country's first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services offered to aging LGBTQ members. It compiles state-by-state resources for older LGBT adults, so they can find the help they need in their community.