Safe Space Training

In collaboration with Campus Pride, the Kutztown LGBTQ+ Resource Center offers regular Safe Space training opportunities. 

What is Safe Space?

The Safe Space Program at Kutztown University is designed to provide education and resources to the KU campus and community members in order to keep a safe and nurturing environment, free of discrimination based on sexual orientation, sexual identity, and gender identity. The purpose of this program is to provide an intro-level understanding of issues within the LGBTQ community and how they may affect students here at Kutztown, as well as basic knowledge on how to be an ally to the community. 

Many LGBTQ students, staff, and faculty worry about their acceptance at Kutztown University. They have concerns about safety, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and the campus environment. These issues may affect their academic success, emotional adjustment, or job satisfaction. As a university, it's important to make sure our students aren't facing any barriers to their learning, and being Safe Space trained can help break down some of those barriers. These students are often searching for someone trustworthy and a safe space to find assistance. You can become one of those confident and informed individuals in their support system. 

Please join the LGBTQ+ Resource Center staff for a Safe Space training. The training consists of a 1-1.5 hour presentation, followed by individual visits to the LGBTQ+ Resource Center for tours, questions, and to receive a Safe Space sign indicating that you have completed your training. Contact by email to schedule a training. 

What Will You Learn?

  • What is a safe space?
  • Why do we need safe spaces? 
  • What is intersectionality?
  • What does it mean to be an ally?
  • What services and resources does Kutztown currently offer for LGBTQ students?
  • How have LGBTQ Rights changed within the past 10 years?

Presentation Materials