Filing An Incident Report

Reporting Misconduct (Non-Title IX Cases)

  • Overview

    In a community as dynamic as a college campus, conflicts occasionally arise when students exhibit inappropriate behavior. It is advantageous that such problems be addressed in a fundamentally fair and timely manner. To that end, the purpose of this guide is to highlight the process that students, staff, or faculty can avail themselves to if they are victims of, or witnesses to, behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct.   

    IMPORTANT: If you have been a victim of a crime or the situation is an emergency, please contact Public Safety & Police Services for assistance by calling 610-683-4001 or dial 911.

  • What should I know before reporting student misconduct?

    The Student Code of Conduct outlines the behavioral expectations of students. This code is published in the student handbook The KeyStudents and staff should familiarize themselves with these policies and procedures before filing an incident report against another student.  A student, staff, or faculty member who reports a student is also expected to present testimony at a student conduct hearing, as needed.

  • How do I file a student conduct incident report?

    In order to file conduct charges against another student, an online incident report must be submitted to the Dean of Students Office. Refer to the Report An Incident webpage for reporting options and online forms. 

  • What information is needed for an incident report?

    The following information is generally needed to accurately file a student conduct incident report: 

    • Name and contact information of the respondent (accused student)
    • Date and time of the incident
    • Location of the incident including the address, building name/number, floor number, wing, room number, etc.
    • A concise description of the alleged misconduct
    • Description of any damage
    • Any evidence that was observed, collected, or documented
    • Names and contact information of witnesses and other individuals involved in the incident
    • Name of the person submitting the report

    The description of the incident should be brief, precise, specific, and chronologically accurate. Profanity and/or abusive language, if germane to the alleged incident, should be indicated. 

  • What happens after I file a report?

    If sufficient, credible evidence is presented in the report and after any additional investigation necessary, the Office of Student Conduct may approve conduct charges for the reported incident. The respondent will receive a notice of charges informing them of the alleged misconduct and providing additional instructions about the next step in the conduct process. 

  • When is a hearing necessary?

    Generally speaking, when a respondent denies responsibility for an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct a hearing will be scheduled to determine the outcome. Witnesses and reporters of an incident would likely be called to the hearing to provide testimony and answer questions about the matter in question. 

  • How will the complaint be resolved?

    After hearing all relevant testimony and examining any evidence, the appropriate hearing authority will determine whether the respondent is responsible for a policy violation. If found responsible, sanctions are assigned as appropriate.  

    The standard of proof used in all student conduct proceedings is a preponderance of the evidence; therefore, a decision of responsibility will be based upon presented evidence sufficient to make a reasonable person believe that it was more likely than not a student is in violation of University policy. 

  • What resources are available to help me prepare for a hearing?

    The Student Conduct Advisor program is available for students (complainants or respondents) to request assistance and guidance from a trained advocate. The staff of the Dean of Students Office is also available to discuss any student conduct processes and procedures with students.