Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU)
Gamma Psi Chapter
Kutztown University is home to the Gamma Psi Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the International Geographical Honor Society. GTU is open to any and all KU students that have an overall GPA of 3.3 or higher in at least 36 credit hours, and at least a 3.3 GPA in a minimum of 9 credit hours in geography. Letters are sent out each spring to all KU students meeting these requirements inviting them to a simple, casual initiation ceremony. Here inductees are exposed to the history of GTU, and the meanings of the organization's symbols and colors.
Honors Chapter
The Gamma Psi Chapter was selected to the national list of Honors Chapters for 2013! This is a great honor and achievement.
Please follow this link to the September 2013 GTU Newsletter for an article discussing this honor.
Recent Inductees:
The following outstanding students were inducted to the Gamma Psi Chapter of GTU during the Spring 2024 initiation ceremony.
- Louis Blair
- Andrew Carducci
- Ryan Degler
- Brett Dombrowski
- Jack Dombrowski
- Allison Fernandez
- Wesley Griggs
- Sophia Harris
- Levi Hart
- Alexa Karlowicz
- James Pointer
- Owen Smith
- Sarah Snow
- Zach Thomas
Comprehensive List of Modern Era Inductees:
President: Anthony DeFusco
VP/Secretary: Jaylin Calistro

A search for qualified KU students will be conducted and letters of invitation sent to the next initiation ceremony. If you receive an invitation, please consider joining our growing ranks. The ceremony is brief and informal. We hope to see you at our next ceremony.
Dr. Richard Courtney, Gamma Psi Chapter Sponsor, and Honorary Member, Gamma Theta Upsilon

Ordering GTU Paraphernalia
GTU Cords: $13
GTU Lapel Pin (0.5" diameter): $10
GTU Insignia Pin (Key in gold electroplate): $40.5
The chapter sponsor, Dr. Courtney, must order paraphernalia for new initiates in order to verify membership. Late orders cannot be guaranteed to arrive prior to graduation.

Frames for GTU Certificates
Frames specifically for Gamma Theta Upsilon certificates are available through