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History Dept Year End Celebration Video

On April 16, 2024 the History Department gathered it's scholars and celebrated their achievements!

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting Tipperary.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Selfies in Cork.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting a museum and "meeting" a local.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Intact tower at a historical site.

Study Abroad in Ireland

So much to learn at historical sites.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting ancient Irish burial mounds.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting a shrine.

Study Abroad in Ireland

How beautiful the Irish countryside is!

Study Abroad in Ireland

Historic site in Dingle.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Along the shore in Dingle.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Learning on-site in an outdoor classroom.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Dunluce Castle remains.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Stopping for lunch in Cork.

Study Abroad in Ireland

The students enjoyed exploring ancient sites.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Castle ruins.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting ruins.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Dressing in historical finery.

Study Abroad in Ireland

Visiting a historic site.

Group of KU students, instructors and other tourists standing in front of a stone castle
Four Kutztown professors smili8ng and posing in front of a mural of a map with the word Cork on it
Kutztown students in a museum looking at a display case with a human skeleton lying on its back
Group of students and instructors smiling together in front of a stone tower
Closeup on stone ruins in a field in Ireland
Instructor speaking to a group of students in an open field of grass
Kutztown class smiling behind a cross-shaped grave marker with flowers on it in the middle of a forest
Distance shot of a rushing stream with mountains and pine trees in the background
Overhead shot of smiling students in the bottom of a stone well
Distant shot of students on a beach on a cloudy day, with the ocean and cliffs in the background
Kutztown class seated in a semicircle around their instructor, with stone ruins behind them
Small corridor in ancient stone castle ruins, with a stone castle tower visible in the distance
Students smiling at a picknick table full of food, one female student standing and gesturing at the table
Ancient stone ruins, with only a cobblestone floor and large stone walls preserved
Distant shot of a large, abandoned stone castle on a high cliff during a stormy day
Students walking on a path to stone ruins in the background, with a half-face selfie of a professor in the foreground
Costumed actors posing in a lavish gold and red throne room, dressed in historical garments, with knights kneeling in front of a king and other royal attendees sitting on thrones beside the king
Kutztown class lined up in front of a waist-high stone wall with a stone house and large stone tower visible behind them

Drs. Johnson, Vogel, and Lanter are the professors on the Ireland study abroad trip that is annually held in May-June. Classes are held outside in nature at historic sites and students are given free time to explore cities for themselves. The history department encourages all students to look into taking a study abroad trip during your time here at Kutztown.