Employers with internship opportunities are encouraged to connect with the Career Development Center at 610.683.4067 or recruiting@kutztown.edu. We look forward to enhancing your recruitment efforts by providing a wide range of opportunities to interact with KU students, alumni, and faculty.
KU Career Development Center website and contact information
Handshake is the Career Development Center's primary online resource for preparing and connecting students and alumni with employers. Handshake enables employers the flexibility to post and maintain their own information, for free, to a majority of the 14 PA state university students and alumni.
The following services and resources are available to employers through Handshake:
- Employer Profiles
- Internship & Job Postings
- Career Fairs & Events Registration
- On-Campus Recruiting
- Resume Books
Affiliation Agreement
Many Kutztown University students are looking for internships that provide academic credit as well as experienced in the workplace. If your organization would like to provide internships for academic credit, a signed affiliation agreement with the university is required. The affiliation agreement defines the relationship between the University, the site, and the student. It ensures that the site's personnel will supervise the student to provide a meaningful experience. An affiliation agreement needs to be signed by both the employer and the university in advance of making an offer to a student.
Kutztown University does not provide nor purchase liability insurance coverage for students serving in an intern program or fieldwork experience. Because many host organizations require that interns have liability or malpractice insurance, students need to personally purchase intern liability insurance when required to do so by the cooperating institution/agency/company. In addition, the university should NOT be listed as a named insured on the student's personal policy. This is between the student and the host site only. University personnel must be careful not to designate or appear to endorse a particular insurance policy or carrier.
While the university does not (and cannot) purchase liability insurance for students, Kutztown University can require internship students to purchase insurance to participate in a certain program or field experience. Each Dean can review and determine whether to require students to have liability insurance in place for programs or fieldwork within their academic purview. The Dean, Chairs, and/or faculty should make students aware of the potential liability they may incur while completing an internship or field experience, reiterating that the university does not insure student interns, and the exposure each student may incur if they do not have or obtain such liability coverage.