Academic Departments/Contacts

Internship Information

  • Anthropology and Sociology

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Dr. William Donner  610-683-4249

    Department Details:  Internships are not required, but highly recommended. To complete an internship in Anthropology, students must be majoring or minoring in Anthropology, have at least a 2.0 GPA overall or 2.5 GPA in Anthropology, have completed at least 60 credit hours, and have a supervisor who is an Anthropologist in the Kutztown University Department of Anthropology and Sociology.  Internships may be taken for three credits (totaling approximately 150 hours - 120 hours of on-site experience and 30 additional hours of keeping a log and writing a paper) or six credits (totaling approximately 300 hours - 240 hours of on-site experience and 30 additional hours of keeping a log and writing a paper). To complete an internship in Sociology, students must be majoring or minoring in Sociology, have at least a 2.5 GPA in the major, have completed at least 60 credit hours, and have a Sociology faculty sponsor (a member of the Sociology faculty who will serve as the faculty supervisor for the internship).  Internships may be taken for three credits (120 hours of on-site internship experience) or six credits (240 hours of on-site internship experience).   

  • Art Education

    Internship Website: Art Education

    Contact Person: Dr. Carrie Nordland  610-683-4504;

    Department Details: The B.S. in Art Education and the B.F.A. in Crafts offer students the opportunity to engage in internships. Art Education (both K-12 certification and alternative setting, non-certification track) majors generally take internships in alternative settings, such as community centers and museums. A 3.0 overall GPA is required. Crafts majors often take internships with a crafts professional or business engaged in applied craft manufacturing. The internship course is ART392 Field Experience. This course is designed to provide the student with educational opportunities outside the normal academic program which cannot be gained through the more traditional course structure. By serving as apprentices, interns, aides, or assistants in a variety of settings ranging from public institutions to private industries, businesses, and studios, the student will be able to augment and extend his or her educational experiences to achieve specific personal/professional career objectives.

  • Art & Design

    Art and Design

    Department Website

    Communication Design Contact Person: Ms Karen Kresge  610-683-4532;

    Department Details: The B.F.A. in Studio Arts and the minor in Art History offer students the opportunity to engage in internships. Studio Arts students generally take internships in arts businesses (e.g., photography studios or art galleries) or organizations (e.g., art museums or community arts organizations). The Art History minor requires an internship with an appropriate arts organization. KU has standing contracts with approximately 25 arts organizations where Studio Arts and Art History students have done internships. Students may also propose an internship at an organization not yet on the list. The internship course is ART 392 Field Experience. This course is designed to provide the student with educational opportunities outside the normal academic program which cannot be gained through the more traditional course structure. By serving as apprentices, interns, aides, or assistants in a variety of settings ranging from public institutions to private industries, businesses and studios, the student will be able to augment and extend his or her educational experiences to achieve specific personal/professional career objectives.  

    Art Contact Person: Dr. Daniel Haxall 484-646-5813;

    Department Details: Students with a department GPA of 3.0 and a concentration in Graphic Design, Advertising Design or Interactive Design have the option of taking an internship to gain experience beyond the classroom during their senior year.  Internships are considered an honor for qualifying students and an asset for students' resumes.  Internships are conducted at design, advertising, or media firms approved by the department. Some 35 organizations and communication design firms are now active participants in this program. Students are required to be at their internship 40 hours a week for seven and a half weeks during either the first or second half of the semester. This training provides a practical arena for students to test their skills and to pick up additional knowledge

  • Cinema, Television and Media Production

    Department Website

    Internship Website

    Contact Person: Professor Michael Johnston 610-683-4497;

    Department Details: All students in the Department of Cinema, Television and Media Production are required to take a full-time, full-semester senior internship at a departmentally-approved media location. Students must have senior status and have completed all of their required TVR courses in order to intern. Students are strongly encouraged to take their internship their last semester. Senior Seminar must be taken the semester prior to interning. 

  • Communication Studies

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Dr. Emily Cripe; 610-683-4863;

    Department Details: The only major that requires an internship under this department is the Social Media Theory and Strategy.

    Social Media Theory and Strategy

    The Social Media Theory and Strategy major requires an internship with social media contexts in both business and non-profit organizations. During the internship experience, students apply the knowledge and best practices they acquired in the classroom to a variety of social media platforms. In our increasingly dependent digital world, the internship provides students with the opportunity to evaluate and analyze how we use digital media to communicate, create social groups, and influence others. 

  • Computer Science and Information Technology

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Dr. Lisa Frye 610-683-4340;

    Department Details:  The Computer Science programs offer students internship opportunities.  Internships are not required, but highly recommended.  A student may complete one or two internships.  Students must choose a faculty supervisor and complete the proper paperwork prior to beginning the internship.  

  • Counselor Education and Student Affairs Department

    Department Website

    Contact Persons/Contact Information:  

    M.A. Counseling - Couples, Marital and Family: Dr. Joanne Cohen,

    M.A. Counseling - Clinical Mental Health: Dr. Deborah Duenyas,

    M.A. Counseling-Addictions: Dr. Scott Tracey,

    M.S. School Counseling - Dr.Patricia Brenner, 

    M.Ed. Student Affairs in Higher Education -Dr. Diane Elliott,  or Dr. Sally Hyatt;


    Department Details: Students are eligible for practicum and internship after completion of all Core I courses and candidacy.  Practicum is scheduled during the spring semester and involves 100 hours of clinical and course work. The internship is scheduled for the fall/spring after practicum and involves 600 hours of clinical and course work.  Please contact Alisa Hobbs in the Field Experience Department for the school counseling sites.

  • English

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Dr. Jonathan Shaw (Summer Internships) 610-683-4336

    Assistant Chair: Dr. Amy Lynh Biniek (Fall/Spring Internships) 610-683-4334

    Department Details: The Professional Writing program has a well-established internship program that is central to students' professional development. Students majoring in Professional Writing must complete a minimum of three credits at an internship, enabling them to put their classroom learning to practice in a workplace environment. Students majoring in English or English with Paralegal Studies may also choose an internship, and they should discuss this option with their advisors.  

  • Geography

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Laurel Delaney 610-683-4364;

    Department Details:  GEG 394 Internship in Geography is a requirement of the Applied, Environmental, and Planning tracks of the B.A. Geography major and of the Geography track of the B.S. Environmental Science major. The requirements of GEG 394 are as follows: Junior or Senior status, the completion of a minimum of 24 hours in Geography, a 2.5 or better cumulative GPA in Geography as of the semester or summer session prior to registering for the internship, and permission of the Department of Geography. Geography internships must be a minimum of 150 hours to qualify for the required three credits of academic work. Geography interns usually work over the course of a summer and easily meet and exceed the minimum number of hours

  • Music

    Department Website

    Internship Website

    Contact Person: Dr. Jeremy Justeson 610-683-4871;

    Department Details: Students in the Music Department choose a faculty supervisor for their internship, and the paperwork must be approved by the Department Chair before registering for the course. It should include a description of the work to be completed, the expected results, the name of the supervisor, and the amount of credit desired (one-three hours). Internships can be completed locally while enrolled in other courses at Kutztown. Internships can also be arranged in a regional city such as Philadelphia or New York City, across the country in a city such as Los Angeles, or even abroad. Depending upon the location, students may complete an internship during the fall, spring, or summer term. A 2.5 overall GPA, and 2.75 GPA in music courses, is required for all internships offered by the Department of Music. In addition to internships, music students may also work as assistants in the music office, tutoring center, KU Presents!, Schaeffer Auditorium, piano technician assistant, recording engineer, or assistants to ensemble conductors. Visit the music office for more information.

  • Philosophy & Government

    Department Website

    Internship Website

    Political Science: Dr. Steve Lem 610-683-4471;

    Public Administration: Dr. Paula Holoviak 610-683-4451;

    Department Details:  The Department of Political Science requires students completing a B.S. in Public Administration and the B.S. in Public Administration with Paralegal Studies to complete a 12 credit internship. The Department also encourages students completing the B.A. in Political Science and B.A. in Political Science with Paralegal Studies to consider completing a six, nine, or 12 credit hour internship. These internship opportunities give students firsthand, practical experience in local government offices, public agencies, law offices, and non-profit organizations. The Department also works with The Harrisburg Internship Semester to place a qualified candidate in a full-time internship with the State of Pennsylvania each semester. Department coordinators are available to advise students about internship opportunities and can provide information about program requirements.

  • Psychology

    Department Website

    Internship Website

    Contact Person: Dr. Gregory Shelley 610-683-4455;

    Department Details:  Internships are not required; internships are available in clinical-counseling, industrial-organizational, and general psychology settings.  A 2.5 or higher QPA is required. Course prerequisites vary depending on the type of internship, which is typically for three to six credits. A minimum of 120 hours on site is required for each three credits earned.  Interested students must work with a faculty supervisor.   

  • Social Work

    Department Website

    Contact Person: Dr Heather Labarre, phone: 484-646-4236, or Professor Tim Seip, phone: 484-646-5817,

    Department Details:  Internships are required.  A student completes a 400-hour internship in two semesters (a total of six credits) at a social service agency under the supervision of a credentialed social worker and a faculty member.  A 2.0 or higher QPA is required. Course prerequisites include the completion of General Education requirements and SWK 250 Social Work Practice with Individuals.  Internships are reserved for the senior year and come at the completion of General Education and Social Work major requirements.  A selection of an internship site is facilitated by the Department and prior approval for each student is required. Many hosting agencies require criminal,  child abuse clearances and FBI fingerprint clearances