College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Learning Outcomes

Undergraduate Programs:

  • Anthropology (BA)

    1. An ability to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions

    2. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline

    3. An ability to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts

    4. An ability to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles

    5. An ability to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.

    6. An ability to identify and analyze user needs and to take them into account in the selection, creation, integration, evaluation, and administration of computing-based systems

  • Biochemistry (BS)
    1. Upon completion of the Biochemistry program, students will be able to demonstrate an acceptable level of mastery of core chemical principals.
    2. Upon completion of the Biochemistry program, students will be able to demonstrate an acceptable level of mastery regarding chemical instrumental techniques.
    3. Upon completion of the Biochemistry program, students will be able to effectively deliver an oral scientific presentation that demonstrates their ability to critically evaluate and assimilate information from the primary chemical literature.
  • Biology (BS)
    1. Students completing the B.S. Biology degree will demonstrate advanced competence in their area of specialization, either organismal biology/ecology, cell biology/microbiology, pre-medical science, or allied health science.

    2. Students will demonstrate proficiency in skills useful in gaining successful employment in biology-related positions or admission to graduate or professional programs.

    3. Students completing the BS Biology degree will demonstrate writing skills such that they can effectively convey concepts and information in their discipline.

    4. Students completing the BS Biology degree will demonstrate oral communication skills such that they can effectively convey concepts and information in their discipline.

    5. Students completing the BS Biology degree will be able to effectively utilize the scientific method.

  • Chemistry (BS)
    1. Upon completion of the Chemistry program, students will be able to demonstrate an acceptable level of mastery of core chemical principals.
    2. Upon completion of the Chemistry program, students will be able to demonstrate an acceptable level of mastery regarding chemical instrumental techniques.
    3. Upon completion of the Chemistry program, students will be able to effectively deliver an oral scientific presentation that demonstrates their ability to critically evaluate and assimilate information from the primary chemical literature.
  • Computer Science (BS)
    1. An ability to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply basic principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.

    2. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program's discipline.

    3. An ability to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

    4. An ability to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.

    5. An ability to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.

    6. An ability to apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

  • Criminal Justice (BS)
    1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the criminal justice system, its agencies, and governmental positions.
    2. Students will be able to explain the theoretical underpinnings and core concepts of criminal behavior and societal responses to criminal behavior.
    3. Students will be able to apply criminal justice policy to crime and justice problems.
    4. Students will be able to analyze and communicate different positions on criminal/social justice issues.
    5. Students will be able to apply the scientific method to social processes related to the field of criminal justice. 
  • Data Science (BS)
    1. An ability to store and retrieve data and information using the latest techniques, standards and policies for a variety of industries, such as healthcare and geography.

    2. An ability to analyze a complex problem and apply principles of computing, mathematics and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.

    3. An ability to discover, analyze and synthesize data from various sources and present the data to different stakeholders based on their information needs using a variety of visualization tools and techniques.

    4. An ability to apply predictive analytics tools and techniques to solve data and information management problems in different real-world fields, such as healthcare and geography.

    5. An ability to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in various data science fields based on legal and ethical principles.

  • English (BA)
    1. SLO 1 (Reading) Upon completion of the BA in English, students will be able to critically and empathetically read and interpret diverse and multi-modal texts. 

    2. SLO 2 (Writing) Upon completion of the BA in English, students will be able to make effective choices in researching, arguing, and multi-modal composition.

    3. SLO 3 (Diversity) Upon completion of the BA in English, students will recognize the value of diversity and demonstrate an understanding of the role that texts play in promoting a more just and equitable world. 

    4. SLO 4 (History) Students demonstrate the ability to read, paraphrase, and interpret texts that illustrate social change over time because they are written in a historically inflected form of English. 

    5. SLO 5 (Professionalization) Upon completion of the BA in English, students will articulate the potential of skills learned in classes to be useful in a variety of careers. 

  • Environmental Science (BS)
    1. Students completing the B.S. in Environmental Science degree will be able to execute field and laboratory investigations based on sound scientific principals and techniques, with care and attention to detail.
    2. Students completing the B.S. in Environmental Science degree will be able to effectively communicate a position using data and logical reasoning in appropriate written and oral formats.
    3. Students completing the B.S. in Environmental Science degree will be able to work as an integral member of a multidisciplinary team to apply knowledge of the complex interactions between physical and biological realms, draw conclusions, and develop action plans.
    4. Students upon completing the B.S. in Environmental Science degree will be able to choose appropriate techniques for the collection, analysis, and presentation of quantitative, spatial, and temporal data.
  • Game Development (BS)
    1. Explain the phases and deliverables of the game development life cycle.
    2. Create cohesive game design, art design, and technical design documents.
    3. Construct a player-approach in designing game concept, game play and game mechanics.
    4. Build complete games using the state-of-the-art tools, programming language(s), and techniques.
    5. Produce music, sounds, stills, and video for incorporation into the game. 
    6. Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to design, develop, test, and productionize games.
  • General Studies (BS), BS in Professional Studies Track in General Studies
    1. Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills appropriate to the intended audience.
    2. Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills appropriate to the intended audience.
    3. Students will identify the strengths, weaknesses, and purposes of a text, visual media, or other forms of discourse according to accepted standards of reasoning and evidence.
    4. Students will integrate the concepts, theories, and/or methods from multiple perspectives or fields of study to evaluate or assess a topic, issues, problem area, or human challenge.
    5. An SLO designated by the individual student and approved by the academic advisor and the General Studies Director/Committee.
  • Geography (BA)

    1a. Technical Skills (A) - Cartography: Upon completion of the Geography program, students will demonstrate technical proficiency in producing cartographic work in the computer cartography environment.

    1b. Technical Skills (B) - Geographic Information Systems (GIS):Upon completion of the Geography program, students will demonstrate technical proficiency using geospatial technologies for carrying out geographic analysis.

    2. Synthesis and Integration: Upon completion of the Geography program, students will demonstrate the ability to draw on and synthesize information, concepts, and methods from the natural and social sciences to approach geographical research questions.

    3. Communication Skills: Upon completion of the Geography program, students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate to various audiences through oral, written, and graphical means.

  • Geology (BS)
    1. Graduating students will be able to accurately describe/represent geologic features and structures from remotely-sensed and/or limited data.
    2. Graduating students will be able to accurately describe/represent geologic and/or environmental conditions from available geological data.
    3. Graduating students will be able to accurately describe/represent environmental and/or process change from available geological data.
    4. Graduating students will be proficient in relevant technical skills (e.g. Data Processing, Geophysical Exploration, Field Mapping). 
  • German (BA)
    1. Students will demonstrate oral proficiency in German.
    2. Students will demonstrate writing proficiency in German.
    3. Students will describe and analyze the products, practices, and perspectives of the cultures of the German-speaking world.
  • History (BA)

    Note: writing skills are embedded in each of these SLOs.

    1. Historical Content: Students will describe historical phenomena from different world regions, time periods, or approaches.
    2. Research Skills: Students will apply research skills into historical projects.
    3. Critical Thinking: Students will critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of historical accounts.
  • Information Technology (BS)

    1. An ability to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions

    2. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline

    3. An ability to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts

    4. An ability to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles

    5. An ability to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.

    6. An ability to identify and analyze user needs and to take them into account in the selection, creation, integration, evaluation, and administration of computing-based systems

  • Marine Science (BS)
    1. Students who complete the Marine Science Bachelor of Science degree will use an oral format to effectively convey their scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary training, and research findings to peers, professional audiences, decision-makers, and/or the public.
    2. Students who complete the Marine Science Bachelor of Science degree will communicate in a written format to effectively convey their scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary training, and research findings to peers, professional audiences, decision-makers, and/or the public.
    3. Students who complete the Marine Science Bachelor of Science degree will demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate and synthesize scientific information from published literature and databases.
    4. Students who complete the Marine Science Bachelor of Science degree will collect and analyze data and/or design and execute experiments to answer marine-related scientific questions.
    5. Students who complete the Marine Science Bachelor of Science degree will demonstrate proficiency in laboratory and field techniques commonly used in Marine Science and necessary for graduate school and/or entry-level jobs in the field.
  • Mathematics (BS)
    1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in mathematical computations.
    2. Students will formulate and justify mathematical statements.
    3. Students will apply mathematics to solve problems.
    4. Students will demonstrate effective communication skills while conveying mathematics.
    5. Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology in mathematics.
  • Philosophy (BA)
    1. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to construct arguments for a philosophical thesis and write a substantive essay.
    2. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of symbolic logic.
    3. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the history of philosophy.
    4. Students will be able to demonstrate ability in philosophical research.
    5. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the traditional branches of philosophy and some of the leading problems and figures in each.
    6. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze and advance arguments dealing with ethical issues.
    7. Students will develop skills in reading and understanding philosophical texts.
  • Physics (BS)
    1. Upon completion of the B.S. Physics program, students will be able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge in core areas of physics.
    2. Upon completion of the B.S. Physics program, students will be able to demonstrate experimental and computational skills required of a physicist in higher education or industry.
    3. Upon completion of the B.S. Physics program, students will be able to demonstrate effective scientific communication through oral, written, and visual mechanisms.
    4. Upon the completion of the B.S. Physics program, students will be able to demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Political Science (BA)
    1. Students will be able to describe and to explain the various institutions and functions of the US government, as well as critique the basic principles of liberty, equality, and rights within our framework of democracy.
    2. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the means of inquiry in the social sciences. This includes the ability to identify appropriate methodology, perform basic data analyses/interpretation, and read/interpret visual examples of data (charts/tables, etc.) commonly found in Political Science literature.
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of other political systems worldwide and different institutions and culture. This also includes an ability to describe international interactions among states and non-state actors.
  • Professional Writing (BA)
    1. Professionalism - Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to communicate in a manner appropriate to professional environments.
    2. Writing and Design - Upon successful completion of the program, students will produce content for print and digital media.
    3. Critical Reading and Analysis - Upon successful completion of the program, students will critically analyze print and digital texts.
  • Public Administration (BS)
    1. Students will be able to demonstrate mastery over general knowledge of theory and practice of Public Administration.
    2. Students will be able to demonstrate the use of financial data for decision making.
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of other political systems around the world and their different institutions and political culture. This also includes an ability to describe international interactions among states and non-state actors.
    4. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate complex ideas orally and in writing.
    5. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to interact productively in the workforce.
  • Public Relations (BS)
    1. Students will construct communications for diverse audiences via a wide range of platforms.
    2. Students will demonstrate proficiency in Public Relations and Journalism.
    3. Students will apply visual communication techniques to a variety of strategic communications.
    4. Students will design research instruments, enact Public Relations campaigns, and evaluate their effectiveness.
    5. Students will apply theories and models in Public Relations to real-world situations.
    6. Students will prepare a supervised senior project that results in a professional-quality Public Relations initiative for an outside organization.
  • Psychology (BS) and Psychology with Paralegal Studies Major (BS)
    1. Knowledge Based in Psychology:
      • Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
      • Develop a working knowledge of psychology's content domains
      • Describe applications of psychology
    2. Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking:
      • Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
      • Demonstrate psychology information literacy
      • Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem-solving
      • Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
      • Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry
    3. Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World:
      • Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
      • Build and enhance interpersonal relationships
      • Adopt values that building community at local, national, and global levels
    4. Communicate Effectively:
      • Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
      • Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes
      • Interact effectively with others
    5. Professional Development:
      • Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
      • Exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation
      • Refine project-management skills
      • Enhance teamwork capacity
      • Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation
  • Social Work (BSW)

    Students upon completion of a Bachelor of Social Work will be able to:

    1. demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
    2. diversity and difference in practice.
    3. advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
    4. engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
    5. engage in policy practice.
    6. engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
    7. assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
    8. intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
    9. evaluate practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.

  • Sociology (BA)
    1. Students will demonstrate a familiarity with sociological subfields.
    2. Students will demonstrate a broad perspective on the social significance of diversity and inequality, focusing on class, gender, age, race, and ethnicity.
    3. Students will demonstrate an ability to summarize and apply basic theoretical orientations in sociology.
    4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which sociologists gather, interpret, and evaluate data.
    5. Students will demonstrate an ability to think critically, analytically, and logically about social issues and social problems, using the sociological perspective.
    6. Students will demonstrate college-level writing skills.
  • Spanish (BA)

    • Students will demonstrate oral proficiency in Spanish.
    • Students will demonstrate writing proficiency in Spanish.
    • Students will describe and analyze the products, practices, and perspectives of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.


  • Computer Science, Information Technology track (MS)
    1. Able to explain appropriate solutions to various security threats to a network environment.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science And/or information technology.
    3. Apply design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science and/or information technology.
    4. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills within a specialized area of computer science and/or information technology.
  • Computer Science, Interdisciplinary track (MS)

    The MS in Computer Science program at Kutztown University provides advanced study on standards surrounding the information technology and computer science industry. With the advent of the Interdisciplinary track, professionals will receive additional education needed to advance within their organizations.

    The program will provide computer science professionals to:

    • Be able to provide knowledge from outside the discipline of computer science or information technology in combination with the field of study
    • Apply design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science or information technology
    • Demonstrate an understanding of design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science and/or information technology
  • Computer Science, Software Development track (MS)
    1. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate data structure(s) to store and retrieve data for a specific application.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science and/or information technology.
    3. Apply design principles pertaining to advanced topics in computer science and/or information technology.
    4. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills within a specialized area of computer science and/or information technology.
  • English (MA)
    1. Upon completion of the Masters in English program, the students will be able to analyze theoretical or rhetorical issues in a text.
    2. Upon completion of the Masters in English program, the students will be able to demonstrate a mastery of stylistic and formal conventions.
    3. Upon completion of the Masters in English program, the students will be able to organize and conduct advanced original research in the field of English Studies.
  • Public Administration (MPA)
    1. Students will be able to apply leadership theories and techniques in managing and governing a political organization.
    2. Students will be able to analyze and disseminate data and information.
    3. Students will be able to apply financial concepts, data and assumptions to develop an accurate, flexible and professional quality budget for a public or not-for-profit organization.
    4. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the management of people and resources.
    5. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate professionally.
  • Social Work (MSW)

    Students upon completion of a Master of Social Work will:

    1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
    2. Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice
    3. Engage anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion (ADEI) in practice
    4. Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice
    5. Engage in policy practice
    6. Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
    7. Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
    8. Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
    9. Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

  • Social Work Doctorate (DSW)
    1. Students will engage in systemic inquiry that adheres to scholarly conventions.
    2. Students will use and critically evaluate advanced level evidence-based practice.
    3. Students will develop and disseminate practice-relevant knowledge through a variety of channels, including but not limited to: teaching, scholarship, professional presentations, mentoring, and administration.
    4. Students will demonstrate leadership in social work practice and education.
    5. Students will develop and maintain substantive expertise in one or more areas of social work practice.