Study Abroad/Away

Golden Bears learn everywhere. Take advantage of study abroad and study away opportunities and see the world now, while you are a student.

The Office of International Education and Global Engagement helps make students aware of opportunities for global engagement, while specializing in study abroad advising for traditional and professional study abroad programs, international opportunities after graduation, and supporting KU faculty and staff in leading study abroad and study away opportunities. 

Learn more about study abroad/away options and resources available on the MyGlobalKU portal or start a Study Abroad Advising Checklist by clicking one of the buttons below! 

  • Study Abroad Mission Statement

    To provide high-quality study abroad programs that foster intercultural understanding and enhance global competency and career readiness skills.

  • Study Abroad Goals

    1.  Collaborate with the campus community to facilitate international and regional learning opportunities.

    2. Establish high-quality programs that are accessible, affordable, and sustainable. 

    3. Develop participants' intercultural and global competency skills. 

    4. Adhere to The Forum on Education Abroad's Standards of Good Practice. 

  • Study Abroad Learning Outcomes

    Participants will be able to....

    1. Examine local, global, and intercultural issues (Ex. social, historical, political, economic,   environmental). 

    2. Understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others and demonstrate personal growth and awareness of intercultural and global competency. 

    3. Engage in culturally relevant, ethical, and mutually beneficial activities across cultures. 

    4. Gain career readiness and leadership skills that are relevant for entry into a global workforce.

    5. Articulate knowledge and skills acquired on study abroad programs to future employers. 

    6. Apply knowledge gained and think critically about global issues to take action and give back for societal well-being.