KU Presents

2024-2025 Season is here!


Last season we welcomed an incredible number of new audience members who have never been to a KU Presents show previously, making our audiences more diverse and representative of our whole community. It is so rewarding to enter Schaeffer Auditorium as individuals from different walks in life and depart together as a unified audience, and this coming season promises to bring us our biggest audiences since the pandemic.

I am also excited to see a revitalized KU Arts Society take off under new leadership. They are energized to continue the P.L.A.Y. initiative, which offers K-12 school districts in our region free, professional arts engagement experiences, and commit to making the KU Arts Hall of Fame a reality. The organization is already off to a great start, and I cannot wait to see how it grows over the next weeks and months.

Our wonderful audiences are eager to attend the wide variety of exceptional shows scheduled this coming season, and I cannot wait to experience this year’s offerings with each of you. I am super-excited to share the diverse lineup of genres and styles, including comedy, classical, country, rock, Broadway, jazz, and more, knowing every artist and group coming to Kutztown represents excellence. Be sure to invite your family, friends, and neighbors because no one should miss-out on this spectacular season!

See you at Schaeffer!
Bryan Zellmer
Director, KU Presents!
Executive Director, Kutztown University Arts Society

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KU Arts Brochure

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