Frequently Asked Questions

*This Psychology Department FAQ was developed by Psychology Graduate Assistants. It is NOT an official publication of Kutztown University. For academic curriculum and policy matters, readers should rely on printed publications of the University or on webpages maintained by the KU Administration*

  • Q: I am new to college... Do you have any advice?

    A: Stay in school and most importantly, go to class. College can be very overwhelming, but if you keep in touch with the right people, the journey should be a rather smooth one. Always keep in contact with your advisor. Your advisor has many other students to watch over, so by keeping him/her informed, you can both be on the same page. Also, if you're having trouble in class, let your professor know. Most professors are more than willing to sit and talk with you before/after class or during his/her office hours if things come up. If things get out of control and you do poorly, do not get discouraged. If things don't work out as planned, you can always retake courses that you got a "D" or "F" in (but you can't take the same course more than 3 times and 6 is the maximum number of repeats across all courses). In addition, if you do poorly one semester, don't try to overload yourself the next by taking a bigger course load. The added stress levels from extra classes won't help in your degree pursuit. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to take your time and go at your own pace.

  • Q: I am unable to attend a class. What should I do?

    A: If you cannot attend class for a prolonged period, email or telephone your professors. Ask them what work can be done while you are not able to attend classes. Do not just skip classes or tell a friend to inform your professors. Also, read the syllabi to learn about the professor's attendance policy and if/how you are to contact the professor for missed assignments. 

  • Q: How and when can I drop a class?

    A: During the beginning of the semester, you can make schedule changes online during the Drop/Add period, which is the first week of the semester. Specific dates for Add/Drop will be listed on the official course calendar. 

  • Q: How can I contact the Psychology department?

    A: The Psychology Department is located in 384 Old Main and can be reached at 610-683-4455. The department's website can be viewed by clicking the following link: Kutztown U. Psychology Department.

  • Q: How can I find out who my academic departmental advisor is?

    A: You can find out who your academic advisor is by logging onto MyKU, under the "My professors and advisors" tab, or you can contact the department (384 Old Main; 610-683-4455) to assist you. 

  • Q: What is a grid sheet?

    A: This is an outline of the classes you need to take. It will outline the requirements for general education and your psychology track. You can pick it up at the psychology department office. Once you get a grid sheet, fill in all the classes you have taken in pencil, your grade, and how many semester hours each class was worth. Make sure you only count a class once on the grid sheet. Take this to your advisor when you see them.

  • Q: Where can I find my professor's office hours?

    A: Professors are listed under Faculty and Staff with their office number, phone number, and email. Please see their office door for their office hours and visit during regular office hours or send an email. You may also visit Old Main 384 for a list of professors and office hours.

  • Q: How do i apply for an internship?

    A: Internship paperwork is on the forms rack outside of the Psychology Department Office (OM384) or download your internship forms from our website. Be sure to secure an internship advisor. You do this by asking one of the PSY faculty members to advise your internship. This person does not need to be your faculty advisor, but you can ask your advisor. Paperwork is also not complete without a job description from the internship on their letterhead. Until all paperwork is complete, please do not bring the paperwork in to the office.

  • Q: I need to print a paper for class, is there somewhere i can do that?

    A: Yes! We have a complimentary computer and printer in the Psychology Student Lounge (OM 383B).