I. Submit a Reservation Request through EMS
All programs and activities involving minors covered under the Protection-Supervision of Minors policy must be registered with the Kutztown University Conference and Event Services Office. To register your conference or event, log into EMS and follow the steps to reserve your space(s) needed. If you need assistance please refer to the EMS User Guide. You can also contact the KU Conference and Event Services office at (610) 683-1359.
II. Submit the Minors Program Registration Form (if applicable)
If your conference or event falls into any one or more of the following scenarios, a Minors Program Registration Form must be submitted.
The conference or event participants could be minors that are NOT currently enrolled KU students.
The conference or event participants are "actively participating" in the event and are not just spectating.
The Minors Program Registration Form is meant to gather details about your event and how minors will be participating in order to ensure there is enough leadership with proper clearances as dictated by the Protection-Supervision of Minors policy. This form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the conference or event start date.
III. Collect Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement from ALL participants
The signed Informed Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement form must be collected from all conference or event participants. Conference and Event Directors should determine the best method for disseminating and collecting these forms from program participants and/or their parents. Once collected, after the conference or event is completed, these documents should be submitted to the Kutztown University Conference and Event Services office for storage and maintenance.
IV. Collect the Health History/Medical Treatment Permission Form
Please note: This form is to be completed for participants under the age of 18 only if your conference or event will utilize the University Health & Wellness Center.
Collection of participant medical information may be required to ensure the health and well-being of minors involved with your conference or event is important; and protection of privacy and maintaining appropriate confidentiality is also important. Once collected, after the conference or event is completed, these documents should be submitted to the Kutztown University Conference and Event Services office for storage and maintenance.
V. Ensure Minimum Ratios of Supervising Staff to Minors
Staffing supervision of minors may vary depending on the type of program, the activities involved, and requirements imposed by the Program Sponsor. However, at a minimum the following supervising staff to minors’ ratios must be met:
Participant Age
Number of Adult Staff Supervisors
Number of Minors
5 years of age and younger
6-8 years of age
9-14 years of age
15-17 years of age
VI. Provide Staff Training
Conference and Event Directors are required to ensure that their staff receive training as required by the KU Protection of Minors Policy, on the topics listed below:
Resource materials to assist with training on these and other related topics are available on this site in the Resources and Forms Section.