Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

In order to protect yourself and others, each KU faculty, staff and student should know what to do in an emergency. Your response to any incident must focus on minimizing injury and loss of life. Do not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others to protect the physical assets of the University.

Kutztown University Police (610) 683-4001

Fire / Medical Assistance (610) 683-4001

Ambulance 911

This guide is to assist faculty, staff and students in responding to a variety of emergency situations which they may encounter at Kutztown University (KU) while working, attending classes or events, or living on campus.

Please become familiar with the contents of this guide. In the event of an emergency, it is designed to serve as a quick reference for effective action. New employees and students should be made aware of this guide during orientation. If there are any questions or comments regarding this guide, please contact the Emergency Management Coordinator.

Any questions related to this Quick Reference Guide should be referred to the University Emergency Management Coordinator, the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, or the University Police Chief.

Emergency Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities: Persons with disabilities or persons who provide assistance to persons with disabilities should contact the Disability Services Office to discuss building evacuation procedures. Preparedness is critical and should include emergency evacuation routes, refuge locations and/or individuals to provide assistance in times of emergency.


    Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC): (University Chief of Police 610-683-4002). The EMC assumes overall direction during an emergency and is responsible for employing the guidelines within the Emergency Operations Plan. The EMC notifies the members of the EMT.

    Emergency Management Team (EMT): The EMT provides overall leadership and guidance to the University community during an emergency or disaster.

    University Relations: (Public Information Officer, 610-683-4183). The office of University Relations will coordinate media relations and act as the link between the University and the public.

    Emergency Operations Levels

    LEVEL 1 (Minor): A local emergency with limited impact, which does not affect the overall functioning capacity of the university. Examples include a small fire, a hazardous material incident, or a limited power outage.

    LEVEL 2 (Major): A serious emergency that completely disrupts one or more university operations. Examples would be a major fire, a civil disturbance, or a widespread utility outage. Outside emergency services, working with campus resources may be required.

    LEVEL 3 (Disaster): A community-wide emergency that seriously impairs or halts the operations of the campus. Examples would be a major flood or damaging tornado. Outside emergency services would be essential but not always available.


    A state of emergency is a governmental declaration that may suspend certain normal functions of government, alert citizens to alter their normal behaviors, or order government agencies to implement emergency preparedness plans. Such declarations usually come during a time of natural disaster or during periods of civil disorder.
    In the case of an emergency at Kutztown University, the Emergency Management Coordinator will immediately call the President and the Emergency Management Team together.
    After consultation with the Emergency Management Team, the President or designee will declare a state of emergency. The Emergency Management Coordinator and the Emergency Management Team will recommend to the President what actions to take. The President or designee will be advised of action already taken and will approve further plans and recommendations. The University Deputy Chief of Police may also declare a state of emergency if an incident requires an immediate response for the security and control of the incident site.

    University Notification System

    Kutztown University has created a system of notification for students, staff, and faculty which is called the KU ALERT SYSTEM. This system is a multi-tiered approach of notification, that may use all or part of the following: SMS text messaging, emails, website alerts, computer monitor alerts, voice announcements via mass notification systems, and paper postings.


    The following guidelines are only highlights of the detailed response procedures located in the applicable section of the KU Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

    Reporting Incidents, Emergencies, or Disasters

    1. From a safe location, report all emergencies to the KU Police by dialing ext. “3-4001” from a campus phone or “610-683-4001” from a public or cell phone.
    2. In case of an emergency off campus, Dial: 911.
    3. When calling, stay calm and carefully explain the problem and location to the officer.
    4. Remain on the phone until the dispatcher releases the call.

    Notification Procedures

    The following outlets are available for obtaining information regarding the status of classes and administrative offices during severe weather conditions:

    (The highlighted outlets will be the first to receive the information.)

    A. Internal

    • Employee Hotline
    • 683-4191
    • (Non-instructional employees should always check this line for clarification of other announcements.)
    • General Information Hotline 683-4649
    • University Police 683-4001

    B. External

    Local Television and Radio Stations:

    • WFMZ TV – Channel 69 (Allentown)
    • KYW TV – Channel 3 (Philadelphia)
    • WTXF TV – Channel 29 (Philadelphia)
    • WCAU TV – Channel 10 (Philadelphia)
    • WGAL TV – Channel 8 (Lancaster)
    • WPVI TV – Channel 6 (Philadelphia)
    • WAEB FM – 104.1 (Allentown)
    • WLEV FM – 100.7 (Allentown)
    • WRFY FM – 102.5 (Reading)
    • WEEU AM – 830 (Reading)

    Web Sites
    Kutztown University: https://www.kutztown.edu/weather

  • Evacuation Procedures

    The main assembly areas in case of any emergency have been identified and will be communicated at the time of the emergency.

    Building Evacuation – Stay Calm, Do Not Panic

    1. When building evacuation (fire) alarm sounds and/or upon notification by KU Police, leave by the nearest marked exit or in accordance with the posted evacuation plan and alert others to do the same.
    2. Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is at least 100-feet away from the affected building.
    3. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless authorized to do so by Emergency Services personnel.

    Building Evacuation for Disabled Individuals

    1. As soon as the alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately by proceeding to the CLOSEST and SAFEST exit.
    2. If not able to get to the exit safely, find an area of safety and either send someone for assistance or call the emergency number (Ext. 3-4001 or 610-683-4001) from your cell phone. If the area becomes smoke filled, try to get to the floor. Alternatively, try to find an alternate exit and evacuate immediately.
    3. If above the ground floor, an Area of Rescue Assistance is available; proceed to that location and remain until assistance arrives. Areas of Rescue Assistance are located in deFrancesco Building, Dixon Hall, Graduate Center and Rohrbach Library. Communications devices are available to summon help from responders.
    4. If an Area of Rescue Assistance is NOT available, proceed to the closest-safest enclosed stairwell to await emergency responders. If communications in an enclosed stairwell is not available, send someone to summon assistance for you or use a cell phone to contact University Police by dialing 610683-4001.
    5. If primary and alternate exists are smoke-filled or inaccessible, distance yourself from the smoke and flames by finding a room that offers safety. Once inside the room, open a window and drape some article of clothing outside as a signal that someone is waiting for help. If a phone is available contact University Police at 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001. 6. On the way to the “safe area” the physically impaired person should ask a non-impaired person for aid in notifying response personnel of the impaired person’s location

    Campus Evacuation

    1. Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by personnel such as University Police and/or the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, or the local Fire Chief.
    2. All persons (students and employees) are to immediately vacate the area in question and relocate to a designated building assembly point identified by the authorities.
    3. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by Emergency Services personnel.

    Stay in Place

    Whenever Emergency Services personnel advises to “stay in place”:

    1. An employee should secure the room or the building in the best way practical to prevent unauthorized persons from entry into the space.
    2. Employees should report anyone believed to be missing.
    3. When appropriate the Physical Facilities Department will shut down HVAC equipment to prevent outside contaminated air from being introduced into the facility.
  • Active Shooter Response Guidelines

    This situation is a barricaded suspect(s) or an outdoor movement situation where the suspect(s) is actively discharging a firearm at the Public and/or randomly firing into an area where it is reasonably expected that persons could be struck by the suspect(s) fire. These situations leave little or no time for proper planning and normally require first arriving Law Enforcement units to take immediate action to end the danger.


    1. EVACUATE, if you can do so safely. Notify anyone you encounter to leave the building immediately. Evacuate to a safe area away from the danger and take protective cover. Stay there until emergency responders provide instructions.
    2. When there is an active shooter, DO NOT activate the fire alarm to evacuate a building.
    3. If you cannot safely evacuate the building, the following guidelines are recommended:
      1. Go to the nearest room or office.
      2. Lock and barricade doors.
      3. If the door has no lock and the door opens in, a heavy door wedge can be jammed between the bottom edge of the door and the floor, otherwise look for heavy furniture to barricade the door.
      4. Turn off lights.
      5. Close blinds and stay away from windows.
      6. Cover windows, including windows on the door.
      7. Turn off radios and computer monitors.
      8. Stay calm, quiet, and out of sight.
      9. Take adequate cover/protection i.e. concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets (cover may protect you from bullets).
      10. Silence cell phones.
      11. Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.
      12. Do not open the door- it may be the shooter.
      13. Remember, the shooter will usually not stop until they are engaged by an outside force or stopped by resistance.


    1. If you are outdoors and hear gunfire, stay alert and move away from the gunfire.
    2. Look for appropriate cover locations. Brick walls, large trees, retaining walls, parked vehicles and any other object which may stop bullets, should be used as cover.


    1. Notify the University Police as soon as it is safe to do so - Dial Ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001
    2. Provide the following information:
      1. Your specific location- building name and office/room number
      2. Number of people at your specific location
      3. Injuries- number injured, types of injuries
      4. Assailant(s)- location, number of suspects, race/gender, clothing description, physical features, type of weapons(long gun or hand gun), backpack, shooters identity if known, separate explosions from gunfire, etc. • Do not hang up until released by the dispatcher.


    1. When police officers arrive on scene, move toward any Police vehicle when it is safe to do so while keeping your hands on top of your head. Do not carry anything in your hands that could be mistaken for a weapon. Do exactly and immediately what the Police tell you to do.
    2. If you are still inside the building, DO NOT RUN. Drop to the floor, place your hands behind your head and remain still. Make no sudden moves that may be interpreted as hostile or threatening.
    3. Wait for instructions and obey all commands.
    4. Do not be upset, resist, or argue if a rescuer isn't sure whether you are the shooter or a victim.
    5. Even if you are handcuffed and searched, DO NOT resist. Wait for the confusion to clear.
    6. You will be taken to a safe area, where proper identification and status will be determined
  • Biological, Chemical, or Radiation Incident
    1. Any suspicious package received should be left untouched.
    2. The location in which the package is located should be evacuated and the University Police notified immediately at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    3. It is important for anyone who comes in contact with the suspicious package not to be in contact with other people if at all possible. These individuals should remain isolated until cleared by Emergency Service Personnel.
    4. Any exposure to a hazardous biological, chemical, or radioactive material must be reported immediately to University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    5. When reporting, be specific about the nature of the involved material and exact location.
    6. The key person on site should vacate the affected area at once, and seal if off to prevent further contamination of other areas until the arrival of Emergency Services personnel.
  • Bomb Threat
    1. If a suspicious object or potential bomb is observed, do not handle the object. Call University Police at extension 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001. Clear the area immediately.
    2. If you receive a written bomb threat, set it aside and call University Police at ext 3-4001 or (610) 6834001. Do not handle the note or the letter further.
    3. Any person receiving a phone call bomb threat should carefully record as much information as possible. Be firm, calm, and speak quietly.
    4. The individual receiving the bomb threat is responsible for carefully recording the information and then immediately notifying the University Police at ext 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    5. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible and ask the caller the following: • When is the bomb going to explode? • Where is the bomb located? • What kind of bomb is it? • What does the bomb look like?
    6. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible and try to record a description of the caller’s voice: • Age and gender of caller –male, female, young, old • Tone of voice – loud, soft, high-pitched, deep, raspy • Accent of caller – local, not local, foreign, nationality • Is voice familiar? • Background noises – office machines, factory machines, trains, airplanes, animals, music, silence, voices, traffic, party
    7. Call the University Police at 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001(if they have not been notified) and provide all the information you have obtained to the police, along with your name and location.
  • Civil Disturbance or Demonstrations
    1. Report any occurrence of Civil Disturbance or Demonstration to the University Police at Ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    2. Peaceful and non-obstructive demonstrations will not be disrupted.
    3. Demonstrations will not interfere with the normal operations of the university.
    4. If demonstrators persist in a disruptive activity, they will be advised that failure to discontinue the specified action within a specified length of time may result in disciplinary actions and/or arrest including suspension, expulsion, or possible intervention by civil authorities.
    5. In the event that a violent demonstration, in which injury to persons or property occurs or appears imminent, call University Police at Extension 4-4001 or (610) 683-4001. Move away from the area to a safe place. Do not interfere with police intervention.
  • Death, Serious Injury or Illness

    In the event of a death, serious injury, or illness to a student the following guidelines should be implemented to initiate an effective response and/or course of action on the part of the university.

    1. The individual making the discovery of a student who is seriously injured, ill or dead should immediately contact the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 and the KU Health & Wellness Services at ext 3-4082 or (610) 683-4082.
    2. The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Students will be notified by any University representative who becomes aware of the death, serious injury, or illness of a student.
    3. The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Students will:
      1. Inform the University President, the Provost, and Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Director of University Relations.
      2. Assemble a crisis management team to assist in handling the situation.
      3. Attempt to provide appropriate notification of the situation to the family.
  • Earthquake

    Remain calm and quickly follow the steps outlined below.

    1. Take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench or against an inside wall, and hold on. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building. Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, load-bearing doorway.
    2. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling objects when entering into or exiting from buildings.
    3. If outdoors, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures. Caution: Always avoid power or utility lines, as they may be energized. Know your assembly points.
    4. If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits, but stay in the vehicle for the shelter it offers.
    5. Evaluate the situation and, if emergency help is necessary, call the University Police at ext 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    6. Damaged facilities should be reported to the University Police and the KU Facilities Department.
  • Explosion on Campus
    1. Immediately take cover under tables, desks and other objects that will give protection against remaining falling glass or debris.
    2. After the initial effects of the explosion and/or crash have subsided, notify the University Police at Extension 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency.
  • Fire

    In all cases of fire, the University Police must be notified immediately at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.

    1. If a minor fire appears controllable, immediately contact the University Police. If trained, personnel may extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher. Never jeopardize your safety to save property; get out if you do not feel comfortable fighting the fire with a fire extinguisher.
    2. If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm to alert everyone else. Caution: if the alarm fails to go off you must report the fire by phone.
    3. On large fires that do not appear controllable, immediately sound the alarm and notify University Police. Be sure persons are evacuating, closing all doors to confine the fire and reduce oxygen – do not lock doors!
    4. If you become trapped in a building during a fire and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews. If there is no window, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location. Do not panic.
    5. Do NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by Emergency Services Personnel.

    For information and direction for persons with disabilities, see section labeled Building Evacuation for Disabled Individuals under Section II.

    Additional Preparedness Information can be found by going to http://www.ready.pa.gov

  • Floods

    If flooding occurs, or the conditions exist that could cause flooding to occur, observe the following:

    1. Listen to the radio or watch television weather broadcasts to keep appraised of weather watches or warnings.
    2. Listen to National Weather Service/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) radio broadcasts if a weather radio is available. Allentown NOAA weather can be found at 162.400 MHz.
    3. Go online to track the storm and be aware of weather alerts/warnings at http://www.weather.gov/phi/
    4. If a flood watch or warning occurs for the area you are in, move to higher ground immediately. Do not delay if a warning is posted.
    5. If you are in a campus building that begins to flood notify University Police immediately at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 on a public phone.
    6. Then leave the building for a facility that is not flooding.
    7. When traveling do not drive through flooded roadways.
    8. If a vehicle stalls in water, leave the vehicle immediately and move to higher ground.
    9. Be extra cautious when driving at night, as it is more difficult to recognize flood signs, or the depth of water.
    10. During heavy rains or flood alerts, etc., never park a vehicle near any streams, rivers, or flash flood areas.
    11. If caught outdoors, climb to higher ground and stay there.
    12. Do not walk through or drink flood water.
    13. If told to evacuate, do so immediately.
    14. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless told to do so by Emergency Service Personnel.
  • Hostage Situation

    The faculty, staff, or student who recognizes or is notified of a hostage situation will call the University Police at:

    • Campus phone ext. 3-4001
    • Public phone 610-683-4001

    The caller should provide as much as possible of the following information:

    • The caller’s name, location, and telephone number.
    • Number of persons being held hostage.
    • Location of the hostages.
    • Condition of the hostages.
    • Demands of the hostage takers.
    • Physical description of the hostage takers (sex, race, age, height, weight, build, glasses, facial hair, hair color, hat, and clothing color and type), if possible.
    • Description of the hostage taker’s vehicle, if applicable.
  • Medical Emergency
    1. If serious injury or illness occurs on campus, immediately dial University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001. Give your name, describe the nature and severity of the medical problem, and give the campus location of the victim. Do not hang up until released by the dispatcher.
    2. In case of minor injury or sudden onset of illness take the following actions:
      1. Students - report to the KU Health and Wellness Services for evaluation;
      2. Employees - notify your supervisor who can arrange urgent care at an off-campus medical facility or contact on-campus emergency medical services.
    3. In case of serious injury or illness, ONLY certified or appropriately trained personnel should quickly perform the following steps:
      1. Keep the victim still and comfortable. DO NOT MOVE THE VICTIM.
      2. Ask the victim, ''Are you okay?" and ''What is wrong?"
      3. Check victim's breathing and begin artificial respiration, if necessary. Send someone to get help.
      4. Control serious bleeding by direct pressure on the wound.
      5. Continue to assist the victim until help arrives.
      6. Look for emergency medical l.D.
      7. Give all information to the medical response team.
  • Psychological Emergency

    A psychological emergency exists when an individual’s behavior appears to place him/her at risk for harm to self or others. If a psychological emergency occurs:

    1. Never try to handle a situation you believe is dangerous without appropriately trained assistance.
    2. Notify the University Police of the situation at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    3. When contacting the University Police state the following:
      1. Clearly state that you need IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE.
      2. Give your name.
      3. Your location.
      4. A brief description of the situation.
  • Substance Abuse

    The most important technique in approaching or dealing with an intoxicated person is to communicate your genuine concern for them and their safety. An emergency exists and emergency medical attention is immediately required if the person:

    1. Is unable to stand or walk, or can do so only with difficulty.
    2. Is only poorly aware of his/her surroundings.
    3. Has difficulty breathing.
    4. Is passed out.
    5. Has fever or chills.
    6. Has difficulty speaking or identifying him/herself.
    7. Has an injury.
    8. Is paranoid, confused, or disoriented.
    9. Is violent or threatening.
    10. Appears to be a risk to him/herself or others.
    11. Is obnoxious and unruly.
    12. Is reported to have consumed a large quantity of alcohol, or “chugged,” or ingested other sedating or tranquilizing drugs within the last 30 minutes.
    13. Is vomiting.

    In the event of a substance abuse emergency, contact the Health and Wellness Center at ext 3-4082 or (610) 683-4082. Or, if after hours, contact University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.

  • Terrorism

    The information contained in this section applies to response to terrorism threats or incidents on the local level and to the U.S. Government Homeland Security Advisory System Alert Levels. In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Berks County Office of the District Attorney, the University Police Department adopts and implements the Counter-Terrorism Taskforce Directive. The University Police Department point-of-contact is the Chief of Public Safety and Police Services.

    The National Terrorism Advisory System, or NTAS, replaced the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). This system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information. There are two levels of threats associated with the NTAS:

    • Elevated Threat Alert - Warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States
    • Imminent Threat Alert - Warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States

    NTAS Alerts will only be issued when credible information is available.

    These alerts will include a clear statement that there is an imminent threat or elevated threat. Using available information, the alerts will provide a concise summary of the potential threat, information about actions being taken to ensure public safety, and recommended steps that individuals, communities, businesses and governments can take to help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat.

    The NTAS Alerts will be based on the nature of the threat: in some cases, alerts will be sent directly to law enforcement or affected areas of the private sector, while in others, alerts will be issued more broadly to the American public through both official and media channels

    NTAS Alerts contain a sunset provision indicating a specific date when the alert expires - there will not be a constant NTAS Alert or blanket warning that there is an overarching threat. If threat information changes for an alert, the Secretary of Homeland Security may announce an updated NTAS Alert. All changes, including the announcement that cancels an NTAS Alert, will be distributed the same way as the original alert.

    Imminent Threat Alert

    • Complete recommended actions established at Elevated Threat Alert.
    • Listen to radio/TV for current information/instructions.
    • Respond and take actions as directed by authorities.
    • Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities immediately.
    • Conduct 100% identification check of visitors, vendors and contractors.
    • Ensure mental health counselors are available for students, staff and faculty.

    Elevated Threat Alert

    • Be alert to suspicious activity and report it to proper authorities immediately. • Review emergency preparedness/response plans.
    • Prepare to handle inquiries from anxious students, parents and media.
    • Ensure all emergency supplies are stocked and ready.
    • Conduct safety training and emergency drills following written emergency plans.
    • Ensure emergency communication plan is updated and needed equipment is available and in good working condition.
    • Develop written emergency plans to address all hazards, including plans to maintain the safety of students, staff, and faculty.
    • Develop an emergency communication plan to notify parents of students and university staff in times of emergency.
    • Disseminate relevant information to members of the campus community.
  • Tornado

    In the event of a tornado warning in Berks County, a notification will be given through the voice communication fire alarm systems installed in most campus buildings, e2-Campus (KU Alert) alerting system, voice mail, email or word of mouth. The best protection is an underground shelter or basement, or a substantial steel-framed or reinforced concrete building. (If none are available, take refuge in other parts as indicated below.)

    1. In any facility always go to the lowest floor possible.
    2. If your building has no basement, take cover under heavy furniture on the ground floor in the center of the building, or in a small room on the ground or lowest floor that is away from outside walls and windows.
    3. Stay away from windows to avoid flying debris.
    4. If you are outside in open country, drive away from the tornado’s path, at a right angle to it. If there isn’t time to do this – or if you are walking – take cover and lie flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch, culvert, excavation, or ravine.
    5. Stay inside away from the windows and remain near an inside wall on the lower floors, if possible. The large brick buildings on the Kutztown University campus are of reinforced construction and should provide adequate shelter. If in a smaller facility go to the basement, an interior room or nearest brick facility.
    6. Avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums or large metal buildings with large, poorly supported roofs.
    7. Office buildings – go to an interior hallway on the lowest floor, interior rooms or closets or to a designated shelter area. Stay away from windows.
  • Utility Failure

    In the event of a major utility failure, you should do the following:

    1. During regular working hours (8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), immediately notify the Facilities Department Work Control Center at Ext. 3-1594 or (610) 683-1594, along with the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    2. If there is a potential danger to building occupants, or if the utility failure occurs after hours, weekends, or holidays, notify the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.
    3. If a fire emergency exists, activate the building alarm and leave the building.
    4. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless told to do so by Public Safety or Environmental Health & Safety.

    Elevator Failure

    If you are trapped in the elevator, use the emergency phone to notify University Police. Most phones dial automatically, if the phone has a keypad, dial Ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 on your cell phone. If the elevator does not have an emergency phone, turn on the emergency alarm (located on the front panel of the elevator), which will signal for help.

    Plumbing Failure/Flooding

    Cease using all electrical equipment. During regular working hours (8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), immediately notify the Facilities Department Work Control Center at Ext. 3-1594 or (610) 683-1594; after hours call the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001.

    If necessary, evacuate the area immediately. Do not touch electrical equipment while standing in water.

    Gas Leak

    Cease all operations and immediately vacate the area. Do not switch lights or any electrical equipment on or off. Extinguish all open flames, including cigarettes.
    During regular working hours (8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), immediately notify the Facilities Department Work Control Center at Ext. 3-1594 or (610) 683-1594, along with the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 from a telephone outside the area affected by the gas leak.

    After hours, notify University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 from a telephone outside the area affected by the gas leak.
    Steam Line Failure

    During regular working hours (8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), immediately notify the Facilities Department Work Control Center at Ext. 3-1594 or (610) 683-1594; after hours call the University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001. If necessary, vacate the area. Keep clear to avoid burns.

    Ventilation Problem

    If smoke/odors come from the ventilation system, immediately notify University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001, and, if necessary, cease all operations and vacate the area. Notify the Facilities Department Work Control Center at 3-1594 or (610) 683-1594

  • Violent or Criminal Behavior

    In you observe a criminal act or are a victim:

    1. Promptly notify University Police at ext. 3-4001 or (610) 683-4001 and report the incident, including the following information:
      1. Nature of the incident
      2. Location of the incident
      3. Description of person(s) involved.
      4. Description of property involved.
    2. Assist the officers when they arrive by supplying them with all additional information and ask others to cooperate.
    3. In the event of gunfire, or discharged explosives take cover immediately using all available cover.
    4. After the disturbance, seek emergency first aid if necessary.