KU Motor Vehicle Regulations

The following regulations are in effect at Kutztown University.

  • Purpose and Scope


    The parking and operation of vehicles on campus is a privilege granted by Kutztown University to all individuals who will observe regulations for their proper and safe use. Local regulations are formulated by the University Traffic Bureau, which also functions as an appellate body.

    The Department of Public Safety & Police Services is authorized to enforce these regulations. Questions or problems related to the operation of vehicles should be directed to Public Safety at 610-683-4002.


    These regulations are applicable to any driver and/or owner of a motor vehicle operated or parked on Kutztown University property. A motor vehicle, as defined by these regulations, includes automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters, motorbikes, and any other self-propelled, land-driven vehicles.

    For a list of regulations, click any of the links below.

  • Definitions

    Permit - An authorized decal, permit, or placard issued by, or through, KU Business Services.

    Commuter Upperclassman - An undergraduate student with 30+ credits entering the fall semester of the current academic year who reside off-campus but not in privately owned housing communities served by the University's campus shuttle service.

    Commuter Underclassman - An undergraduate student with fewer than 30 credits entering the fall semester of the current academic year who reside off-campus but not in privately owned housing communities served by the University's campus shuttle service.

    Resident Upperclassman - An undergraduate student who resides in any campus resident facility and has completed 30+ credits at the beginning of a fall semester of the current academic year.

    Resident Underclassman - An undergraduate student who resides in any campus resident facility and has completed fewer than 30 credits at the beginning of a fall semester of the current academic year.

    Graduate Permit - (including Graduate Assistants and Resident Graduate Students) who will be on campus during general enforcement hours (7:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m.) for any reason (attend classes, on-campus job, etc.) must purchase and display a valid parking permit, like their undergraduate counterparts. They must park in white-lined spaces and cannot park in reserved spaces.

    Staff Permit - A permit issued to employees of the university.

    Emeriti Permit - A permit issued to emeriti and retirees of the university.

    Visitor Permit - A permit issued to any individual who parks a vehicle on campus and does not hold student, staff, faculty or emeriti status with the university.

    Loaner Vehicle - A vehicle temporarily being used by an individual who already has a vehicle registered with the University.

    Special Permit - A temporary permit issued by KU Business Services which allows the bearer closer parking access to facilities due to temporary mobility issues as certified by a licensed health care provider.

    Handicap Placard/Plate - A permit issued by a state government to persons who have impaired mobility due to physical conditions determined by the applicant's state of residence which allows the person with the disability to park in identified handicap parking spaces.

  • General Information & Regulations
    1. All Commonwealth of Pennsylvania parking and traffic regulations apply upon properties owned or controlled by Kutztown University and are enforced all year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

    2. All motor vehicles parked on Kutztown University property and operated by students, faculty, staff or visitors, either regularly or temporarily, must be registered with the KU Business Services and must clearly display a valid University parking permit.

    3. Acceptance of a permit from Kutztown University acknowledges the existence of the Motor Vehicle Regulations and the permit holder's responsibility for adherence thereto. Individuals who register a vehicle and accept a parking permit attest they are the driver of the registered vehicle and are subject to these regulations and any associated fines.

    4. Students, faculty, and staff are issued a permit for each vehicle upon registration. Upon issuance, the permit must immediately adhere to the interior of the windshield on the bottom corner of the passenger's side of the registered vehicle using the adhesive on the decal. It may not adhere to the windshield with tape, laminate, rubber bands or any other temporary method nor should it be placed on the dashboard in lieu of affixing it to the windshield. Permits on motorcycles should be placed on the fork near the vehicle's registration stickers.

    5. Visitors and employees of KU-affiliated organizations are issued hangtags that are to be displayed on the rear-view mirror of the vehicle facing the front exterior of the vehicle. A temporary permit is valid in accordance with the duration of the date and time stamped on the permit. All temporary permits must be displayed on the vehicle's rear-view mirror. Visitors may park in yellow, white or green-lined and non-signed spaces and according to the temporary pass issued to them by KU Business Services.

    6. An appropriate permit or another form of identification will be issued for each vehicle that is registered with KU Business Services. The permit shall be displayed as directed at the time of issue, readily visible and readable from the exterior of the vehicle.

    7. License plates, parking permits, and temporary passes must be visible at all times. Parking permits may not be obscured by car covers, inspection stickers, hanging ornaments, parking permits issued by other agencies or by any other manner.

    8. Expired parking permits (placards, hang tags, and decals) should not be displayed and must be removed from the vehicle prior to parking on Kutztown University property. Failure to remove an expired KU permit may result in a Failure to Register Vehicle and Display Valid Permit violation.

    9. Approval to utilize on-campus parking facilities terminates upon expiration of the respective permit.

    10. Mutilated, altered, or defaced permits will be considered invalid and must be replaced. Only one decal shall be displayed on a vehicle. Failure to remove an expired decal may result in a fraudulent decal violation.

    11. Anyone who possesses, displays, makes, sells, alters, or gives to anyone a lost, stolen or counterfeit decal/permit of the University is subject to a $100.00 fine. The violator shall have their parking privileges revoked for a period of time not to exceed two semesters for each violation. Violations occurring during the revocation period are subject to an additional $100.00 fine as well as having the vehicle booted/towed at the owner's expense. Forgery, theft of services or other criminal charges may apply.

    12. Permission to operate a motor vehicle on campus may be rescinded or suspended at the discretion of University authorities. Failure to comply with University Motor Vehicle regulations, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regulations or any type of dangerous, reckless, or damaging activities will be a valid reason for revocation.

    13. Registration of a vehicle ensures an assigned place to park on campus though not necessarily in the desired location.

    14. Operators of a loaner/rental vehicle who have their permanent vehicles registered are to obtain a temporary permit from KU Business Services. Students must add the vehicle to their vehicle account via MyKU prior to securing the temporary permit. The temporary permit must be placed on the rear-view mirror of the loaner vehicle in a visible position.

    15. A change in motor vehicle registration must be reported to KU Business Services within 48 hours. Motor vehicles must be owned by the employee, student, or immediate family member. Should the living status of the student change from a campus resident to a commuter, or vice versa, the student must exchange the vehicle permit at KU Business Services within 48 hours.

    16. All parking areas shall have appropriate signage at the entrance to each lot.

    17. The University reserves the right to communicate with the registered operator or owner of the vehicle regarding outstanding tickets, violations or other pertinent information via the information gathered through the vehicle registration process or from the state's department of transportation.

    18. Parking fines and/or Registration fees are subject to change without prior notice.

    19. Vehicles may be parked at a parking meter near the McFarland Student Union without displaying a permit.  However, meter parking is limited to one hour and the applicable rate must be paid. 

  • Vehicle Registration
    1.  All students who wish to park a vehicle on campus must purchase a one-semester (fall) or annual parking permit from KU Business Services. Students may register more than one family-owned vehicle but no more than one vehicle may be parked on Kutztown University property at the one time.

    2. With each permit purchased, students will be given a specific lot assignment based upon residency status and level of coursework.

    3. All employees may secure a free parking permit for vehicles they will park on campus by presenting their state-issued driver’s license or KU identification card and valid vehicle registration to KU Business Services during regular operating hours.

    4. Employees may park in any yellow-lined parking spot that is not signed or marked for specific use (e.g. 24 hour reserved, emergency vehicles only, etc.)

    5. Visitors operating or parking motor vehicles on campus must display a visitor permit hanging from the rearview mirror on their vehicle in a manner fully visible from the outside of the vehicle. Visitor permits may be obtained through KU Business Services or through the campus department which is hosting the visitor. (Please note it is the responsibility of the university host to inform their visitors of Motor Vehicle Regulations and to ensure visitors abide by the same to avoid responsibility for the violation).

    6. Registered vehicles are required to have and to maintain liability and property.

    7. Should an issued permit be lost or stolen, it is the responsibility of the registered owner of a permit to report the loss or theft to KU Business Services. Failure to report the loss or theft of a permit will not be considered a valid reason for appeal of a parking ticket.

    8. There is a $15 Lost Permit Replacement Fee for lost permits. 

  • Parking Enforcement
    1. Enforcement of vehicle regulations upon all persons using University property will be prompt, impartial, and certain. Such enforcement is the responsibility of Public Safety and Police Services.

    2. Students may park in white-lined spaces only. Specific lot assignments are made based upon residency status and level of coursework. Students are not permitted to park in yellow or green-lined spaces or any area that is signed or marked as reserved at any time.

    3. In all lots, spots painted with yellow lines are assigned to staff/faculty only. Spots assigned to visitors are painted green. Staff may not park in green lines spaces at any time.

    4. All Kutztown University traffic and parking regulations pertaining to reserved parking spaces are applied and enforced all year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including when classes are not in session.  At no time may a vehicle not authorized by Public Safety and Police Services be parked in such spaces. 

    5. All drivers are assigned to park in specific locations on campus. All vehicles parked on campus during fall and spring semesters, Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM TO 4:30 PM, are required to display a parking permit and to be parked in their assigned lot(s). Outside of this time frame, vehicles without decals may be parked in white-line spaces across campus except as noted below. 

    6. Between semesters and over the summer months, parking in other white and yellow line spaces is allowable without a permit, unless otherwise determined by Public Safety.

    7. In the weeks prior to the fall semester, parking is limited in certain lots and restrictions will be posted. 

    8. Vehicles belonging to resident underclassmen are assigned an F decal are restricted to lots B2, B3 and A4 at all times during the fall and spring semesters, except to load/unload belongings as stated in section V, sub-section E.

    9. Lot F3 (behind Old Main) is restricted to staff parking onl; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    10. Lot B1 (by Grim) is restricted to staff and visitor parking only; 24 hours a day/enforcement, Monday through Friday.

    11. Lots with parking meters: Parking meter areas are enforced Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Meter parking is limited to one (1) hour during this time frame. After the hour expires, the vehicle must be relocated to another parking lot or removed from campus.

    12. Violators of parking offenses in non-metered areas are subject to receiving one ticket every four (4) hours for the same offense.

    13. Violators of parking offenses in metered spaces are subject to receiving one ticket every two (2) hours for the same offense.

    14. All parts of the vehicle (not just the tires) must be inside the designated parking space and not impede traffic flow or parking in adjacent spaces or roadways in any manner.

    15. If there are no lines or signage indicating a valid parking space, parking is not permitted.

    16. Ignorance of any regulations concerning the operation or parking of a vehicle on any University property is not valid justification to request that a fine or penalty be waived. All members of the University community and visitors are expected to be familiar with these regulations and subsequent revisions.

    17. When a vehicle has been loaned to another person and is subsequently issued a ticket, the person to whom the vehicle is registered is responsible for such violation.

    18. Fire lanes and other "no parking areas" are color-coded yellow, where possible. No one may park in these areas without special permission or in an emergency situation.

    19. No parking or operation of vehicles by any driver is permitted on grass, curbed areas, driveways, fire lanes, walks, or sodded areas on any part of campus without the permission of Public Safety & Police Services. Exceptions to this rule include service, emergency, and maintenance vehicles during the performance of work.

    20. All motor vehicles are operated and/or parked on university property at the owner's risk. The University assumes no responsibility for any damage sustained or any loss by fire, theft, accident, or vandalism, et al.

    21. Weather conditions do not alter parking regulations unless an emergency is declared and announced by University officials.

  • Vehicular Movement
    1. The maximum speed limit on campus is fifteen (15) miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. Violators are subject to receiving a $50.00 fine. 

    2.  The pedestrian shall have the right of way in crosswalks.

    3. Reckless driving, stop sign violation, driving too fast for conditions, leaving the scene of an accident without stopping, driving upon grass, failure to follow parking lot directional arrows, and any other traffic violation will be subject to penalty in accordance with the provisions of the University Vehicle Regulations, the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania or the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, as established by operational procedure.

  • Special Parking Considerations
    1. Special parking considerations, such as temporary flexible parking due to short-term mobility or medical conditions, or long-term reassignments due to service as a fire company volunteer, late night work assignments or other unique circumstances, may be requested by contacting KU Business Services.

    2. Students and employees who receive such considerations and are issued Special Permits are obligated to follow this policy and additional restrictions in place at the time the Special Permit is issued and for the duration of its validity.

    3. If a Special Parking permit is issued to an individual and that individual has a long-term medical need that is not accommodated by the Special Permit, then the individual must submit a request through their state of residence for a handicap placard/plate (temporary or permanent). Handicap plate/placard forms can be obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles of the applicant’s permanent state of residence or the office of their health care provider.

    4. Special parking considerations, such as temporary flexible parking due to short-term mobility or medical conditions, or long-term reassignments due to service as a fire company volunteer, late night work assignments or other unique circumstances, may be requested by contacting KU Business Services.

    5. Students and employees who receive such considerations and are issued Special Permits are obligated to follow this policy and additional restrictions in place at the time the Special Permit is issued and for the duration of its validity.

    6. If a Special Parking permit is issued to an individual and that individual has a long-term medical need that is not accommodated by the Special Permit, then the individual must submit a request through their state of residence for a handicap placard/plate (temporary or permanent). Handicap plate/placard forms can be obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles of the applicant’s permanent state of residence or the office of their health care provider.

    7. Special permits issued by KU Business Services will state the areas that they may be used. These permits may not be used in a posted handicap space and will not be renewed.

    8. Operators of vehicles that breakdown on campus and are parked illegally or in unauthorized areas must report the breakdown to Public Safety & Police Services at the time the vehicle is discovered to be inoperable. A disabled vehicle placard will be issued to the driver and must be displayed on the passenger’s side dashboard of the vehicle, in a visible location for a maximum of 24 hours.

    9. All persons are permitted to park their vehicles in the marked loading areas or in a legal parking space (students in white lined spaces only) for the purposes of loading and unloading their Use of the area is limited to twenty (20) minutes and may be used for this purpose only. Emergency flashers must be used. Violators are subject to a $30.00 fine and having the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense. Requests that exceed this time limit must be approved by Public Safety & Police Services prior to using any restricted area for loading or unloading purposes.

    10. Parking on Borough or Township streets is regulated by signs and markings and is under the jurisdiction of the local government officials.

  • Parking Fines and Moving Violations

    The following fines may be levied to any vehicle parked or operated on the Kutztown University campus in violation of these regulations:

    a. Illegal Use of Handicap Permit/No HP Permit Displayed

    Use of a posted handicapped space is restricted by law to vehicles occupied by persons who are handicapped and which bear an authorized Handicapped plate or placard. (See Title 75 section 3354(d)(1)(2)(3).) It is not legal for any person to use parking set aside for the Handicapped when the person for whom the Handicapped plate or placard is not in the vehicle.

    The occupant of the vehicle to whom the handicap placard was issued must present a valid state-issued handicap ID card (that was received with the plate or placard) to an officer or agent when requested, in order to verify ownership of the plate/placard. Failure to provide such documentation will result in the issuance of a handicap parking violation.

    Bearers of a handicap placard or plate who fail to display the handicap permit but provide the appropriate documentation to KU Business Services within 24 hours of receiving the handicap parking violation may have a violation voided no more than one time per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).

    Handicapped violations may not be appealed.

    Handicap parking violations are issued at a rate of $125.

    b. Special Parking Violation

    Any vehicle parked in a parking spot signed "Special Parking" at any time without the proper permit is in violation of these regulations and subject to a $50 fine.

    c.  Fraudulent Registration/Displaying a Fraudulent/Altered/Lost/Stolen Permit

    Any person who purchases, uses or displays a University parking permit in violation of these regulations shall be issued a ticket for fraudulent registration. Fraudulent registration includes but is not limited to:

    1. Purchase of a parking permit in another student's name;

    2. Purchase of a permit to be used by someone other than the person who is registering the vehicle;

    3. Use of another's person permit;

    4. Registration of a vehicle which is to be used by a person not authorized for University parking;

    5. Use of a Visitor pass by Faculty, Staff, or Student;

    6. Alteration to, duplication of or counterfeit of a permit;

    7. Misrepresentation of an individual's eligibility (including local address) to secure a University parking permit.

    Any person found in possession of a lost or stolen permit will have their parking privileges revoked for a period of not fewer than six (6) months, nor more than one (1) year. They also face the possibility of having charges filed against them under the most appropriate section(s) of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.

    There shall be no refunds on registrations voided due to fraudulent registration.

    Fraudulent registration parking violations are issued at a rate of $100.

    d. Impeding Access by Emergency Vehicles (blocking fire lanes, gates, hydrants; emergency vehicle parking)

    Any vehicle that restricts traffic flow in signed or marked areas for the purpose to maintain safe and adequate access for emergency vehicles will receive a fine in the amount of $50.

    e. Illegal Parking

    A parking space is defined by two parallel lines, painted white for students, yellow for staff and faculty, and green for visitors. Vehicles not positioned between two parallel lines are illegally parked.

    No parking, no matter how brief, is permitted on lawns, driveways, traffic lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, fire lanes, or any other non-designated areas of the campus. Vehicles should not block rubbish containers or loading docks. Violators will be towed.

    Illegal parking violations are issued at a rate of $30.

    f. Failure to Register Vehicle and Display Valid Permit

    Any vehicle parked on University property without displaying a valid and proper permit is subject to a $40 fine.

    g. Unauthorized Parking

    No vehicle shall be parked in a lot or area other than that assigned to the designated permit. Any vehicle that is parked in a manner that is in violation of these regulations shall be issued a ticket for unauthorized parking. Unauthorized parking includes parking:

    1. in a manner that fails to conform with signage or markings;

    2. in a spot or lot other than that to which it has been assigned;

    3. in a signed or marked reserved space which restricts the use of them to vehicles approved by Public Safety. Such spaces are enforced 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    No vehicle will be parked in a lot or area other than that assigned to the designated permit. Areas will be posted with an appropriate sign to indicate the type, hours of authorized parking, and time limitations.

    Unauthorized parking violations are issued at a rate of $25.

    h. Inclement Weather/Snow Fine

    Any vehicle parked in an area restricted by a temporary order of the Department of Public Safety and Police Services due to severe weather or any other hazardous condition which may impede the protection of life and property will receive this fine.

    Such restriction shall be made by Public Safety and shall be communicated to staff, faculty and students through various means.

    Parking a vehicle in a lot designated as an emergency snow lot from November 15th through March 15th between the hours of 12 midnight until 6:00 AM is a violation of this policy.

    Violators are subject to a fine of $35 and having their vehicle towed.

    i. Temporary or No Parking Order

    Vehicles parked in areas restricted by temporary signage or traffic control devices for a specific period of time because of emergency or special events are considered to be in violation of these regulations.

    Such signs shall take precedence over any other parking or regulatory signs and shall be complied with, accordingly.

    Violators are subject to a fine of $30 and having their vehicle towed.

    j. Parking at an Inoperable/Expired Meter/Parking in Excess of One Hour Violation

    Expired time on a parking meter is subject to a $10.00 fine for expired meter violation. Violators are subject to receiving one ticket every 2 (two) hours for the same offense.

    Meter parking is limited to one (1) hour during enforcement hours.

    Vehicles parked in a spot with an inoperable meter are in violation of this policy.

    k. Moving Violation

    A moving violation occurs whenever a traffic law is violated by a vehicle in motion.

    1. Reckless Driving: driving or using any motor vehicle in a manner, which unreasonably interferes with the free and proper use of the roadways or unreasonably endangers users of the roadways or pedestrians.

    2. Speeding: driving in excess of posted speed limits.

    3. Driving on Unpaved Areas or Non-Roadways: operating a motor vehicle on any unpaved area of the campus unless such operation is at the direction of Public Safety.

    4. Failure to Obey Posted Instructions: includes disobeying one-way signs, stop signs, yield to pedestrians and other posted instructions, by signage, painting or other visible markers, that control the operation of motor vehicles.

    Violators are subject to a fine of $50.

    l. Improper Display of Permit

    Vehicles must display only current decals placed on the vehicle as instructed by Public Safety. All other expired decals of Kutztown University must be removed.

    Violators are subject to a $20 fine.

    m. Warning

    Warning Citations are issued in certain circumstances for a first time parking violation. If a vehicle remains parked in violation of a parking regulation, a monetary fine citation may be issued even if a warning citation was issued during the same day.

    A warning carries no fine.

    n. Failure to Update Vehicle Information on Registered Vehicle Within 48 Hours

    Registration of a vehicle is linked to a specific vehicle with a specific license plate. Failure to present an updated vehicle registration to KU Business Services within 48 hours of the change in information will result in a fine of $20.

    o.  Failure to Obey the Directions of the Security Staff in Execution of Duties

    Drivers who fail to follow the instructions issued to them by Public Safety personnel in the execution of their duties are in violation of this policy.

    The violation may be added to the vehicle's registration account in lieu of being placed on the vehicle if the driver leaves the scene or doing so would threaten the safety of the personnel.

    Failure to obey carries a $20 fine.

  • Snow Removal

    Parking in Inclement Weather.  More information: 

    1. Parking may be restricted because of the necessity to remove snow in a parking lot or along roadways where the density of traffic, protection of life and property, construction and condition of the roadway, or any hazardous condition make it advisable. Such restriction shall be made by Public Safety and shall be communicated to staff, faculty and students through various means.

    2. Emergency snow lots have been designated as follows: lot A2 (near Beekey), lot B1 (front of Grim), and lot F1 (behind Stratton Administration Building). From November 15th through March 15th each year, parking is not permitted in these lots from 12 midnight until 6:00 AM. Violators are subject to fines and/or having their vehicles towed. Disabled vehicles will be excluded if advance notification is received by Public Safety & Police Services from the owner on the date in question. These lots have all been appropriately signed as snow emergency lots.

  • Immobilization, Towing & Revocation of Privileges
    1. Any vehicle accumulating three (3) or more delinquent parking violations (fines not paid within 7 calendar days of issuance) is a scofflaw. Public Safety may place an immobilizing device (boot) on any scofflaw. 

    2. Any vehicle operator who flagrantly disobeys the university's parking and traffic rules and regulations by having six (6) or more parking tickets in one semester (not including those successfully appealed), will have their vehicle immobilized each time their vehicle is parked in a manner in violation of these regulations. If the number of violations reaches ten (10) or more in a given semester, the operator is subject to having their parking privileges revoked for the remainder of the academic semester in which the violations occur, plus an additional semester.

    3. Operators who have had their vehicle immobilized (booted) twice in the course of one academic year will lose their parking privilege for the academic year or a six (6) month period, whichever is greater. 

    4. The immobilizer ("boot") incurs a $50.00 removal fee in addition to payment of all parking fines and penalties accrued to date for the release of the offending vehicle. The person claiming the vehicle must show a registration card for the vehicle and a valid driver's license. 

    5. Fines associated with any booted vehicle must be paid within 72 hours of booting to avoid having the vehicle towed to a privately owned impounding lot. All related expenses are the responsibility of the vehicle owner and operator.

    6. Individuals who are under suspension or revocation, who continue to park on the grounds of the University shall be fined in accordance with the regulation, in addition to being subject to having their vehicle towed to an impound lot without notice. The owner of the vehicle will be responsible for towing expenses and any other additional impound charges. The University Traffic Bureau will also review the case relative to further extending the length of time for the loss of parking privileges.

  • Payments
    1. Payments can only be paid via a student's MyKU account with a credit card or e-check. Additionally, cash or check payments are accepted by the Office of Student Accounts during normal business hours. Public Safety cannot collect monies, nor can they authorize the removal of a boot until payment is made and a receipt is presented.

    2. Fines which have not been paid or appealed within seven (7) days of issue by non-students may be turned over to the District Justice for processing. Violations judged through the District Justice are subject to court costs and/or imprisonment in addition to the basic fine.

    3. Students with fines which have not been paid within seven (7) days of issue, even if on appeal, may have their University records sealed and their vehicle immobilized until payment is made.

  • Appeals
    1. Appeals must be made within 7 days after ticket issuance to the University Traffic Bureau. The appeal will be reviewed and a decision will be rendered. Traffic Bureau decisions are final and its meetings are closed to all persons other than the violator. 

    2. Ignorance of the regulations will not be accepted in any case as a basis for an appeal. All appeals must be presented online through a student's MyKU account, in writing, or in person at a Traffic Bureau meeting. Traffic Bureau meetings times and location are available by calling KU Business Services at 610-683-4825.

    3. Appeals for tickets that are received more than 7 days after issuance will not be accepted unless presented in person at a meeting of the University Traffic Bureau, at which time the appeal will be heard. Written requests will automatically be denied.

    4. Appeals to the Traffic Bureau, written or oral, must be expressed in an appropriate manner. Bullying, derision, use of obscenities, heated or protracted argument or any other show of disrespect toward the Bureau or its staff will result in automatic denial of the appeal and possible Code of Conduct charges.

    Title 18 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Section 7505 authorized Kutztown University to promulgate rules and regulations governing all vehicular traffic and parking upon such property. At Kutztown University a University Traffic Bureau, composed of faculty, staff, and students is designated to advise the Administrative Council on all proposals, policies, and regulations pertaining to parking and traffic control on the Kutztown University Campus; to serve as an appellate body to hear and adjudicate violations of campus traffic and parking regulations; and to provide current information to the university community regarding traffic and parking regulations.