Transfer Credit Information
Transfer Credit Center
Kutztown University welcomes students who want to transfer from another college or university. Please click the following link to be directed to the transfer credit evaluation table.
Transfer credits will be evaluated once an official transcript is received by the university.
- If you have taken a course at Kutztown and received a "D" or better you will not be awarded transfer credits for the same course.
- Students transferring in with any of the following Associate Degrees will have their general education requirements waived. Accepted Associate Degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, and any other qualifying Associate Degrees.
Transfer credit evaluations can be re-evaluated by contacting the Registrar's Office and providing a description or a syllabus from the course.
Permit to Study at Another College or University
KU students wishing to study at another college and to transfer the credits earned to Kutztown University must obtain permission, in writing, prior to enrollment.
Please click the following link to view and download the Permit to Study at Another College.
Visiting Student Program
Visiting Student Program
Visiting Student Program Policy
The purpose of the Visiting Student program is to facilitate the undergraduate student enrollment at institutions of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to take advantage of courses available across the system, without loss of institutional residency, eligibility for honors or athletics, or credits toward graduation at the home institution.
Please click the following link to view and download the PASSHE Application for Visiting Student Status (PDF).
Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center (PA TRAC)
Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center (PA TRAC)
The Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center (PA TRAC) was created as a one-stop-shop for transfer students, administrators, and advisors/faculty. Students who successfully complete courses from the approved Transfer Credit Framework will have their credits transferred and counted toward graduation at any of the participating colleges and universities, including Kutztown University. The site also contains helpful information on topics such as:
- Statewide Articulations
- Determining course equivalencies from/to multiple institutions
- College profiles for participating institutions
- Searchable databases that allow students to search for information by Institution and by Course
- Transfer Guidance
- Transfer Counselor Recruitment Calendar
Program to Program / Transfer Credits
What is TAOC?
The Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC):
The Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC) was established under section 24 P.S. §20-2004-C of Article XX-C of the Public institution Code of 1949. The committee reports to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. TAOC is charged with establishing course equivalency standards; identifying a minimum of 30 hours of foundation courses for transfer at each of the 14 PASSHE and 14 community college institutions; resolving any conflict resulting from any of the above processes; working with PDE to develop a system for reporting transfer data, and working with PDE to develop an ePortal system ( that serves as a public entryway to data and information relevant to transfer and articulation.
What is a PAC?
Program Articulation Committees (PACs)
Recognizing the importance if of having faculty, administrators, and personnel from both two- and four-year participating institutions involved in the statewide program-to-program articulation process, the Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC) determined each PAC shall include 13members representing the three sectors (community colleges, state-owned universities, opt-in institutions) and TAOC:
What is the goal of a PAC?
PAC members are charged with developing a statewide program-to-program articulation agreement that allows a student to transfer the full Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Fine Arts degree in the PAC's respective field of study into a parallel bachelor degree program offered at a participating four-year institution with full junior standing. PAC members will work together to identify the competencies required for entry into the field of study at the junior level. The resulting agreement will also build on the 30-credit Transfer Credit Framework that is the basis of the Commonwealth's college credit transfer system. The goal of statewide articulation is not to create a common associate degree program or bachelor degree program in the field of study. Rather, institutions will use the articulation agreement to ensure minimum competency requirements are met at the associate degree level and that students are academically prepared to transfer into the parallel bachelor degree program as juniors.
Please click the following link to be directed to Kutztown University's Program to Program Planners page.