Dr. Georgeos Sirrakos

Coordinator of Secondary Education Administrative Certificates

Headshot of Dr. Georgeos Sirrakos

Secondary Education
Beekey 234

About Dr. Sirrakos:

Dr. Georgeos Sirrakos is a Professor in the Department of Secondary Education at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Sirrakos supervises student teachers and teaches courses in education research, multicultural education, education psychology, and methods of science instruction. His research interests include fostering equity in education, creating opportunities for students to inform the teaching and learning process, and cross-national studies of learning environments. Dr. Sirrakos was named a 2013-2014 Phi Delta Kappa Emerging Leader in Education and in 2018 was awarded the John P. Schellenberg Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

    • Ph.D. Urban Science Education, Curtin University of Technology
    • M.S. Secondary Science Education, Lehman College
    • B.S. Biology, Stony Brook University
    • Daneshzadeh, A. & Sirrakos, G. (2018). "Restorative justice as a double-edged sword: Conflating restoration of Black youth with transformation of schools." Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 17(4). https://doi.org/10.31390/taboo.17.4.02

    • Sirrakos, G. & Fraser, B. J. (2018). "Development and validation of the Questionnaire Assessing Connections to Science (QuACS)." In D. Zandvliet and B. J. Fraser (Eds.), Thirty Years of Learning Environments: Looking Back and Looking Forward.

    • Sirrakos, G. & Emdin, C. (Eds.) (2017). Between the World and the Urban Classroom. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

    • Sirrakos, G. & Fraser, B. J. (2017). "A cross-national, mixed-method study of reality pedagogy." Learning Environments Research: An International Journal, 20, 153-174.

    • Sirrakos, G. (2017). "Beyond a deficit perspective: From the Greek financial crisis to urban students of color." In G. Sirrakos & C. Emdin (Eds.), Between the World and the Urban Classroom (pp. 53-68). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
    • SEU 312: Principles of Learning with Clinical Lab
    • SEU 390: Student Teacher Supervision
    • SEU 410: Science Instructional Methods for Middle and High School Level
    • EDU 120: Hip-Hop and Multicultural Education
    • EDU 500: Methods of Research in Education
    • EDU 532: Education Exploration
    • EDU 597: Change in Education