Honoring ED.D. Degree Recipients with a Student Celebration
To honor the achievements of the Education Doctorate degree recipients, the College of Education welcomed the Third Cohort and guests, along with committee members, at a celebration on Monday, May 2, 2022. Doctoral hooding took place at the Kutztown University Graduate Commencement Ceremony Friday, May 13th.
We were pleased to have Dr. Amber Jean Marie Pabon, Associate Professor of Secondary Education at Kutztown University and doctoral faculty member, speak at our celebration.

Education Doctoral Third Cohort
Left to right standing: Mary Jo Rosania-Harvie, Tracy Driehaus, Amanda Holbrook, Michele White (faculty), Brenda Muzeta (faculty), Karen Ladley, Melanie Turrano, Kathleen Stanfa (faculty) Left to right kneeling: Jane Ammon, Karise Fink Mace, Lori Berryman, Paul Walsh