Doctoral Curriculum
3-Year Course Timeline
Year | Summer | Fall | Winter | Spring |
1st Year | EDD 710 |
EDD 701 |
EDD 704 |
EDD 725 |
2nd Year | EDD 791 EDD 711 |
EDD 751 | EDD 722 |
EDD 792 |
3rd Year | EDD 723 EDD 703 |
EDD 721 (time to focus on dissertation) | EDD 793 | EDD 795 |
The following courses have been designed to meet the competencies of the Ed.D. in Transformational Teaching and Learning.
Foundations Core (21 hours):
EDD 701: Transformational Learning and Teaching: Personal and Professional Perspectives (3 hours)
This course is an introductory seminar that introduces Learning Associates to the doctoral program and the multiple facets of transformational learning and teaching from an interdisciplinary perspective. The seminar provides a framework for the Learning Associate to further develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of teacher-leaders for 21st century educational organizations. It is designed to encourage the investigation of the Learning Associate's teaching and leadership assumptions, behaviors and goals and to begin planning to improve personal and professional effectiveness.
EDD 702: Transformational Learning Models and Instructional Design (3 hours)
This course focuses on an in-depth study of current theory and research about curriculum design and its relationship to developing and sustaining Professional Learning Communities. Through a process of discussion, reflection, reading, discovery, designing, and sharing of experiences, Learning Associates will develop a platform of beliefs about curriculum design. They will develop an authentic curriculum for their workplace and engage in the analysis of data to determine learning needs and outcomes of their clients. They will design a substantive, ongoing professional development plan for their workplace.
EDD 703: Leading and Implementing Transformation Change (3 hours)
This course examines contemporary theories, practices, and research in planning, managing, and assessing change in organizations as social systems. Particular emphasis will be placed on assessing the utility of theories based on previous and emerging research and deriving implications for professional practice.
EDD 704: Transformational Issues and Trends (3 hours)
This course will examine the existing and emerging knowledge for teaching and learning in educational organizations. It explores contemporary issues in education as the Learning Associates examine high impact learning and teaching with underachieving populations. Special emphasis is given to the impact of the interaction among organizational culture, leadership styles, and change. Learning Associates will select, design, and implement a project as well as design a strategic plan, including program evaluation strategies.
EDD 710: Introduction to Action Research, Academic Writing and the Dissertation Process (3 hours)
This course introduces Learning Associates to the process of dissertation action research including the development of their proposal that will become the focus of their research. Learning Associates will develop academic writing skills in addition to critiquing their research literature and strategies for developing research ideas. Emphasis will be placed on APA style writing.
EDD 711: Understanding Statistics (3 hours)
This course will provide Learning Associates with an understanding of how to use, apply, and interpret t-tests, correlation and regression, one-factor ANOVA, and Chi-Square. Learning Associates will analyze readings that focus on inferential statistics as well as those which focus on mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative research designs).
EDD 712: Qualitative Research (3 hours)
This course will introduce Learning Associates to qualitative research related to the development of an action research dissertation study. Topics will include research paradigms for qualitative designs, developing surveys/questionnaires, developing questions for and analyzing interviews, and interpreting qualitative research studies. Learning Associates will analyze readings that focus on qualitative research designs.
Specialization (18 hours):
EDD 720: At Risk Populations (3 hours)
This course addresses the development of more effective interventions for at-risk learners with a focus on children in poverty and children suffering social and emotional risks. Learning Associates' primary work will be developing a proposal for an intervention. LAs may select an intervention designed to improve students' academic performance, reduce children's social or emotional risks, or promote social, emotional, or moral development. The course will consider not only whether these initiatives ameliorate deficits and troubles, but whether they nurture strengths and resiliency as well; new models of resiliency will also be examined.
EDD 721: Educational Policy and Diversity (3 hours)
This course will prepare Learning Associates to understand cultural adaptability and critical race theory. Learning Associates will develop new and analyze existing curriculums and policies that focus on multiculturalism and social justice. They will explore dimensions of gender, race, and social-class equity in the workplace. Learning Associates will develop approaches to multicultural reforms by completing a site-specific proposal with a strategic action plan that will address multicultural issues in teaching and learning in their workplace.
EDD 722: Data-Driven Assessment and Decision-Making (3 hours)
This course addresses the theories, professional approaches, and understandings from various psychological perspectives as they relate to assessing, developing, leading, and teaching people and programs. Emphasis will be on best practices from the educational, social sciences, and management professions for sustaining an organization's capacity for continuous growth.
EDD 723: Qualitative Data Analysis (3 hours)
This course will introduce students to techniques, tools, and frameworks for qualitative data analysis. The course will follow a studio format in which students will receive guidance on how to conduct qualitative data analysis as well as peer-feedback on their own qualitative data analysis efforts. Learning experiences will involve text readings, reflective writings, videos, qualitative data analysis exercises, and small group discussions. Students will learn about methods for analyzing qualitative data by hand and with the aid of software.
EDD 724: Special Topic (3 hours)
A special topic course is designed to meet the specific needs of the cohort based on current trends and opportunities.
EDD 725: Critical Theories and Professional Practice (3 hours)
This course is designed around the cohort’s identified theoretical frameworks, their educational applications, and the reflective techniques necessary to becoming critical educators. This course is organized to address ways in which to build upon Learning Associate’s professional growth as scholarly practitioners. The course is designed with two overarching goals: 1) to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and 2) to foster their journey in becoming transformational leaders in their field of expertise.
Research and Dissertation Core (21 hours):
EDD 750: Theory and Methodology in Education Settings (3 hours)
Learning Associates will develop the first stages of their action research through exploring the integration of research methods and methodology pertaining to their puzzle of practice.
EDD 751: Research Methods in Education Settings (3 hours)
In this course, Learning Associates will continue to develop their action research by applying research methods in their workplace. This seminar continues the process of using a semi-structured working group of Learning Associates to develop their research agenda.
EDD 791/792/793: Leader Scholar Communities (3 hours each)
Learning Associates will continue to develop their research with their Leader Scholar Community. The LSC will meet regularly during the second year and as needed during the summer sessions during the dissertation research process.
EDD 795: Dissertation in Practice (6 credits)
This course will require directed independent study on the action research project and is specifically for students researching and writing dissertations.
How Can I Receive More Information?
If you would like more information on the EdD program, please request information via the Office of Graduate Admissions or send an email to