Transcript Requirements

Secondary School (High School) Transcripts


  • Official transcripts will be required for admission. Official transcripts can be emailed to by an employee at your high school. Academic records/transcripts provided by an applicant are considered unofficial.
  • For students applying while still in high school, your final transcript can be brought physically to campus at the start of your first term in a sealed envelope provided by your institution. The original seal cannot be broken on any materials provided in person.
  • Be sure to submit copies of all qualifying exams taken throughout secondary school (for example: IGCSE final certificates, Class 10 Secondary School Examination Certificates for India, etc.) as these are necessary to complete your application. 

View the list of countries below to see what is required to submit:  


    If your country and/or earned credential is not listed here, you can contact for more information. 

    By Curriculum

    General Certificate of Education (GCE Curriculum)

    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education (predicted scores for third year is acceptable)
    • Requirement if High School Completed: You must complete at least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels to be considered for admission. If you sat for the same subject more than once, you must report the grades earned from each sitting.

    International Baccalaureate (IB Curriculum)

    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma Programme (DP) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained.

    By Country


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccaluria /Baccalaureate (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Dëftesë Pjekurie or Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (certificate of maturity) from a Gjimnazi (academic high school) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de l‘Enseignement Secondaire) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureat de l’Engseignement Secondaire / Bachillerato/Batxillerat indicating all courses taken & grades obtained


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificado de Habilitação Literária / Secondary School Leaving Certificate (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC

    Antigua and Barbuda

    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate (Bachiller) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Complete Secondary Education Վկայական միջնակարգ լրիվ ընդհանուր կրթության Vkayakan mijnakarg lriv yndhanur krtutyan (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs / HAVO or Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs / VWO indicating all exams taken & grades obtained 


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed:
      • Australian Capital Territory: ACT Year 12 Certificate
      • New South Wales: Higher School Certificate (HSC)
      • Northern Territory: Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)
      • Queensland: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
      • South Australia: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
      • Tasmania: Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
      • Victoria: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
      • Western Australia: Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Reifezeugnis/Matura (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Akademik genel ortaöğretim sertifikası / Certificate of General Secondary Education or  Orta təhsil haqqında Attestat / Certificate of Secondary Education (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 examinations)
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 examinations) & Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі / Atestat ab agulnai sjarednaj adukatsyi) from a gimnazia/lyceum (gymnasium/academic secondary school) indicating all subjects taken & grades obtained


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Higher Secondary Education (Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS)/Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs/Abschluβzeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat de Enseignement Secondaire (secondary education baccalaureate) & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Examination result for the Bermuda Secondary School Certificate/ BSC or General Certificate of Secondary Education/GCSE


    • Requirement if still in High School: Bhutan Certificate of Secondary Education (Grade 10 exam)
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Bhutan Certificate of Secondary Education (Grade 10 exam) & Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (Grade 12 exam)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma de Bachillerato/Bachiller & Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Svjedočanstva o završenoj srednjoj školi (Diploma of Secondary Education / Svjedocanstva o zavrsenoj srednjoj skoli)


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education 


    • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
    • Requirement if High School Completed: High School Leaving Certificate (Certificado de Conclusão de Segundo (2º) Grau / Certificado de Ensino Médio)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subject passes on the Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Diploma za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained 

      Burkina Faso

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Diplome de Bachelier de ľEnseignement du Second Degre (secondary education baccalaureate) OR Baccalauréat Technique & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diplôme d’Etat, Diplôme d’Humanités Générales & Attestation & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Baccalaureate/Baccalaureat


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire (Baccalaureate) OR Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed:
        • British Columbia: Secondary School Graduation Diploma 
        • Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma 
        • Québec: Secondary Leaving Certificate and one to two years of CEGEP  Other Provinces: High School Diploma 

      Cape Verde

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificado de Habilitaçoes Literarias (including all coursework & grades obtained)

      Cayman Islands

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC

      Central African Republic

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat, Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement de Second Degre (secondary education baccalaureate) & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat (baccalaureate of secondary education) & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma of Middle Education (Licencia de Educación Media) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Senior High School Graduation Certificate (毕业证书 (高中))


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Diploma (Bachiller)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement du Second Degré (Baccalaureate of Second Level Education)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat or Diplôme d’État d’Études Secondaires du Cycle Long (State Diploma of Long-Cycle Secondary Education) & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained

      Costa Rica

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Bachiller en Educación Media, Técnico Medio, Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación Diversificada & Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones

      Côte d'Ivoire

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Brevet de Technicien (Certificate of Technician) OR Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Ispitu (certificate of final examination). Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Srednjem Obrazovanju (certificate of completion of secondary education). Maturalna Svjedodzba or Matura (maturity certificate).


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Ispitu (certificate of final examination). Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Srednjem Obrazovanju (certificate of completion of secondary education). Maturalna Svjedodzba or Matura (maturity certificate).


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Higher General Secondary Education Diploma) OR Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (University Preparatory Education Diploma)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolyterion)

      Czech Republic

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Maturity Certificate (Maturitní vysvědčení)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Studentereksamensbevis, Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk Eksamen, Højere H&elseksamen, Svendebrev, Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC

      Dominican Republic 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Secondary Education Certificate (Thanawiyya al-A’aamaI) Advanced Level Certificate of Nile International Secondary Education (CNISE)

      El Salvador

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)

      Equatorial Guinea

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination / Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus (upper secondary school leaving certificate) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained

      Eswatini (Swaziland)

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: At least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic GCE A-Level exams to be considered for admission.


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination (Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination) & transcripts including all 4 years of coursework & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Fiji School Leaving Certificate, Fiji Seventh Form Examination


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Upper Secondary School Completion Certificate (Lukion päättötodistus / Avgångsbetyg) Matriculation Examination Certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studentexamensbetyg)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Second Degré/ Baccalauréat Général or French Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat général)

      French Guiana

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

      French Polynesia

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained

      Gambia (The)

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Scratch card must also be provided to verify results


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Sashualo Skolis Atestati (Secondary School Leaving Certificate indicating all exams taken & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of General Maturity for Higher Education (Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife) or Abitur


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Scratch card must also be provided to verify results


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary School Certificate (Apolytirio Lykeiou)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat Deuxieme Partie & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificado de Conclusao do Ensino Secundrio / Certificate of Conclusion of Secondary Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat Deuxième Partie, Baccalauréat Première Partie & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)

      Hong Kong

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: HKDSE - O levels in at least 5 core academic subjects
        • HK A-Levels in at least 3 subjects
        • HKCEE and Lower Form VI transcript 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) including all coursework & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary School Certificate (Stúdentspróf)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Secondary School Certificate (SSC)/School Leaving Certificate (SLC) or All India Secondary School Certificate or Pass Certificate Result of Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (Grade 10 examinations)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Higher School Certificate / Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) / Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or Intermediate Certificate Examination or All India and Delhi Senior School Certificate or Pass Certificate Result of Indian School Certificate Examination; (Grade 10 & 12 examinations) 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary School Diploma (Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas)

      International Schools

      • Requirement if still in High School:Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The international school must be accredited by your country’s Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Education of the country upon which your educational system is based, or have U.S. regional accreditation. You also must earn a certificate of completion that will allow you to enter a university in the country upon which your educational system is based. For example, if your international school follows a U.S. curriculum, your school must have U.S. regional accreditation and you must graduate with a U.S. high school diploma.

      International Schools

      • Requirement if still in High School:Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The international school must be accredited by your country’s Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Education of the country upon which your educational system is based, or have U.S. regional accreditation. You also must earn a certificate of completion that will allow you to enter a university in the country upon which your educational system is based. For example, if your international school follows a U.S. curriculum, your school must have U.S. regional accreditation and you must graduate with a U.S. high school diploma.


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Pre-University Certificate, Metevaseth/National High School Diploma & Academic Transcripts issued by the institution attended


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate Examination Certificate issued in English by the Ministry of Education - Adadiyah (Sixth Form Baccalaureate)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Leaving (Senior) Certificate (Ardteistiméireacht)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Matriculation Certificate (Te’udat Bagrut (תעודת בגרות))


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma of Maturity (Diploma di Maturita)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (高等学校卒業証明書))


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Secondary Education Certificate 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Secondary Education (Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (аттестат о среднем образовании))


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subjects on the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (KCSE)

      Korea, Republic of 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Senior High School Diploma (인 문계 고등학교 졸업장)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diplomë për Kryerjen E Shkollës së Mesmet të Pergjithshme-Gjimnazit OR Diplomë për Kryerjen e Shkollës së Mesme të Lartë-Gjimnazit


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A'ama (General Secondary Education Certificate) issued by the Ministry of Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary Achievement Examination Diploma (Baccalaureate) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Atestats par Visparejo Videjo Izglitibu (certificate of general secondary education) & results extract annex


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Lebanese Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat Libanais)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subject passes on the GCE or GCSE


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed:West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Scratch card must also be provided to verify results


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed:Examination results for the General Secondary School Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Maturitazeugnis Berufsmaturitätszeugnis indictating all exams taken & grades obtained 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Brandos atestatas (Maturity Certificate) indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes secondaires & Academic Transcripts issued in French by the institution attended


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level / Hong Kong Certificate of Education / Senior Secondary Certificate & Academic Transcripts 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the Malawi School Certificate of Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Malaysian Higher School Certificate (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), formerly known as the Higher School Certificate (HSC)) 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 Exam)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 Exam) & Higher Secondary School Certificate (Grade 12 Exam)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 Exam)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10 Exam) & Higher Secondary School Certificate (Grade 12 Exam)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subjects on the Matriculation Certificate (MC) or GCE


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Bachelier & Relevé de notes (Academic Transcripts) showing all subjects taken & the grades obtained on the national examination


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subjects on the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate or GCE, General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, Higher School Certificate


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate Certificate (Certificado de Bachillerato)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma de Baccalauréat (secondary school diploma) from a lyceum indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma de Baccalauréat (secondary school diploma) from a lyceum indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Gerchilgee (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) & all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Matura Examination Certificate (Matura Examination Certificate) & all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five academic subject passes on the General Certificate of Education GCE/GCSE/IGCSE or Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate/CSEC & Academic Transcripts for all years attended


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificado de Habilitações & Academic Transcripts issued by the institution attended

      Myanmar (Burma)

      • Minimum consideration requirement:Basic Education Standard X Examination - Matriculation (Grade 10 & 1 year of undergraduate level study
      • Requirement for High School Completion Equivalent: Basic Education Standard X Examination - Matriculation (Grade 10) plus two years of undergraduate study (AGTI Certificate or Diploma of Education)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Five subjects on the International General Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (IGCSE) and/or Advanced Levels


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education (10 & 11)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Board-issued certificate showing marks obtained at the higher secondary examination - Higher Secondary Education Board Certificate (HSEB) and any other 10+2 certificate awarded by the Board (Years 10 - 12)

      Netherlands (The)

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: University Preparatory Education Diploma (VWO(Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs))

      Netherlands Antilles

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: VWO [Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs] (University Preparatory Education) OR HAVO [Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs] (Senior General Secondary Education) & Final examination results for the HAVO or VWO 

      New Caledonia

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré

      New Zealand 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: National Certification of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/ Bachelier & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Scratch card must also be provided to verify results

      North Macedonia

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Свидетелство за завършено средно образование) & all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate (Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) issued in English by the Ministry of Education


      • Requirement if still in High School: Senior School Certificate / Secondary School Certificate (SSC) / School Leaving Certificate (SLC) (Grade 10 examinations)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Higher School Certificate / Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) / Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) / Intermediate Certificate Examination; and Grade 10 examinations


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Secondary Education Certificate showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)

      Papua New Guinea

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Higher School Certificate OR Technical Training Certificate showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education (Certificado de educación secundaria común completa)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: High School Diploma & Academic Transcripts issued by the institution attended


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Swiadectwo Dojrzalo´sci, świadectwo ukończenia indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma de Ensino Secundário, Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secundários, Certidao de Decimo Segundo Ano - showing all exams taken & grades obtained

      Puerto Rico

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: High School Diploma (Diploma de Escuela Superior)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Al-Thanawiya Aama Qatari (Qatari General Secondary Education Certificate) issued in English by the Ministry of Education erior)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalauréat/ Bachelier & Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final showing all subjects taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma De Bacalaureat indicating all exams taken & grades obtained


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Complete Secondary General Education (Attestat o Srednem Polnom Obshchem Obrazovanii (Аттестат о среднем полном общем образовании))


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diplôme d’Humanités Générales or Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires, & Relevé de notes (Academic Transcripts) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate or South Pacific Examination 

      San Marino

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma di Maturità (Maturity Diploma) & academic transcripts indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 

      Saudi Arabia 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Secondary Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Marhalat Al-Thanawiyyat)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Scottish Qualifications Authority National 1-5
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Sixth Year Studies, Scottish Qualifications Authority Advanced Highers, or Scottish Qualifications Authority Highers


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Brevet de Technicien (Technician Certificate), Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate), or Diplôme de Bachelier Technicien (Diploma of Technical Baccalaureate) & academic transcripts indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Diploma of Acquired Secondary Education (Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: 2 years of GCE A-Level Study (Students with 1 year of A-Level study – completion of AS Levels only – may also be considered for admission)

      Sierra Leone

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior Secondary School Leaving Certificate - Scratch card must also be provided to verify results


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Completion of either the Integrated Programme or at least 5 Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level exams at the H2 level to be considered for admission.


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (Vocational Certificate of Maturity Examination) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Maturitetno spričevalo (Maturity Examination Certificate) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 

      South Africa

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: National Senior Certificate (NSC)

      South Korea

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Senior High School Diploma (인 문계 고등학교 졸업장)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate (Título de Bachillerato)

      Sri Lanka

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: At least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic GCE A-Level exams to be considered for admission. 

      St. Lucia

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)

      St. Vincent and The Grenadines

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Sudan Secondary School Certificate indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 

      Swaziland (Eswatini)

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: At least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic GCE A-Level exams to be considered for admission.


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School (Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Matura (Certificat de Maturité/Maturität/Attestato di Maturità)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate (Al-Shahâda Al Thânawiyya-Al'Amma), General Secondary School Leaving Certificate indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 

      Taiwan, R.O.C. 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Senior High School Diploma (高中文凭)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Аттестат о среднем полном общем образовании) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Secondary Education (Mathayom Suksa 6 (M6))

      Trinidad and Tobago 

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Official General Certificate of Education (GCE) and CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: General Secondary School Diploma (Lise Diploması)

      United Kingdom

      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education (predicted scores for third year is acceptable)
      • Requirement if High School Completed: You must complete at least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/GCE O-Levels, and at least 3 academic GCE A-Level exams to be considered for admission. If you sat for the same subject more than once, you must report the grades earned from each sitting.


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: The Bachillerato (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma) indicating all subjects taken & exam results issued by the institution attended 


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 3 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Baccalaureate (Título de Bachiller) (including all coursework & grades obtained)


      • Requirement if still in High School: Most recent 2 years of consecutive education
      • Requirement if High School Completed: Senior High School Certificate (Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông) (including all coursework & grades obtained)

    Post-secondary school (college) transcripts


    Undergraduate Admissions: 

    • Official transcripts will be required for admission. Official transcripts can be emailed to by the post-secondary institution. Academic records/transcripts provided by an applicant are considered unofficial.
    • Complete a course-by-course transcript evaluation of all international post-secondary school (college) transcripts by a NACES recognized company. 
      • For undergraduate students, this can be completed after admission/
      • This is required to transfer your credit.
      • Applicants must pay for their own evaluations.
      • Completed evaluations will be sent to Kutztown University directly by the evaluation company.

      Graduate Admissions:

      • For U.S. Transcripts/Degrees: Official transcripts can be emailed to by the post-secondary institution. Academic records/transcripts provided by an applicant are considered unofficial and will not be accepted.
      • For International Transcripts/Degrees: Complete course-by-course transcript evaluations of all international post-secondary school (college) transcripts by a NACES recognized company.
        • For graduate students, this is required before an application is reviewed. 
        • Applicants must pay for their own evaluations.
        • Completed evaluations will be sent to Kutztown University directly by the evaluation company.

      View the list below to see a list of transcript evaluation companies: