Golden Bears Wi-Fi: Windows

golden bears wi-fi: Instructions for Windows

1. Connect your wireless device to an open network like ResNet WiFi or BearNet.

2. Open a browser and go to Click JoinNow.

Notification about accessing KU wifi on the selected device, with the Kutztown logo on top of the page and the Windows 10 logo on the bottom, above a button with the word "join"

3. A small executable file (EXE) containing the security certificate profile installer will be downloaded to your PC.

Notification with the Kutztown logo that says "Downloading application. Your system will download the EXE. When finished go to your downloaded items and run the application."

4. Open the downloaded EXE (WiFi_Kutztown_University_Wrapper.exe).

Kutztown University wifi extension in files

5. Enter your KU username and password and click Next. (Note: Be sure to enter your KU username and NOT your entire KU email address.)

Secure w2 login page with the words "please enter your credentials"

6. Upon completion, your PC should switch automatically to Golden Bears. Click Done.

Secure w2 confirmed installation page, with a button that says "done" in the bottom right corner