Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Research and teaching involving live vertebrate animals conducted under the auspices of KU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) are reviewed and overseen by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC ensures that vertebrate research and teaching activities are conducted humanely and according to ethical standards. An ethical review and monitoring of the use of vertebrate animals in teaching and research is required by Federal Law under the Animal Welfare Act (USDA 2011) and the policies of the Public Health Service (OLAW 2002). Many scientific journals and granting agencies, such as PASSHE, NIH, and NSF, also require IACUC approval before research articles can be published or grant proposals will be reviewed.
The IACUC is responsible for the oversight and evaluation of the CLAS animal care and use program and facilities. The IACUC has established policies and procedures to provide a compliant environment for teaching and research that involves vertebrate animal subjects. The operating procedures allow Kutztown University's IACUC to meet federal requirements for the review and monitoring of vertebrate research, training of personnel, and reporting of activities.
Required Training:
Training in the ethical use of animals in research and occupational training are required for all individuals listed on an Animal Use Protocol. Please contact the IACUC Chair, for information on the required training and how to complete it.
Additional Information and Procedures:
For further information and to access the operating policy and forms, please contact the IACUC Chair to be added to the IACUC D2L page where these files may be accessed.