Arts & Humanities Fund

The goal of this committee is to fund projects that go above and beyond the requirements of classwork. A particular course or a specific assignment can inspire you to pursue a given subject in greater depth, but the impetus for the funded research must be your own intellectual curiosity outside of class - this work is a labor of love.

The most common kind of funding for students in the Arts and Humanities is travel assistance in order to present a paper at an academic conference. Funding to travel to a particular site to perform research, such as archival research in a particular library, is also available. We also fund supplies for experimental art techniques not covered in KU art classes. In addition, funding for other kinds of projects may be available as long as they are not specifically excluded below; please consult a member of the committee in order to determine whether your idea is eligible for funding.


Any student who is currently enrolled as a full-time Kutztown University undergraduate student may apply for funds. The student must maintain this eligibility throughout the duration of the work, from the time the proposal is submitted until the time the project is completed.

We fund three types of proposals:

  • travel to present completed research at professional conferences
  • travel to perform research at distant locations
  • cost of materials for research

We do not fund proposals for:

  • work required for a particular class, even for a capstone project
  • tuition or other funding to attend classes, seminars, or workshops, here or elsewhere
  • travel to conferences for which abstracts have not been accepted by the conference organization
  • wages for student workers or researchers
  • travel, wages, or any other expenses for faculty, graduate students, or part-time students
  • honoraria or gifts for participants in studies
  • travel to local study sites
  • software and/or hardware already available at Kutztown University
  • chemicals or other materials already available at Kutztown University or materials used in classes or labs at Kutztown University
  • travel to present research done solely with outside institutions (i.e., the URC facilitates research performed at and initiated by Kutztown University)
  • research where the only beneficiary is you (i.e., your results must be disseminated)

Instructions for Applying to the  Arts and Humanities Subcommittee:

  1. Complete the proposal using the template provided.
  2. Sign the signature page and have your faculty advisor sign.
  3. Email the cover sheet and the proposal to .
  4. Bring the original signed cover sheet to Dr. Eric johnson at Old Main 393 or email a scanned copy of the signed and completed proposal to.

Proposal Deadlines and Meeting Dates:

The committee meets monthly as proposals warrant. In order to be considered for the current month’s meeting, your proposal must be completed and emailed to , by 3 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month. For additional questions or concerns, email Dr. Eric Johnson.

Members, Arts and Humanities Subcommittee:

Eric Johnson, History Dept. (chair)
Hannah Carr, Music Dept.
Emily Cripe, Communication Studies Dept.
Jennifer Forsyth, English Dept.
Elizabeth Schneider, Art & Design Dept.