SGB: Student Government Board
The Student Government Board (SGB) is the governance body for students. It names students to various Governance Committees and makes decisions about student organizations and funding. Undergraduate and graduate students serve as voting members on the University Senate, the Administrative Council, and on 30 of the 33 Governance Committees.
Students have many opportunities to participate in the University Governance process and to provide input into the institution's decision-making process. Within the current governance structure, students are represented on the University Senate and Administrative Council. Undergraduate students are active on those governance bodies, serving on 30 of the 33 governance committees under the University Senate. Students also serve on a variety of staff or functional unit advisory committees. Graduate students are also provided an opportunity to serve on governance committees that affect graduate programs or other issues related to graduate students.
Students are actively engaged in leadership and governance through the Student Government Board, consisting of a maximum of 33 student representatives. The University Senate Committee on Committees consults with the Student Government Board on student selection and placement on Senate Committees. The current practice is to assign committee placement to members of the Student Government Board.
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