Journal of Dracula Studies

Kutztown University’s English Department publishes the Journal of Dracula Studies, edited by Dr. Curt Herr and Dr. Anne DeLong. This peer-reviewed academic journal is published yearly and features scholarly articles from around the world on Bram Stoker, Dracula, and depictions of vampires in folklore, fiction, film, and popular culture.
Transylvanian Society of Dracula
What is the TSD?
The Transylvanian Society of Dracula (TSD) was formed in Romania in 1991, following the fall of Communism. It is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to the study of both Count Dracula of fiction and Vlad (Tepes) Dracula of history. There are chapters of the TSD throughout Romania and the rest of Europe.
The TSD in Romania hosts an annual Symposium and World Dracula Congresses. Its official travel agency – Company of Mysterious Journeys – offers Dracula tours in Romania. TSD members come from all walks of life: scholars, writers, artists, film buffs, tourism officials, students, computer programmers, home-makers, librarians, etc., all united by a common interest in the myth and the history of Dracula. The TSD President is Dr. Anne DeLong, Professor of English at Kutztown University.
TSD applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
Note: The TSD does not direct its programs at practicing vampires or aspiring vampires.
As a member of the Transylvanian Society of Dracula, you will receive a subscription to our annual scholarly publication, the Journal of Dracula Studies.
Becoming a member means....
You support academic studies in the Vampire mythos in all of its forms.
You're keeping Dracula's candle burning brightly! Keeping the Journal in print means more academic attention to Bram Stoker and all the other writers engaged in adding to the literary vampire.
Your support creates opportunities for scholars to publish their work in a professional, peer reviewed journal.
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Make checks payable to the Kutztown University Foundation. Indicate the Journal of Dracula Studies in the memo of the check. Mail payments to:
Kutztown University Foundation
Transylvania Society of Dracula
P.O. Box 151
Kutztown, PA 19530
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