Essence Literary Magazine

Essence literary magazine cover

Essence is Kutztown University’s fine arts and literary magazine. Striving to bring together visual arts and literature, Essence offers KU artists and writers the opportunity to have their work featured in an annual publication. The magazine is always accepting new members, and students from all majors are welcome to join and/or submit their work for publication.

Call for Submissions

Essence accepts all genres of poetry and short-form creative prose—both fiction and non-fiction. Writers may submit up to five pieces, but no more than three will be accepted. Each piece may not exceed 1,000 words. Essence also publishes photography and visual art in all mediums.

Please follow the submission guidelines carefully. Literary and art submission guidelines and deadlines can be found on our website. Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent via email. Essence magazine is published in April with a launch party coinciding.

Essence meets Thursdays in Lytle 259 at 11 a.m. and organizes poetry readings throughout the semester.

More information can be found on Essence‘s website and Facebook. If you would like to join Essence or have further questions, email

Essence’s Literary Advisor is Dr. Brandon Krieg

Essence’s Art/Design Advisor Professor Kate Clair