Student Resources

Student filling out a communication studies major checksheet

Department Resources

Who do I talk to about what at the office? Where do I find important forms for COM and SMS majors and minors?

Explore our Department Office in 360.

Download your Internship Forms here:

Learn more about the Internship Process

Multi-colored checksheets fanned out on a table with the text "steps to success"

When should I take what course during my program? Is there a recommended course sequence?

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  • How do I change my major to Communication Studies?

    Fill out the blue form and turn into the Office Manager. Please note: This is not an instantaneous process. We must get the form signed by the Chair, then it moves on to the Dean’s office for signature, then it gets sent to the Registrar, then finally it waits there with change forms from ALL of the departments on campus. Please allow plenty of time for the change to be reflected in your records.

  • I am already a COM major, how do I change my Advisor?

    In order to change your advisor, you need to set up an appointment with the Chair of the department. Please see the office manager to make the appointment or send an email to the Chair.

  • How do I drop COM as my major or and change to a different major?

    You must visit the department of the major that you want to add.

  • Who is my advisor?

    Your advisor is listed under the academics tab on MYKU. If you have just switched majors, you will need to be patient until the paperwork is all the way through the system for your advisor to show in MYKU.

  • Am I required to meet with my advisor before registering for classes?

    Yes. You must meet with your advisor so the advising hold can be removed from your account. Meeting with your advisor is also a good idea to be certain you are choosing the right classes and staying on track to graduate.

  • How do I apply for an internship?

    Internship paperwork is on the forms rack in the COM Studies Office or download your internship forms from our website. The bright blue sheet on the front of the form has step by step instructions. Please read them carefully and follow the directions. Be sure to secure an internship advisor. You do this by asking one of the COM faculty members to advise your internship. This person does not need to be your faculty advisor, but you can ask your advisor. Paperwork is also not complete without a job description from the internship on their letterhead. Until all paperwork is complete, please do not bring the paperwork in to the office to turn in incomplete paperwork.

  • Are advisors/faculty, the Chair, and the office manager available when their doors are shut?

    Generally, the answer is no. Please do not knock on closed office doors as important meetings may be taking place. If the door is closed because it is cold in the office, or short-term privacy was needed, there will be a note on the door telling you that you may knock. Please be respectful of the personal time of both faculty and staff.

  • Are emails answered immediately?

    No. Faculty members teach classes, grade assignments and tests, do research work, work on publications, and also have personal downtime off of work just like every other job. If you email, please respect that it may take up to 24 hours (or much more time during winter break spring break and over the summer) for a response and do not continue to send multiple emails. All of our mailboxes are very full most of the time, so multiple emails will only slow down processing time.

  • I am lost in the building and I do not know where my classroom is located. Can someone help?

    Absolutely! Come to Rickenbach 214 and we will help you right away!

  • Where can I find a grid sheet for a COM/SMS major or minor?

    You may stop by the office for grid sheets, or you can download them from our website under Student Resources.

  • How can I find a professor outside of the classroom?

    Professors are posted on this website with their office number, phone number, and email. Please see their office door for their office hours and visit during regular office hours or send an email. Keep in mind when emailing: Give them ample time to answer. As explained above, professors do much more than simply teach the class you are taking.

  • I need to print a paper for class, is there somewhere that I can do that?

    Yes! We have a complimentary computer and printer in the COM HUB (Rickenbach LC 224). Please limit your time spent on the computer as others may be waiting to use the computer/printer. Also, please note, at times, the ink will run out and need to be replaced. As much as we try to keep all ink in stock, there are many printers in use throughout the building, so the printer may possibly be down for a few days. Remember that this is a courtesy to you and not a requirement from us, so be patient and respectful when problems arise. If the office manager is in (or a student worker) we are all happy to personally help you as much as we can.

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University Resources

Tutoring Services At Kutztown University, tutoring is designed to provide students individualized attention to help them succeed in their courses. Our office provides tutors who connect with students at their level and help guide them towards academic success.
Academic Calendar When do classes start? When does the add/drop period end? When does finals week start?
Gen Ed Competencies List
What courses count as what in the new General Education program? Here you find lists of General Education Courses.
Career Development Center The Career Development Center serves undergraduate and graduate students from across all academic disciplines, as well as alumni, by helping them define their career goals.
Financial Aid Office The Financial Aid Office helps you with questions regarding tuition and fees.
Disability Services Office The DSO provides information regarding accommodations for individuals with disabilities who are members of the university community (students and employees) and who utilize the university facilities (guests and visitors).
Mental Health Resources The Mental Health Resources provides information, counseling, and psychological services for students that are affected by mental health issues.
Study Abroad
Study COM 315 in Germany in 2021 (Download Flyer)
KU is a member of the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS) and affiliated with International Studies Abroad (ISA) to offer study abroad programs in more than 30 countries.
Information Technology IT helps you with questions regarding D2L, MyKU, Campus WiFi, etc.
Multicultural Center The Multicultural Center offers events and services to promote the exploration of culture, inclusion, and leadership.
KU Women's Center The Kutztown University Women's Center strives to create a campus culture that supports gender equity and inclusion and fosters an environment that is safe, supportive, and empowering for all community members.
KU LGBTQ+ Center The LGBTQ+ Resource Center is a safe space for all members of the Kutztown community. As such, we strive to combat bullying, gossip, and victim-blaming by fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and mutual respect, with a special concern for the well-being of transgender, lesbian, bisexual, gay, intersex, questioning, and other non-cis/straight students.

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Additional Resources

Media Research Social Justice Undergraduate Conference The Media Research Social Justice (MRSJ) Conference, Muhlenberg College, provides undergraduate students with an engaging forum for sharing innovative, critical research addressing social justice issues in media, communication and film studies
National Undergraduate Honors Conference for Communication and Theatre DePauw National Undergraduate Honors Conference for Communication and Theatre brings undergraduate and scholars together to network and share exemplary research. 
Communication Journals The National Communication Association (NCA) compiled a list of important journals in the field.