International Travel


In most cases, the procedures to be followed when traveling internationally are the same ones that are used domestically. Please refer to the other sections of this manual for an overview of domestic travel procedures. This section discusses some of the peculiarities of international travel such as exchanging currency and obtaining receipts in a foreign country, and travel to countries on the U.S. Department of State's travel warning. 


All international travel must be approved in advance by the Provost Office.

Exchanging Currency

When exchanging currency the bank will give you a statement disclosing the exchange rate as well as any currency exchange fees that the bank will impose. Save these statements! They will be needed when claiming reimbursements for expenses made in the foreign currency.


In certain foreign countries it is difficult or impossible to use your university corporate card or other major credit card for purchases. Because of this, travel advances are offered on a limited basis for certain destinations. Listed below are the policies associated with these advances:

  • Personal Responsibility

You are personally responsible for any funds advanced to you. If you are unable to provide an accounting or adequate receipts for any of the advanced funds, you must repay that amount to the university.

  • Travel Advance Request

Complete a Travel Advance Request form and forward it along with an approved Direct Pay form to the university comptroller. Upon approval of this form, a check will be disbursed to you up to one week prior to the date of the travel.

  • Expense Log

You must maintain a log or other appropriate means of documenting your daily expenditures from the advance. You are responsible for staying within the per diem limits for subsistence expenses (see exhibit C to the university's travel expense regulations).

  • Timelines

As indicated previously, advances will be issued up to one week prior to the date of travel. Upon return from your trip, you must submit an accounting of your advance, along with the related receipts within two weeks.


Be certain to maintain a daily itinerary of your travel. Record the dates and locations of areas that you visit. Submit a copy of this itinerary with your travel expense form upon completion of the travel assignment.

Subsistence Rates for travel outside the Continental United States

Certain travel locations outside the continental United States have high subsistence rates. Please refer to this page for a complete listing.


You must obtain a receipt for all individual expenses of $35 or more (US dollars). We recommend taking along a receipt book with you since it is difficult to secure receipts in certain foreign countries. Enter the description of the purchase on one of the receipts in the book, with the related amount and have the individual from which you are making the purchase sign the receipt. If you obtain a receipt from a vendor and the receipt is written in foreign script, please provide a brief translation on the receipt before submitting it to Accounts Payable. 

Travel to Countries on the U.S. Department of State's Travel Warning List. 

You must go to the U.S Department of State's travel warning list at to check if the country you plan to visit is on the list. If the country is on the list, you must review and complete the Statement of Responsibility Waiver, Release and Indemnification Agreement form prior to travel. The form must be attached to your Travel Expense Form when it is being submitted for signatures.

Letter to KU Employees who plan to travel internationally (see file)