Mileage and Reimbursement Rates
Car Mileage
The current mileage rate is listed on the GSA mileage page. The actual mileage will be calculated from the University to the travel site, or the distance from the employee's residence to the travel site, whichever is the shorter distance. Any employee traveling as a passenger in a personal automobile is not entitled to mileage reimbursement.
Gasoline purchases, car repairs (even if the result of an accident), and insurance costs may not be claimed when driving a personal vehicle.
If your destination exceeds 400 miles (one-way), you may claim a maximum amount as follows:
- 800 miles (total of the round trip)
- Or provide the cost of a round-trip coach airline ticket to the destination
How to Calculate Exact Mileage
Per diem rates
The current per diem rates are listed on the GSA per-diem website page. The amount that you are eligible to be reimbursed for meals varies according to the length of your travel, destination and what bargaining unit you are in.