Commercial Credit Card Program
The University purchasing card is designated to improve efficiency in processing small, no-bid purchases of supplies or services that do not exceed $5,000. P-card usage is for official university purchases only that fall within budget availability and in accordance with the PASSHE Expenditure of Public Funds Guidelines, Standards, and Limits and the Purchasing Card Guiding Principles. If you have any questions or concerns about whether or not the purchasing card can be used, please contact Amanda Vasko at or 610-683-4744. If you are having issues using your p-card or are locked out of your account, contact Mary Vink at or 717-720-4270.
Allowable P-card Expenditures - summary of allowable and unallowable expenses.
Purchasing Card Enrollment Form - used to request a new university purchasing card. After the necessary approvals have been acquired the p-card administration will process the request and notify the individual cardholder when their account has been created.
Purchasing Card Change Request - used to request an update or change to a university purchasing card.
Works access - link to Bank of America Works. Note: this is where you go to reconcile p-card expenses.
Works training guide - a guide on reconciling p-card expenses.
Global Card access guide - a guide on how to access the p-card statement. Note: you can not reconcile your p-card expenses by logging into Global Card Access.