Requesting Student Academic Accommodations
The Disability Services Office (DSO) is committed to providing accommodations to individuals with disabilities to ensure equal access to university programs, services, and facilities. The DSO engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on a case-by-case basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the Disability Services Office at 610-683-4108 or with any questions or concerns about this process.
To start the process for requesting accommodations at KU, you must have:
- Been accepted as a student at KU
- Paid the Advanced Registration Deposit (ARD) to commit to attending KU
- Have set up your KU email account
Please note: all communication about accommodations will be through KU email
Keep the following in mind:
- Accommodations may be approved for present and future needs, but they may not be approved/applied retroactively.
- DSO may need to ask you to provide additional information if the submitted documentation is incomplete or does not support your accommodation request.
- You are encouraged to keep a copy of the documentation that you submit to DSO for your personal records.
- Documentation and disability files are destroyed six years after a student leaves the University. DSO will keep records for seven years and will shred paper files/destroy the electronic file after that time.
- KU DSO documentation requirements may differ from other educational institutions and may not be accepted by testing agencies, licensure exams, and certification programs. When seeking accommodations from outside organizations, such as Pearson VUE, please check with the specific program to determine their documentation guidelines.
Process for Requesting Accommodations
- Disclose your Disability
Complete and submit the online Accommodations Request Form (see link below). Supporting documentation can be submitted simultaneously as part of the request form. - Submit Documentation of your Disability
Submit documentation of your disability to verify your eligibility for accommodations under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Review the documentation guidelines below. Familiarity and adherence to these guidelines will help to prevent unnecessary delays in the accommodation process. Documentation can be submitted on Accommodate once you have submitted your Request Form; or uploaded via the link below. - Schedule an Accommodation Plan Meeting
Once your documents are received and accepted by the DSO, you will be notified to schedule an accommodation plan meeting. Please follow the instructions in the email to schedule virtually with a staff member via your Accommodate site, or by calling the office during our business hours. Through an interactive process, an individualized accommodation plan will be developed.
Please Note: If you are requesting housing and/or dining accommodations only, an accommodation plan meeting with the DSO is not necessary. However, you will still need to submit the appropriate documentation.
Documentation Guidelines
The following guidelines are provided to assist individuals with disabilities, family members, physicians, or other medical professionals in identifying the type of information and documentation needed to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations for the college setting.
Please Note: All documentation must be typewritten on letterhead, dated, and signed by an evaluator who has the training and appropriate licensure to conduct evaluations and render diagnoses. The documentation must be recent and include the name, title, professional credentials, and contact information of the evaluator.
If you are disclosing more than one disability and/or diagnosis, please follow specific guidelines and submit appropriate documentation for each disability and/or diagnosis being disclosed.
- ADHD and ADD
- Asthma and/or Allergies
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Learning Disabilities
- Psychological Disorders
- Health, Medical or Mobility Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury/Head Injury
- Visual Impairment