Performance Management
The Employee Performance Evaluation (EPE) is a management tool that can be used to empower/motivate employees through developing, communicating and measuring their individual role in meeting organizational goals.
There are three types of Employee Performance Evaluations
- Probationary - Each new hire is considered probationary for a set period of months, typically 6 -12 months based on employee group.
- Interim - At any time during the employee performance evaluation cycle, a supervisor can request an interim review with the employee.
- Annual - Each employee receives an annual review by their supervisor to help develop their skills and measure their progress towards meeting their objectives
Helpful Information on Employee Performance Evaluations
What is the Employee Performance Evaluation process?
The Employee Performance Rating process consists of three phases
1. Set Performance Standards and/or Goals and Update Job Description:
At the start of the cycle, the manager/supervisor should:
- Review and update the employee's job description, if needed
- Update/develop/discuss standards and expectations with employee
- Work with employee to set and/or discuss performance goals and training expectations
- Indicate the period for which the employee's performance is being reviewed
The employee is responsible for:
- Working with supervisor to set and/or understand performance goals and training expectations
Performing duties, meeting standards, and achieving goals and training expectations if applicable
2. Conduct Progress Reviews - an interim checkpoint
- As a best practice, approximately 6 months after the initiation of the performance evaluation cycle, the manager/supervisor and the employee should meet to discuss performance to date. This meeting should be documented.
3. Conduct Annual Evaluation and assign Performance Rating
- At the end of the performance cycle, the supervisor/manager will begin the process of the annual evaluation. The supervisor/manager will:
- Gather the relevant facts regarding the employee's performance throughout the evaluation cycle
- Complete the employee performance evaluation
- Assign ratings for the current performance cycle
- Identify the employee's training needs
The supervisor/manager will discuss the completed evaluation first with the reviewing officer and then with the employee. The supervisor/manager as well as the employee then signs the evaluation and a copy is given to the employee.
What is the role of the Reviewing Officer?
Once completed by the supervisor/manager, the employee performance evaluation is reviewed by the reviewing officer. The role of the reviewing officer is as follows:
- Discuss standards/performance with the supervisor before and during rating cycle
- Hold supervisor accountable for successfully performing management duties
- Ensure the consistent application of standards
- Discuss/investigate employee appeals
What is the role of the Supervisor/Manager?
In order to successfully deliver an Employee Performance Evaluation, supervisors/managers should do the following:
- Acquire knowledge of employee job and performance
- Develop/discuss expectations with the employee
- Provide timely and meaningful feedback/recognition
- Identify training needs
- Coordinate the performance evaluation process with reviewing officer
- Prepare and discuss the performance evaluation and rating with the employee
What is the role of the Employee?
The employee is responsible for their performance. During the employee performance evaluation process, the employee should:
- Make progress towards and achieve performance standards and/or goals
- Communicate development needs to supervisor/manager
- Communicate successes and achievement to supervisor/manager
- Identify areas for development and work with supervisor/manager to develop and improve competence
What are rating scales?
The use of rating scales provides for an evaluation framework which is highly structured and standardized across an entire organization. The scales used in performance ratings are based on bargaining unit:
- AFSCME/OPEIU SPFPA Rating Scale and Instructions
- SCUPA Evaluation Rating Scale
- Management Evaluation Rating Scale
- Coaches Rating Scale
What are the Employee Performance Evaluations ratings used for?
Employee Performance Evaluation ratings are used to:
- Gather employee feedback
- Provide data to support performance improvement
- Empower/motivate employees
- Develop our greatest asset - our people!
Can I appeal my rating?
Employees can appeal their Performance Ratings by contacting the Reviewing Officer.
Who is accountable for the Employee Performance Evaluation process?
- Employees are responsible for performing the duties in the job description and achieving established standards and/or goals
- Supervisors/managers, and reviewing officers are responsible for conducting the employee performance evaluation process
- Human Resources is responsible for providing technical assistance, training, and monitoring of the employee performance evaluation process