Transportation Services provides students the opportunity to request temporary Special Parking when they have a documented medical need and the assignment of parking can improve their welfare. The issuance of a Special Parking Permit is an optional service that KU provides to its community members under a limited number of conditions. The applicant must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- has a short-term, qualifying mobility issue but does not qualify for a state-issued handicapped license plate or placard.
- has a short-term, qualifying mobility issue, but, due to the short length of time of their mobility issue, it would not be feasible to apply for state handicapped parking status.
- has a long-term, qualifying mobility issue, has applied for a state-issued handicapped license plate or placard, and is awaiting a response from the state.
Special Parking Permits (displayed on vehicle rearview mirror) allow for parking as follows:
- In any KU parking space designated for “Special Parking Permit Only” AND/OR
- In any parking space on campus EXCEPT:
- Handicapped parking spaces, visitor parking spaces, or any other reserved spaces.
- Any roads, lands, or grassy areas where there is not a legal parking space.
To be considered for a Special Parking Permit, a student must click this link, login with their KU credentials, and submit the form and mandatory attachments.